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Pokhara University Service Commission

Curriculum for Assistant Administrative (Lab) Level Examination

Full Marks 75

There shall be 3 hr. written examination based on the following syllabus

A. Professional 50
1. Laboratory Safety rules & regulations 10
2. Handling of chemical, glassware, equipments and laboratory 10
3. General knowledge on chemistry 5
4. Basic concept of qualitative and quantitative analysis 10
5. General concept on 10
Pharmaceutical chemistry
6. Pollution (basic concept) 5

B. General 25
1.Communication skill 5
Letter writing, Essay writing
2. General knowledge on Pokhara University 5
3. General knowledge on Higher education system in Nepal 5
4. Pharmaceutical Education in Nepal 5
5. General principles of Administration 5
Pokhara University Service Commission
Curriculum for Head Assistant (Lab) Level Examination
Full Marks 75

There shall be 3 hr. written examination based on the following syllabus

A. Professional 50

1. Laboratory Safety rules & regulations 15

2. Handling of chemical, glassware, equipments and laboratory 15
3. Elements knowledge on chemistry 15
4. Basic concept of qualitative and quantitative analysis 5

B. General 25

5. Communication skill 10
Letter writing, Essay writing
2. General knowledge on Pokhara University Act 5
3. General knowledge on Higher education system in Nepal 5
4. General principles of Administration 5
Pokhara University
Service Commission
Curriculum for Lecturer Level Examination

Full marks: 75 Pass marks: 37.5

Part: One
1 Paper: marks: 40 Time: 2.15 hr.

1. Knowledge of the related /concerned subject matter [40]

Master level courses and recent trend based, 8-8 marks two questions
and 6-6 marks four questions.

Part: Two

2nd Paper: marks: 35 Time: 1.45 hr.

2. Knowledge about related curriculum [10]

Current Bachelors, Masters and M.Phil level curriculum structure, strengths,
weaknesses and improvement related, 10 marks one question or 5-5 marks

3. Teaching and research methodology [10]

a. Teaching Methods: Knowledge of teaching skill, method of teaching,
preparation of lesson plan, work plan, action plan one question 5 marks.
b. Research Method: Proposal writing for research and seminar related,
5 mark one question.

4. Subject related problems and solutions [10]

Related subject’s academic problems and measures to address the problems,
10 mark one question.

5. Issues about higher education of Nepal [5]

Issues about higher education of Nepal and role of Pokhara University,
5 mark one question.
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. All questions will be in English and Candidates are required to answer the
questions in English.
Pokhara university Service Commission
Curriculum for Instructor Level Examination
(Computer Applications)
Full marks: 100

Part-A : Higher Education in Nepal : An Overview :- 30

1. History of Higher Education in Nepal.

2. Introduction of Multi-University concept.
3. Pokhara University and its function with special reference to
a. Pokhara university Council
b. Acadiemic council
c. Service Commission
4. University Grants Commission.

Part-B An Overview:- 70

1. Semiconductor devices: Junction diodes, Zener diodes, Transistors, MOSFETs,

Integrated Circuits.
2. Power Supplies and safety: sources of e.m.f., Rectifier circuits, Power control.
3. Measuring Instruments: MultiMates, Oscilloscopes, Signal generatiors, Frequency
4. Analogue Electronics: Amplifiers and feedback, Impedance matching, Operational
5. Digital Electronics: Logic gates, Numbering systems, Logic circuit designs, bistable
and Astable Multivibrators, Binary counters, Registers and memories, Digital
6. Computers and microprocessors: Digital computers, Computer peripherals,
Microprocessors, Computer softwares, High and low level languages.
7. Computer Software: history and significance, Systems software, Application
software, Software issues, Programming languages, Enterprise software.
8. Managing Organisational Data and Information: Databases ( modern approach),
Database Management System, Logical Data Model, Data Warehouses.
9. The Internet and Intranets.
10. Applying Information Technology for Competitive Advantage
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d'Vo ;xfos -k|zf;g_ kbsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\qmd -cfGtl/s k/LIff_
;doM # 306f
!=k|zf;gsf] cfwf/e"t 1fg #)
-s_ z}lIfs k|zf;g / ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf l;4fGt, gf]s/ zfxLsf ljz]iftfx?,
k|zf;gsf] ;+/rgf kb;f]kfg, ;+:yfut ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf, g]kfndf pRrlzIffsf]
ljsf;qmd, ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u;+u ;DjGwL ljifoj:t'sf] 1fg, lr¶Lkq
n]vg, kmOlnË o;sf] k|sf/ / dxTj, ;"rgf / kl/kq n]vg ;DjGwL 1fg
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;doM # 306f

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ljz]iftfx?, k|zf;gsf] ;+/rgf kb;f]kfg, Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, s'zn k|zf;ssf
u'0fx?, k|zf;lgs bIftf clej[l4sf nflu cfjZos tTjx?, of]hgf th'{df,
sfof{Gjog / d"NofÍg ;DjGwL 1fg, g]kfndf pRrlzIffsf] ljsf;qmd, ljZjljBfno
cg'bfg cfof]u;+u ;DjGwL ljifoj:t'sf] 1fg, lr¶Lkq n]vg -cu|]hL / g]kfnL_, ;"rgf
/ kl/kq n]vg ;DjGwL 1fg
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kTofof]hg, Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, s'zn k|zf;ssf u'0fx?, k|zf;lgs bIftf
clej[l4sf nflu cfjZos tTjx?, of]hgf th'{df sfof{Gjog / d"NofÍg ;DjGwL 1fg,
g]kfndf pRrlzIffsf] ljsf;qmd, ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u;+u ;DjGwL ljifoj:t'sf]
1fg, ;lGw ;Demf}tf / s/f/gfdfsf] d:of}bf ;DjGwL 1fg -cu|]hL / g]kfnL_,
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;doM # 306f
k/LIff k|0fnLM ljifout
!=n]vfsf] cfwf/e"t 1fg $)
n]vfsf] cjwf/0ff tyf l;4fGt, gub, k|f]befjL -Accrual_ n]vfÍg clen]v k|jfx -
Accounting Flow Chart_, sf/f]jf/ ljZn]if0f, k|/lDes n]vfÍg / vftfdf k|j:6L, vftf ;"rL
-Chart of Accounts_ sf] cjwf/0ff, n]vfdf cfosf] klxrfg tyf dfkg -Income
Recognition and Measurement_, a+}s lx;fj ;dfof]hgf ljj/0f, n]vfdf q'6L klxrfg /
cfwf/e"t ljQLo ljj/0fx?sf] tof/L, Preparation of Income Statement, Balance Sheet and
Statement of Cash Flows, ljQLo ljZn]if0fsf tl/sfx? ah]6 lgdf{0f tyf ah]6åf/f
lgoGq0f -Budgeting and Budgetary Control_ nfut u0fgf -Costing Techniques_, nfut
kl/df0f d'gfkmf ljZn]if0f -Cost Volume Profit Analysis_, lgoGq0fsf nflu Joj:yfksLo
n]vfsf] k|of]u -Managerial Accounting Techniques for Control_
@= ljZjljBfno n]vf ;DaGwL 1fg !%
ljZjljBfnosf] vftf ;"rL ;DjGwL hfgsf/L -University's Chart of Accounts_, sf]if
n]vfÍg -Fund Accounting_, cfof]hgf n]vfÍg -Project Accounting_, vr{ pkof]lutf /
lgoGq0sf] nflu jh]6sf] pkof]u, /sdfGt/ tyf ;f]sf] n]vfÍg, n]vf ;DaGwL cGt/fli6«o
dfkb08 .
#= n]vf k/LIf0f !%
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;DklQ bfloTjsf] 5fgljg tyf d"Nof+Íg, n]vf k/LIf0f l6kf]6_, Joj:yfkg tyf sfo{d"ns
n]vf k/LIf0f, n]vf k/LIf0f dfb08,hfn;fhL cg';Gwfgsf t/Lsf -Fraud Investigation_ .
$=g]kfndf pRrlzIffsf] ljsf;qmd, jx'ljZjljBfnosf] cjwf/0ff, kf]v/f ljZjljBfnosf]
P]g, lgod . %
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k"0ff{Í M!))
;doM $ 306f

!= ;"rgf ;dfu|Lsf] k||sf/ / 5gf]6

a. Source beforew Invention of Paper and Press.
b. Documentary Sources and their Division.
c. Human Sources.
d. A/V and Electronoc Information Sources.

@= ;a} k|sf/sf k':tsfnox?sf] p2]Zo / sfd

a. Public Library's Main Objective.
b. National Lirbrary's Main Objective.
c. SpecialLirbrary's Main Objective.
d. University Lirbrary's Detail Knowedge.

#= ;"lrs/0f / jlu{s/0f ;DjGwL

;DjGwL 1fg
a= ;"lrs/0f / jlu{s/0fsf] Oltxf; Pj+ k|sf/
b= ;"lrs/0f / jlu{s/0fsf] dxTj /cfjZostf
c= jlu{s/0fsf] ljifo laZn]if0f ug]{ tl/sf -Subject Analysis_
d= Types of Theraus and their Method Need.

$= k':tsfno ;DaGwL kfFr l;4fGt / k':tsfno ;+rfngdf ltgsf] pkfb]otf

%= k':tsfno Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL 1fg

a= klqsf zfvf
b= n]g–b]g zfvf
c= of]hgf zfvf
d= cg';Gwfg ljlw

^= k':tsfno Joj:yfkg ;]jfdf ;"rgf–

gf–k|ljlwsf] k|of]u
a. Net Working / Stand Alone df leGgtf
b. Intergrated Library Softward Widdy Used in Nepal.
c. CD-ROM and Internet.
d. A/V Sources and //services.

&= g]kfn ;DaGwL 1fg @)

s= g]kfndf pRr lzIff ;DjGwL 1fg
V= g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lns, ;fdflhs / /fhg}lts cj:yfsf] ;dfgo 1fg
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d'Vo ;xfos -n]vf_ kbsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\qmd -cfGtl/s k/LIff_
;doM # 306f
1. Elementary Accounting Procedures: 20
a. Double entry book keeping system.
b. Journal entry / ledger.
c. Rules of accounting.
d. Trial balance.
e. Income and expenditure account.
2. Elementary banking knowledge: 15
a. Deposits, cheques writing, collection, bank reconciliation.
3. Filing procedures. 10
4. Pay- roll sheet preparation. 10
5. Professional writing: 10
a. Official correspondence.
b. Reporting on general accounting.
6. General knowledge about Higher education in Nepal. 10
kf]v/f ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u
pk– k|zf;s -k':tsfno_ kbsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\qmd -cfGtl/s_
k"0ff{Í M&%
;doM # 306f
!= Source of types of information: 10
a. Documentary sources.
b. Non book materials.
c. A/V and electronic sources.
d. Human and institutional sources.
@= Library and society: 10
a. Role of libraries in modern society.
b. Types of libraries and their objectives.
c. Laws of library science.
d. Library association , UNESCO and IFLA
3. Library cotaloguing and classification: 10
a. Need, purpose and functions of library cataloguing and classification
b. Forms of Catalogue DDC classification system
c. Indexing of documents.
d. On- line / automated classification system.
4. Library information management 10
a. Scientific management of libraries
b. Planning of space, furniture and human resources.
c. Library committee, library rules
d. Financial management
5. Application of ICT in libraries: 10
a. Need of integrated library system
b. Library management software based on open sources
c. Networking, internet and website.
d. Commercial and freely available databases.
e. Use of computer technology in library management
6. Role of libraries in education and research 10
a. Role of libraries in formal, informal and remote education
b. Role of libraries in research
d. Research methodology in library science.
7. Library and information system and services in Nepal 15
a. Academic library system in Nepal.
b. Development of public libraries in Nepal.
c. Bibliographic control mechanism in Nepal.
- Nepal national union catalogue.
- Nepalese national bibliographic.
- ISBN system in Nepal.
d. Information literacy in Nepal.
Pokhara University Service Commission
Curriculum for Assistant Instructor Computer Level Examination
Time:4hr Full marks: 75
Pass mark: 37.5
1. Introduction to Computer 15
a. Introduction to Computers
b. The Internet & the World Wide Web
c. The Components of the System Unit
1. Input
2. Output
3. Storage
d. Operating Systems & Utility Programs
2. Operating Systems 15
a. Exploring the Basics
b. Working with Files
c. Organizing Files with Windows Explorer
d. Personalizing your Windows Environment
e. Searching for Information
f. Working with Graphics
g. Object Linking and Embedding
h. Exploring your Network
i. Managing Windows XP
j. Working with Hardware
3. An Introduction to Information 15
a. Introduction to Computer Based Information Systems
b. Hardware: Input, Processing, Output and Storage Devices
c. Software: Systems and Applications Packages
d. Word Processing and Spreadsheet Applications
e. Databases
f. Graphics, On-line Information and other PC Applications
g. Business Information Systems
h. Security, Privacy, Environmental and Ethical Issues
4. Introduction to the Internet 15
a. Developing a Basic Web Page and Linkins
b. Designing a Web Page
c. Designing a Web Page with Tables & Frames
d. Creating Web Page Forms
e. Working with Cascading Style Sheets
f. Programming with JavaScript
g. Working with JavaScript Objects & Events
h. Creating a Multimedia Web Page
5. C Language Programming 15
a. C Fundamentals
b. Introduction C's Program Control Statements
c. A Closer Look at Data Types, Variables and Expressions
d. Exploring Arrays & Strings
e. A Closer Look at Functions
Pokhara University Service Commission
Curriculum for Assistant Instructor Electrical Level Examination
Time: 4hr Full marks: 75
Pass mark: 37.5
1. Basic Circuit Theory 8
a. Basic Concept of dc electric Circuit- electric Circuit, voltage, resistance, ohm's
law, Kirchoff 's laws, power and energy, series and parallel connection of
resistors, Basic Concept of ac electric Circuit- nature of ac voltage and current,
pharos diagram of ac quantities, single phase ac circuit with- R,L,C, series circuit
with RL,RC, RLC< ac parallel circuit, resonance in ac series and parallel
circuits. Three phase ac circuit.
2. Electric Machine 8
a. Construction details, operating principle, operating characteristics, testing and
performance analysis of following electric Machines- Transformer (single phase
and three phase), dc generator, dc motor, three phase induction motors, single
phase induction motors, three phase synchronous generator motor.
3. Instrumentation 8
b. Construction and operating principle of Moving coil instruments as ammeter and
voltmeter, electro- dynamic instruments as wattmeter and energy meters.
Measurement of active and reactive power in , single phase circuit and three
phase circuits.

4. Power System 10
c. Generating System- type of turbine and generator used in hydro power plant and
thermal, power plants, different parts of hydro electro power plants, Speed
governing system, excitation system and automatic voltage regulator (AVR).
d. Transmission system – line parameters, equivalent circuits of short, medium and
their performance analysis. Distribution system – types of distribution line,
voltage drop calculation and conductor size calculation
e. Substation - types of substations, major equipment used in sub-station.
5. Utilization of electrical energy 8
a. Illumination - luminous flux, luminous intensity, illumination level, different
type of light sources for illumination of interior and exterior, Laws of
illumination, basic concept of planning and design of illumination.
b. Industrial Utilization - types of drives, selection of motors for different
applications. Electricity tariff and power factor correction.
6. Protection system 8
a. Fuses and circuit breaker for L.V. application, Isolators and contactors, Circuit
breakers for H.V. applications, CT and PT for protection schemes, IDMT relays,
protection schemes for generator, transformers, transmission line and
distribution lines. Fault calculation. Earthing system.
7. Electrical Installation 15
a. Domestic wiring system - Types of wiring system, distribution board and wring
diagrams (Layout and connection diagrams), testing of wiring system - insulation
test and earthing test.
b. Industrial wiring system - Types of wiring system, H.V. power intake system,
Cable tray and trunking system, motor control system using relay, timer,
contactor for starting, overload and short circuit protection, over speed
8. Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment 10
a. Regular maintenance schedule of various electrical equipment such as - Power
transformers, small and large electric motors, generators used in power plants.
b. General testing procedure for repair and maintenance works - Continuity test,
short circuit test, Repair of transformer and electric motors.
Pokhara University Service Commission
Curriculum for Deputy Instructor (Mechanical) Level Examination
Full Marks: 75
Pass Mark 37.5
1. Work shop technology & Metrology - 8
1.1 Basic tools and Basic hand operations
1.2 Machine tools: Lathe, Shaper, Milling, Grinding, Drilling Machines
1.3 Metal Joining: Soldering, Brazing, Gas welding, Arc welding
1.4 Types of fits
1.5 Linear Measurement: Block Gages, Length Bars, Comparators
1.6 Errors in measurement
2. Machine Drawing - 8
2.1 Finding out the missing views from two given projection and dimensioning
2.1.1 Missing views of prismatic work pieces
2.1.2 Missing views of cylindrical work pieces
2.1.3 Missing views of pyramidal, conical, cylindrical cut work pieces
2.2 Isometric drawing of machine parts including sections
2.3 Drawing of joints
2.3.1 Permanent joints
2.3.2 Temporary joints
2.3.3 Drawing Exercises Nut bolt and threaded joints Riveted joints Welded joints and symbols Gears, Keys and Spline joints
2.3.4 Orthographic projection
3. Heat Engines - 9
3.1 Different types of heat engines
3.2 Different cycles involved in heat engines
3.3 Basic difference in Steam Engine and Automotive engines
3.4 Different types of power plants (engine) used in civil Aircraft
4. Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer - 9
4.1 General
4.1.1 Boyle's law, Charles' law and combined gas law
4.1.2 Characteristics of gas constant
4.1.3 Terms used in thermodynamics
4.2 First law of thermodynamics
4.2.1 Definition of the first law
4.2.2 Total internal energy
4.2.3 Mechanical equivalent of heat engine
4.3 Second law of thermodynamics
4.3.1 Definition of the second law
4.3.2 Thermal efficiency of heat engine
4.4 Thermodynamics Properties of Fluid (Definitions only)
4.4.1 Internal energy
4.4.2 Enthalpy
4.4.3 Entropy
4.4.4 Specific heat at constant volume
4.4.5 Specific heat at constant pressure
4.5 Basic thermodynamics process
4.5.1 Constant volume process
4.5.2 Constant pressure process
4.5.3 Constant temperature process
4.5.4 Adiabatic process
4.5.5 Polytropic process
4.6 Petrol and Diesel Engine Cycles
4.6.1 Constant volume cycle
4.6.2 Constant pressure cycle
4.6.3 Mixed cycle
4.7 Modes of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation
5. Basic Industrial Management - 8
5.1 Labour law
5.2 Rights of Unions
5.3 wages and compensation
5.4 Labour and Management relations
5.5 Basic functions of ILO
5.6 Industrial Hygine and safety
5.7 Industrial Policy and Act, 2049
5.8 Basic functions of ICAO
6. Basic Knowledge of Hydraulic Machines and Electro- Mechanical Principle -8
6.1 Basic Knowledge of AC and DC Motors
6.2 Basic Knowledge of Generator
6.3 Water turbines: Pelton, Francis, Kaplan and Cross flow (Working principle and
6.4 Pumps: Centrifugal pump and Reciprocating pump (Working principle and
Characteristic), Hydraulic ram
7. Industrial Boiler - 8
7.1 Basic working principle
7.2 Common types of Boilers
7.3 Boilers Fules
7.4 Boilers Efficiency
8. Estimating and costing - 8
8.1 General
8.1.1 Concept of profitability, break-even point, return on investment, liability, assets, fixed
cost, variable cost, fixed capital, working capital equity, depreciation and amortization
8.1.2 Elements of cost and classification

9. Applied Mechanics - 9
9.1 Statics
9.1.1 Coplanar system of intersecting forces
9.1.2 Coplanner parallel forces, the moment of a force
9.1.3 Centre of Gravity
9.1.4 Friction
9.2 Kinematics
9.2.1 Definition of technical terms: speed, velocity, acceleration, distance traversed and their
9.2.2 The trajectory of particles, distance and time
9.2.3 Rectilinear motion of a particle
9.3 Composition of a simple motion of a particle
9.3.1 Curvilinear motion of a particle
9.3.2 Simple motion of a solid body
9.4 Dynamics
9.4.1 Fundamental laws of dynamics: Newton's law of motion 9.4.2 Work, Energy and
9.4.3 Mechanical Energy
9.4.4 Relation between RPM, Torque and Power
9.4.5 Law of conservation of energy
Pokhara University Service Commission
Curriculum for Assist Instructor (Electronics) Level Examination
Time: 4 hr Full Marks : 75
Pass Marks: 37.5
Topic Marks
1. Basic Electrical Engineering Principles 10
2. Electrical Measurement 10
3. Electronics Passive and active Components 10
4. Components of Digital Electronics and Computers 10
5. Basics of Colour Television 10
6. Communication Systems 10
7. Basics of Medical Electronics 10
Pokhara University Service Commission
Curriculum for Assist Instructor (Civil) Level Examination
Time:4 hr Full Marks : 75
Pass Marks: 37.5
1. Workshop Practice: Brick work; Carpentry and joinery; Plumbing; Safety practice;
Workshop tools. 8
2. Engineering Drawings: Plans, elevations and sections of buildings and civil
engineering works; Dimensioning; Plumbing drawing; Roads and water supply
drawings. 8
3. Surveying: Principles of surveying; Classifications of surveying; Maps and
conventional signs; Accuracy in surveying and errors; Linear measurements; Compass
surveying including plotting and balancing the traverse; Leveling including precise
leveling and errors; Plain table survey; Theodolite traverse survey; Types of
theodogies and source of errors in theodolite works. 10
4. Engineering Materials: Stones; Gravel; Sand; Bricks and other clay products;
Timber and other forest products; Lime; Cement; Reinforcing steel; Structural steel;
Paints and varnishes; Flooring materials; Cladding materials; Roofing materials. 8
5.Estimating and Costing: Analysis of rates; Various types of estimates; Accuracy in
estimating; Approvals; Estimating for road works, building works, water supply and
sanitary works, and irrigation works. 8
6. Soil Science: Definition of soils; Types of soils; Formation and transportation of
soils; Classification of soils; Weight – volume relationship; Index properties and their
determination; Soil – water relation; Soil compaction and consolidation; Bearing
capacity and effect of water on bearing capacity; Laboratory determination of various
parameters. 9
7. Water Resource Engineering: Source of water; Quality of drinking water;
Quantity of water; Water treatment for domestic purpose; Water supply distribution
system; Water supply pipes, valves and fittings; Rainfall and run off; Crop water
requirement; Method of irrigation; Hill irrigation; Water logging and drainage. 8
8. Structural Engineering: Steel trusses, columns and joints; Introduction of steel and
timber truss design; Concept of RCC design; RC sections in simple bending, shear and
bond; RCC Construction 8
9. Transportation Engineering: Mode of transport; Concept of airport design; Merits
and demerits of rail roads and highways; DoR classification of roads; Urban road
pattern; Geometric design of highways; Highway drainage; Retaining structures;
Highway pavement construction methods – WBM, Otta seal, SBST, DBST, Asphalt
concrete; Quality of road aggregate; Quality of bitumen; Importance of compaction of
sub grade and pavement layers; Highway maintenance; Special considerations for hill
roads; Culverts and short span river crossings. 8
kf]v/f ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u
;xfos k|zf;s -k|zf;g_ kbsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\qmd -v'Nnf_

b]xfosf ljifoa:t'sf] cfwf/df k"0ff{Í !)) sf] $ 306fsf] lnlvt k/LIff x'g]5 .
v08 ! ljifout 1fg #×!% Ö$%
k|Zg ;+Vof tLg
• ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] p2\]Zo, dxTj / ljsf;qmd, ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g ;+rfngsf
ljlwx? h:t} clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg, ljs]lGb|s/0f, ;'kl/j]If0f, cg'udg tyf d"Nof+Íg /
clen]v Joj:yfkg cflb jf/]df hfgsf/L .
• sd{rf/LtGqsf cfwf/e"t k|s[tLx?, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x?, sd{rf/LtGqsf ;jn /
b'j{n kIfx?, ;j{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg, sd{rf/L 6]«8 o"lgog
;DjGwL hfgsf/L .
• cfly{s k|zf;g -ah]6, n]vf k/LIf0f, n]vf k|0ffnL_ ;fdfGo k|zf;g, z}lIfs k|zf;g,
sd{rf/L k|zf;g, of]hgf / sfo{qmd, >f]t Joj:yfkg cflb ;DjlGw hfgsf/L .
• ;'zf;g / gful/s clwsf/sf] cjwf/0ff clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u,
lgjf{rg cfof]u, dxfn]vf k/LIfs, nf]s ;]jf cfof]u, dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u h:tf
;+j}wflgs cfof]ux? tyf ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ jf/] hfgsf/L .
• g]kfnsf ;+j}wflgs tyf /fhg}lts ljifoj:t' ;DjGwL hfgsf/L .
v08 @ pRr lzIff ;DaGwL 1fg @×!% Ö#)
k|Zg ;+Vof b'O{
• pRr lzIffsf] k|s[of, o;sf r'gf}tLx? / ;dfwfgsf pkfo .
• g]kfndf jx'ljZjljBfnosf] cjwf/0ff / ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]usf] :yfkgf /
dxTj .
• kf]v/f ljZjljBfno :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo / pRr lzIffsf] ljsf; / ;Dj4{gdf o;sf]
e"ldsf / of]ubfg .
• kf]v/f ljZjljBfno P]g, lgod / ljlgod jf/] hfgsf/L .
v08 # Joj;flos n]vg, ;d:of ;dfwfg @%,!×!% Ö!%
k|Zg ;+Vof b'O{
• ;d:of ;dfwfgM ;d:ofsf] klxrfg u/L To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f
-pDd]bjf/sf] ljZn]if0ffTds ;Lk, gLltut 1fg / ;dfwfgsf j}slNks pkfo
;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfFr_
• k|:tfj n]vg, kl/of]hgfk|:tfj n]vg, l6Kk0ffL n]vg, ljZjljBfnojf6 x'g] kqfrf/,
;"rgf tyf lj1KtLsf] cu|]hL / g]kfnL efiffdf d:of}bf tof/ ug{ ;Sg] ;Lk .
• ;+If]kLs/0f, a"Fbf l6kf]6, cg'R5]b n]vg / lgjGwsf dfWodaf6 af]w tyf cleJolQm
Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .
kf]v/f ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u
d'Vo ;xfos -k|zf;g_ kbsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\qmd -v'Nnf_

b]xfosf ljifo a:t'sf] cfwf/df k"0ff{Í !)) sf] $ 306fsf] lnlvt k/LIff x'g]5 .
v08 ! ljifout 1fg @×!% Ö#)
k|Zg ;+Vof b'O{
• ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff, sfof{no Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL cfwf/e"t 1fg .
• cfly{s k|zf;g -ah]6, n]vf k/LIf0f, n]vf k|0ffnL_ ;fdfGo k|zf;g, z}lIfs k|zf;g,
sd{rf/L k|zf;g, of]hgf / sfo{qmd, >f]t Joj:yfkg .
• kf]v/f ljZjljBfno P]g, lgod / ljlgod jf/] hfgsf/L .
• ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]usf] u7g, sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ jf/] hfgsf/L .

v08 @ ;fdflhs cWoog @×!% Ö#)

k|Zg ;+Vof b'O{
• ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx?, k|fs[lts ;Dkbf,
hn>f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
• g]kfnsf k|d'v hft hflt, wd{ / ;+:s[tL Pj+ zf;gdf ;dfj]zL ;xeflutf ;DjlGw
ljifox?sf] hfgsf/L .
• jftfj/0f k|b"if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0f – sf/0f / lgjf/0f .

v08 # Joj;flos n]vg, ;d:of ;dfwfg / jf]w tyf cleJolQm $),@×!%Ö#)

k|Zg ;+Vof tLg
• l6Kk0fL n]vg, kqfrf/ -cu|]hL / g]kfnL_ kmfOlnË, ;+If]kLs/0f, aF"bf l6kf]6
• ;+:yf leq k/L cfpg] ;d:of a'em\g ;Sg] / ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .
• lgjGw n]vg cg'R5]b n]vg jf]w k|Zgx?sf] cfwf/jf6 jf]w / cleJolQm ljifosf]
Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .
• ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ;]jf ;'ne u/fpg] / ;'–zf;g ;DjlGw lgod .
kf]v/f ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u
;xfos -k|zf;g/
f;g n]vf/f sDKo'6//
/ l/;]K;f]lgi6_ kbsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\
\qmd -v'Nnf_

b]xfosf ljifo a:t'sf] cfwf/df k"0ff{Í !)) sf] # 306fsf] lnlvt k/LIff x'g]5 .

o'lg6 ! !×!% Ö!%

k|Zg ;+Vof Ps
• g]kfnsf] pRr lzIffsf] jt{dfg cj:yf af/] hfgsf/L

o'lg6 @ g]kfn ;DjGw

GwL hfgsf/L #×!) Ö#)
k|Zg ;+Vof tLg
• g]kfnsf] Plss/0f, /f0ff zf;g, @))& ;fnsf] qmflGt hgcfGbf]ng-@)$^ / @)^#
jf/] hfgsf/L .
• g]kfnsf] e"uf]n- ef}uf]lns ljefhg, xfjfkfgL, k|fb]lzs ljefhg, k|s[lts >f]t ;fwg
jf/] hfgsf/L .
• g]kfnsf] hflt, efiff / wd{ / /xg ;xg ;fy} ;dfj]lztf ;DjlGw ljifosf] hfgsf/L .
• g]kfnsf] jt{dfg /fhgLlts Joj:yf af/] hfgsf/L .

o'lg6 # $), @×!% Ö#)

! ×!) Ö!)
k|Zg ;+Vof tLg
• btf{, rnfgL, kmfOlnË«, kqfrf/sf] d:of}bf, z}lIfs k|zf;g, sDKo'6/ (Ms word, Ms
Excel, Internet and E-mail) ;DjGwL hfgsf/L .
• ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ;]jf ;'ne u/fpg] tl/sf Pj+ ;'–zf;g ;DjlGw hfgsf/L .

o'lg6 $ !%, !×!) Ö!)

! ×% Ö %
k|Zg ;+Vof b'O{
• lgjGw n]vg / cg'R5]b n]vg
kf]v/f ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u
;xfos k|zf;s -n]vf_ v'Nnf

lgDglnlvt laifo a:t'sf] cfwf/df k"0ff{Í !)) sf] $ 306f ;dosf lnlvt k/LIff lnOg] 5
1. Accounting Concept 10

Principles of Accounting
Business Accounting
Government Accounting/ Commercial Accounting
Accounting Standards

2. Preparation of Books and Records 8

Journals, Ledger, Subsidiary Books etc.
Trial Balance
Balance Sheet
Income and Expenditure Accounting

3. Auditing Concept 8
Internal Audit and Final Audit
Management Audit
Contemporary Audit Practices

4. Budgeting Concept 10
Budget Preparation, Implementation and Evaluation
Program Budgeting
Zero Budgeting

5. Basic Knowledge of Banking and Financial Institution 8

6. Expenditure Procedures, Resource Mobilization and Accounting Procedure in
higher Education. 10
7. Taxation- Income Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT) 10

8. Professional Writing 8
Project Proposal Writing
Report Writing
Letter Writing
9. General Knowledge about Higher Education. System in Nepal 10
10. Use to Computer in Accounting System : Software and Hardware 10
11. Public Procurement Act of the Government of Nepal 8
kf]v/f ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]u
d'Vo ;xfos -n]vf_ v'Nnf

lgDglnlvt laifo a:t'sf] cfwf/df k"0ff{Í !)) sf] $ 306f ;dosf lnlvt k/LIff lnOg] 5

1. Elementary Accounting Procedures 10

Income and Expenditure
Rules of Accounting
Double Entry Book Keeping
Journal/ Ledger Trial Balance
Income Financial Statement Analysis
Balance Sheet

2. Elementary Banking Knowledge 10

Banking Procedures
Cheques Writing

3. Filing and inducing Procedures 10

4. Pay Roll Sheet Preparation 10

5. Professional Writing 10
Official Correspondence
Report Drafting
Memo Writing

6. General Knowledge about Higher Education in Nepal 10

7. Government Accounting System of Nepal 10

8. Audit: Internal and external 10

9. Computer Knowledge in Accounting 10

10. Public Procurement Act of the Government of Nepal 10

Curriculum for Deputy Administrative (Lab) Level Examination

There will be 3 hours examination based on the following syllabus. Full Mark: 75
Pass Marks: 37.5

1. Organization and Design of Laboratories: Essential requirement of a
typical lab; Lab space; Main lab in relation to other rooms; Benching,
surfaces, furniture and storage; Services; Ventilation; Flooring; Fume
cupboard; Security and safety. (10)
2. Laboratory Safety: Laboratory discipline; Safety rules and precautions; Lab
accidents and first aids. (5).
3. Laboratory Equipments: Basic principle, handling and maintenance of
common equipments required in an educational pharmaceutical lab. (10)
4. Laboratory Reagents: Preparation of common reagents required in an
educational pharmaceutical lab. (5).
5. Basic Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Fundamental knowledge of
pharmaceutical chemistry. (20)
1. University Administration: Role and functions of the University Council,
Executive Council and Academic Council of Pokhara University. (10)
2. Pharmaceutical Education: Issues in the current pharmaceutical education
in Nepal. (8)
3. Laboratory Management: General principles of laboratory management. (7)
Syllabus for Deputy Administrator (Civil Engineering) Level Examination

Time: 3 hrs Full Marks: 75

Pass Marks: 37.5
Surveying (8)

Principles of Surveying, Classifications of Surveying, maps and conventional signs, Accuracy in

surveying and errors, Linear Measurements, Leveling including precise leveling and errors,
Traversing, Tacheometric survey to produce topographical map, Resection – Intersection to
establish unknown coordinates ( Analytical method), GPS/ Total Station, Road Bridge site survey
technique,/ H & V Curve layout computation / IP section etc., Area and Volume survey.

Engineering Materials and Building Technology (5)

Cement, Steel, Bricks, Wood, Flooring materials, Paints, Foundations, Roofs, Temporary
Constructions, Cladding, Finishing, Water Supply and Drainage Services.
Soil and Foundation Engineering (8)

Solids- Water –Air Relations and Index properties of soils, Soil Identifications and Classification,
Soil Compaction, Compressibility of Soil, Shear Strength of Soil, Stability of Slopes, Soil
Exploration, Lateral Earth Pressure Theories and Retaining Walls, Bearing Capacity and Settlement
of Shallow Foundations, Pile Foundations, Well Foundations, Mat Foundations

Structural Engineering (12)

Deflection of Beams, Influence Lines for Simple Structures, Statically Determinate Arches,
Suspension Cable Systems, solution of statically indeterminate systems, Force method and
displacement method, Influence line for continuous beams, Steel Structures and their Analysis and
Design, Connections in Steel Structures, Design of Roof Trusses, Concrete Structures and Design
Methods, Reinforcement detailing: Codal Provisions, Design of slabs and staircase, Design of
compression members: Columns, Design of Footings, Mix design of concrete and properties of
green concrete, Design of masonry walls for gravity loads

Water Resources Engineering (12)

Simple pipe flow problems and solution, Three reservoirs problem and Pipe networks, Basics of
Open channel flow, Computation of GVF in prismatic channels by (graphical integration, direct
integration and direct step and standard step methods), Hydraulic jump in a horizontal rectangular
channel. Relationship between hydraulic jump variables (conjugate depth, height of the jump,
efficiency jump, length of the jump), Hydrograph Analysis, Statistical methods of flood prediction,
Irrigation Water Requirements, Design of Canals, Bligh’s, Lane’s and Khosla’s seepage theory,
Design of Head works, River Training Works, Regulating Structures, design of Cross-Drainage
structures, Surface drainage systems and their design, Subsurface drainage systems and their design,
Engineering of Dams, General Arrangement of components in a typical storage and RoR power
plant, Spillways and Energy Dissipaters, Sediment Handling measures
Transportation Engineering (8)

Highway Alignment and Engineering Survey, Geometric Design of Highway, Highway Drainage,
Special Consideration in Hill Road Design, Highway Materials, Traffic Studies, Traffic Control
Devices, Road Intersections, Highway Pavement, Road Construction Technology, Highway
Maintenance, Repair, and Rehabilitation

Environmental Engineering (8)

Quality of Water, Water Treatment, Reservoirs and Distribution System, Quantity of Waste water,
Design and Construction of Sewers, Sewer Appurtenances, Characteristics and Examination of
Waste water, Waste water Disposal , Waste water Treatment, Disposal of Sewage from Isolated
Buildings, Solid Waste Disposal.
Estimating and Costing (6)

Various types of estimates, detailed estimate, estimating for Building works and Road works,
Analysis of Rates, Valuation.

Construction Management and Engineering Professional Practice (8)

Projects, Planning, Bar Chart, CPM, PERT, Construction Equipments, Personnel Management,
Different Methods of Economic Evaluation of Projects, Responsibility of Engineer, Types of
Contracts, Conditions of Contracts, Specifications, Cost Control, Quality Control, Safety,
Maintenance, Ethics and Professionalism, Legal Aspects of Professional Engineering in Nepal.

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