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Nature, Subject and Function of Art

*ART- The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be
appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

*Artist as Creator
-To be like or an instrument of God
-Create comes from Kreas (flesh).
Hinduism: Artist have the gift of Dar’san
-Art comes from illumination.

=Winterson’s Point of View

+Notional Reality:
-life encouraged by governments.
-Passive, routine
-Disregard for individuality
+Money culture:
-symbolic reality
*Art is visionary
‘Real’- ‘royal’ imaginative
- reality
If an Image consists of points through which light actually passes, it is real.
The Reality of art is the reality of the imagination

=Joseph Campbell
*Mystic –Human Transformation
-has no Craft
-Disdain for the world
*Artist –Human Transformation
-has a Craft
-Attachment to the world
The craft holds the artist to the world and the mystic goes off through his psyche into the transcendent.
Ex: Song of the Sea: Going Home or “Going Home?”


Subject- refers to any person, object, scene or event described or represented in a work of art.
Representational or Objective art - has subjects
Non- Representational or Non- Objective Art- have no subjects
Ways of Representing the Subject

1.Realism- When things are depicted in the way they would normally appear in nature.
ex. Approaching Storm – Diaz, N. | Sunrise- Kevin McNamara | Playing at the Beach- Kevin
McNamara | Julian Beever’s Pavement Art | Young Woman in Bed –Rembrandt | Watarah –
Nature’s Glory

2.Abstraction- Process of simplifying and/ reorganizing objects and elements according to the demands
of artistic expression. The original objects have been reduced to simple geometric shapes and can

be rarely identified unless the artist has named them in his title.
Ex. Coral Seas- Robin Street-Morris | Wailing on the Sax- Alfred Glockel | The Couple- Mario
Zampedroni | Windows- Andrea Beach | Motobike- Alex Parker | Deconstruction: To save the
Children- Jamie Morhaim

3.Distortion- Figures have been arranged so that proportions differ noticeably from natural
measurements = Distorted. Could also mean Twisting, Stretching or Deforming the natural shape
of the Object = Dramatize the shape for a emotional effect.
Ex. Space Distortion – Pisarev Gennadiv | Weeping Woman- Pablo Picasso | Chuck Close
Caricature | Park City girl- John Clurrin | Portrait of Mother – David Hockney. |
Anhead – Yahya|Park City Grill – John Currin

4. Surrealism- Realism + Distortion. Dream-Like showing irrational arrangement of objects. Images are
recognizable but are combined with fantastic and unnatural relationships.
Ex. Sister Winnifred – Keith Wigdor | Persistence of Memory- Salvador Dali | Construction with
Boiled Beans- Salvador Dali | I and The Village- Marc Chagall | Galatea of the Spheres – Salvador Dali


1. Landscapes
2. Seascapes
3. Cityshapes
4. Still Life- group of inanimate objects arranged in an indoor setting
5. Animals
6. Portraits
7. Figures
8. Everyday Life
9. History and Legend
10. Religion and Mythology
11. Dreams and Fantasy

Elements of Art
*Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; straight or
curved; thick or thin.

*Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or organic, like free-form or
natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length and width.

Ex. Persistence of Memory- Salvador Dali

*Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls, cylinders, boxes, and
pyramids are forms

*Texture is the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can be rough or smooth, soft or hard.

-Textures do not always feel the way they look; for example, a drawing of a porcupine may look prickly,
but if you touch the drawing, the paper is still smooth.

*Color is light reflected off of objects. Has three main characteristics:

-hue (the name of the color, such as red, green, blue, etc.),
-value (how light or dark it is), and
-intensity (how bright or dull it is).

-Color wheel (an arrangement of colors along a circular diagram to show how they are related to one

-White is pure light; Black is the absence of light.

Primary colors are the only true colors. All other colors are mixes of primary colors. (Red, Blue, Yellow)

Secondary colors are two primary colors mixed together (green, orange, violet).

Intermediate colors, sometimes called tertiary colors, are made by mixing a primary and secondary
color together. Ex: yellow green, blue green, and blue violet.

Complementary colors are located directly across from each other on the Complementary pairs contrast
because they share no common colors.
For example, red and green are complements, because green is made of blue and yellow.
-When complementary colors are mixed together, they neutralize each other to make brown.

Visual Arts Media

Medium – Materials used by an artist

-Means by which s/he communicates her/his ideas
Ex: Pigment in Painting, Stone,Wood, or Metal in Sculpture, Words in Let and Body Movement
in dance
Acco. To Medium, Art can be Classified into the FF:

1.Visual or Space Art- those mediums can be seen and which occupies space
2 Categories:
a. 2-Dimensional Art- Painting, Photography, Drawing
b. 3-Dimensional Art- Sculpture, Architecture, Landscaping, Etc.

2.Auditory or Time Arts – Mediums can be heard and are expressed in time (Ex. Music and Literature)

3. Combined Arts – can be both seen and heard, exists both in space and time. AKA the Performing Arts
Ex: Dance, Drama,Opera, Movies

Choice of Medium is affected by the FF:

a. Availability of Material
b. The use to which the art object will be put
c. The idea s/he wants to communicate
d. The nature and characteristics of the medium itself


1.Painting Mediums
a. Encaustic – Application of a mixture of hot bees wax, resin and ground pigment, to any porous

surface, followed by an application of heat to see the color and bind them.
EX: Green Elephant,
b. Tempera – Earth or mineral pigments mixed with egg yolk and egg white,gum or glue. It dries
quickly so corrections are difficult to make.
EX: A True Hero, “1363” , Balance
c. Fresco – Application of earth pigments mixed with water on a plaster wall while the plaster is

still damp. EX : Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Calling, The Last Supper

d. Watercolor- Pigments are mixed to water and applied to fine white paper. The colors are
applied in very thin layers. Opaque watercolour is called “gouache”- Made by
grounding opaque colors with water and mixing with the preparation of gum and
adding Chinese White.
e. Oil -Pigment ground in Linseed Oil. Are slow to dry, can be changed and worked over a
long period of time. Forms a glossy film on the surface. Impasto- 3-D Character
added to the painting
f. Acrylic -Newest medium. Widely used by today’s artist. Synthetic paint w/c is completely
g. Pastel -Gives no glazed effect and mostly resembles dry pigment. The pigment is bound so
as to form a crayon which is directly applied to paper
h. Sculpture -Some of the earliest sculptures are made of bone or wood. Modern use various
materials. 2 Major Sculpture processes used:
I. Subtractive- Unwanted material is cut away. Ex: Carving of stone and wood
II. Additive- a figure by putting together bits of clay or by welding parts of metal
i. Relief – Figures w/c Attached to the ground
ii. Free Standing – A figure that can be seen from all sides Like Liberty

2. Architecture – art of designing and constructing a building. It is also Functional.

Construction Principles:
a. Post and Lintel- Oldest construction system; Uses 2 vertical supports (posts) spanned by
a horizontal beam (Lintel)
b. Arch- consists of separate pieces of wedge shaped rocks arranged in a semi-circle. The
Keystone is the last set stone at top center.
c.Truss- A system of triangular forms assembled in a rigid framework. Employed in bridges,
theatres, gyms and assembly plants
d. Skeleton Construction AKA steel skeleton or cage. Used for the framework of buildings
and should be strong enough to hold up the floor and not buckle against tremendous
e.The Cantilever- Uses a beam or slab extending horizontally into space beyond its
supporting post yet strong enought to support walls and floors


Functional Art- has obvious purpose EX: A good looking couch, a well designed bowl, Awesome Lamps

Non- functional art – Art that serve no end than to amuse or provide a pleasant escape from life’s daily


*Helps us educate our senses and sharpen our perception of colors, texture,harmonies ,etc in our
*Works of Art offer insights into nature and human nature

Art Performs Social Function When:

1.It seeks to influence the collective behavior of people e.g. make us think or act. Ex: Ads. Vid of Defores.

2. It is created to be primarily seen in public situations and is used for displays and celebrations
Ex: statues of our nat. Heroes. The monument for the EDSA Revolution. Lanterns for Lantern Period

3. It expresses or described social collective aspects of existence as opposed to individual and personal
kinds of exp.
Ex: Painting/Photos showing the traditional Filipino style of dressing

1.Form and Function – the function of an art object generally determines the basic form that it takes
Ex: Spoon, Knife and Fork

2.Architecture - In designing of a bldg, one should consider what the bldg. Is for, who are going to use it,

and how many will be using it. EX: A place of Worship, A Pre-School Bldg.

3. Community Planning – Efficient Org of Bldgs. , Roads, and Spaces to meet the aesthetic needs of the
community. EX: Residential Districts, Civic Centers, Parks, Plaza, Malls, Streets and Roads.

ART APPRECIATION- is the ability to interpret or understand man-made arts and enjoy them either
through actual work experiences with art tools or possession of these works of art for one’s admiration

ART- Latin word “Ars” which means SKILL OR ABILITY

Appreciation- is an emotional and intellectual response according to one’s level of expectation and
personal preference

Nature of Art

*Art is Everywhere. Ex: Veggie art

*Art as an Expression and Communication- Art has grown out of man’s need to express himself.
Art is the general vision of the age which it is created – Artists cannot escape the influence of his
social, economic, political, religious, scientific, and technological envi.

*Art as Creation – Man has an innate craving for order to create objects that are delightful to perceive.
“Creation” refers to the act of combining already existing materials so that a new object is formed.

* Art and Experience-Art must be directly seen or heard in order to be enjoyed or appreciated. We must

understand what does on into the Art’s making. Ex: Spollarium- Juan Luna
3 Major Types:
a. Experience w/c the artist wants to communicate
b. The act of expressing this experience
c. The artist’s gratifying experience of having accomplished something

*Art and Nature- Art is NOT nature. It is man-made. Can resemble nature, but never duplicate it.

*Art and Beauty- Desire for beauty and order around us is another basic need. A thing of beauty is one
that Gives us Pleasure or Delight when we perceive it, this pleasure is called “Aesthetic Pleasure”.
Greek word “Aesthetic” – to perceive with the senses.
Concept of Beauty is RELATIVE
it changed as time passes
vary between cultures

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