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Brie Marijanich

KINS 4306

Journal Week 13

Hours Worked: 0

Cumulative Hours: 321

This week was a hard week. Trying to get back into the grove of “classes” after a two-

week break was tough. It was good to see everyone again and finally have human interaction

with people who aren’t my parents and Nonna. This whole experience has been weird, but I have

learned a lot from it. Being cooped up in my house has been a big change. Throughout this

semester, I was used to going to work every day, having class, and participating in all of my

extracurriculars. Having everything cancelled for the last semester of my senior year has really

taken a tool on my mental health. I had so many things planned for the semester, especially with

Georgia College Miracle, and everything was ruined. I understand that being quarantined is what

is best for the health of all the people, but it just sucks. This has also taught me to be grateful for

my family and our health. My Nonna has Lupus, so my parents and I have been taking this stay-

at-home very seriously for her. We don’t want to risk contracting anything and potentially giving

it to her. I love my parents, but I am ready for this to be over. I’m praying that this all blows over

before my wedding in September; I would really hate to have to cancel.

I’ve been keeping in touch with JoAnna, my site supervisor, and my coworker Kristin.

They have been taking precautions as well. They are working from home and only coming into

the office whenever there is an emergency. They’ve been reaching out checking on Shannon and

I, making sure that we are okay and telling us that they miss us. I really hate that our time got cut
short at The Bright House because it was such a great work environment, and they always made

work enjoyable.

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