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Brie Marijanich

KINS 4306

Journal Week 9

Monday (03/02) 9:00-3:00pm; 6 hours

Monday was a slow day; there weren’t any interviews. To keep ourselves busy, Shannon and I

cleaned the house and took out the trash.

Tuesday (03/03) 9:00-4:00pm; 7 hours

Last week we had two cases with the same alleged offender. On Tuesday, we had a third come in

linked with the other two cases. It is really interesting getting to see how these are playing out

and how the detectives are handling it.

Wednesday (03/04) 9:00-3:00pm; 6 hours

We had another case come in this day. There was nothing disclosed for this case, so it is very

likely that it won’t go anywhere and will be closed.

Thursday (03/05) 9:00-5:00pm; 8 hours

One of our coworkers, the child advocate, informed us that she put her two weeks in, and she

will not be continuing to work with us. We were all really upset because she is such a joy to be

around and definitely makes the office more enjoyable.

Friday (03/06) 9:00-4:00pm; 7 hours

Friday there weren’t any cases, so we all just kind of relaxed and enjoyed our day. Shannon and I

sat in the back office with our forensic interviewer and hung out.
Hours Worked: 34 hours

Cumulative Hours: 292 hours

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