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Week 14

April 10 – April 15

This week was surprisingly calm at The Bright House. Ashleigh told me last week that we would

be busy, but that was not the case. On Monday, I spent the day putting the final touches on my

semester presentation, making sure I have everything prepared and ready to go. Joanna also recruited

us to make goody bags that we can hand out at the ArtHealthy festival on front campus this Saturday.

Camden and I spent about an hour working on that, and we quickly found our own system of how to do

the work. I also set up child abuse prevention awareness pinwheels in the front yard. I put them around

the mailbox and going down the steps of the house. Finally, at the end of the day, Camden and I

organized files from last year in a filing cabinet in Shelley’s office. Usually, the previous year’s files go to

the Hampton office, but instead, they asked us to keep them in the office this year. However, Shelley

does not have enough room for them in her filing cabinet, so she had us organize them and put them in

a different filing cabinet.

Tuesday was not as calm. I came in that morning, and the entire staff was leaving for their

monthly MDT meeting, and I stayed at the office preparing for the interviews that afternoon. I was

cleaning Ashleigh’s office, and we started talking about my post college plans. I told her that I applied to

be a forensic interviewer at the Hampton office, and she was really excited. We had a heart to heart

about my experience working here and I got to know her a bit better. That afternoon, we had a family of

three siblings come into the office, ages 7, 8, and 15. They came in with their mother and an older

gentleman, so they did not need someone to watch over them in the lobby. However, I did advocate for

the two youngest children during their interviews. The first one, the youngest, wasn’t very talkative, but

she did show me some very cool fidget spinner tricks. I think she told her sister about it, because when I

went in to advocate for her, she was also playing with the fidget spinner and tried to do tricks, however,
she was less successful. Each child received a forensic interview and medical exam. Shelley did not tell us

much about the case, however, I have been handling a lot of paperwork recently, and I know that one of

them was physically assaulted, I believe by their mother, and the other two were witnesses.

Wednesday was a very exciting day for me personally, as the day started out with Camden and I

presenting our semester projects. I feel like mine went really well, and it was exactly 30 minutes long.

Then, that afternoon, I got a call from the library that I interviewed for last week, and I got an unofficial

job offer from them! I spent the rest of the afternoon telling everyone I could and figuring out what I am

going to do when I graduate. I was able to get my start date moved from May 1 to June 1, so I have time

to graduate and find an apartment.

Thursday was a quiet day in the office. We were supposed to have a client come for an

interview, but they had to reschedule. We did have one of my favorite counseling clients come into the

office, and she brightened my day. It was clear she was excited to see me, and it brightened my day.

Friday was very busy for me personally. I updated all of the files in Case Worthy from their

meeting on Tuesday. I also put more fruit snacks in mint bags for the festival on Thursday.

Saturday, I got to the festival around 2:00, and started working the table around 2:30. I met a lot

of interesting people, including a group of people who work closely with at risk children in Moultry,

Georgia. I also met a couple of teachers and parents who were thankful for the work we did.

Additionally, there was a group of kids who kept coming up to the table to ask for the mints and

gummies we were giving out. They were a bit annoying at the moment, but in hind sight they probably

came with their families and they couldn’t afford the food sold, so they came to me, because I had free

snacks. It was very nice to connect with the community and let other people know we are here and are

able to help.
Date In Lunch Out Hours Worked
9:00 AM 5:00PM 8
April 10 LUNCH
9:00 AM 5:00PM 8
April 11 LUNCH
9:00AM 12:00-12:30 5:00PM 7.5
April 12
Thursday WORKING
9:00AM 5:00PM 8
April 13 LUNCH
9:00AM 2:30PM 5.5
April 14
2:30PM 5:00PM 2.5
April 15
Weekly Hours 39.5
Total Hours to

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