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On Monday of this week, I had to take my cat to the vet back home, so I was not able to come

into work. I missed a staff meeting and a wellness group meeting. The updates from both meetings were

posted on Slack, which I have become proficient in using. Nothing very new was discussed in the staff

meeting, except for some updates on events and their dates. During the wellness meeting, our team

worked on logistics and marketing for the panel discussion about Black Queer health that we are putting

on next Monday. On Tuesday, I had my weekly meeting with my fellow interns to discuss our readings

for the week. This week's readings focused on feminism. We watched a TedTalk from Chimamanda

Ngozi Adichie, the author of We Should All Be Feminists. I went to a Catholic high school in which I

participated in the March for Life in Washington D.C. my senior year. The day after the march, the

women’s march took place. I remember being the hotel lobby and listening to the women who were

participating in the march comparing the two and I was so closeminded and thought that would never be

me. The following semester and my last semester of high school, I had a teacher recommend that I read

We Should All Be Feminists. This book sparked my interest in the many feminist theories and has always

been so important to me. We read a few other articles that talked about the waves of feminism and the

different kinds of feminists we have seen throughout history. It was interesting to read about the views of

some of feminists from the first and second waves, as their meaning of feminist is drastically different

than what feminism is today. We also discussed the difference between morals and ethics and how it can

affect a person of faith, which hit close to home for me because of my upbringing.

On Wednesday, my meeting with my social media group was cancelled so that my supervisor

could get some extra work done. This week I have continued to update my post for Black History Month

which will include all our event dates on it. I am waiting to send it to my supervisor just to make sure that

no one’s event dates overlap with our center or the cultural center. We already have so many events

planned for this month like a panel discussion on Black queer health, a tabling event on Black wellness, a

fitness class which will incorporate information about Black History Month, and a few other events.
On Thursday, Meg and I walked around campus all morning and hung-up posters for the

Women’s Leadership Conference, taking place March 24th. I am looking forward to helping with this

event and listening to the women speaker’s experiences. I had fun hanging up these posters because I got

to see a lot of buildings and parts of campus that I had never seen before. On Friday, I had a meeting with

my She Speaks group. We discussed what faculty and staff we had heard back from in response to our

request to have them speak at our event. We are still waiting for a few responses and if we do not hear

back from them, we will refer to our back up list of speakers. Lastly, on Friday, Meg and I went and

refilled some of the menstruation stations around campus. We have had trouble refilling the ones in

Centennial because the doors are always locked. Overall, I had a great week and have continued to learn

new things about the importance of advocacy and inclusion.

Day Time in Lunch Time out Hours worked

Monday, 8:45 A.M. XXX 11:45 A.M. 3 hours
February 6
Tuesday, 8:45 A.M. 12:00 P.M. - 5:15 P.M. 7.5 hours
February 7 1:00 P.M.
Wednesday, 9:00 A.M. none 2:30 P.M. 5.5 hours
February 8
Thursday, 9:00 A.M. none 2:30 P.M. 5.5 hours
February 9
Friday, 9:00 A.M. none 2:30 P.M. 5.5 hours
February 10
Total Weekly 27 hours
Total Hours to 120 hours

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