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Brie Marijanich

KINS 4306

Journal Week 15

Hours Worked: 4 hours

Cumulative Hours: 325 hours

It was nice to have things pick up a little bit this week. I had quite a few assignments due

this Sunday, between the internship course and my other class. Staying busy certainly helps me

keep my mind off of everything. On Monday, I had my regular scheduled class time and didn’t

do too much. I checked D2L to see what assignments I had coming up for the week. Tuesday my

parents and I were in a 3-car wreck, so I honestly did not get any work done on Tuesday or

Wednesday because I was not feeling well. I knew that I wouldn’t have been able to do my best

work if I tried to force myself when I wasn’t feeling 100%. On Thursday I knocked out my mock

interview. I’ve done my fair share of interviews, but it was completely different doing an

interview online. In in-person interviews, you are able to pick up on the social ques of the

individual interviewing you, and it is more comfortable. With this mock interview, it was also

weird how you were able to record your answer more than once. I actually had a user error with

this feature. On one of my questions, I accidently clicked continue instead of re-recording my

question. I was freaking out because I didn’t even answer the question, and I did not want it to

affect my grade. I was in contact with Lauren Easom, who evaluated my interview, and she

allowed me to re-record my answer and email it to her. Everything worked out well. Friday I

took a quiz for my other class and took a look at my project narrative.

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