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Dosen Pengampu : Dra. Martina A Napitupulu,MSc


Kelompok 4 PSB C 2019

Agnes Adella Br Ginting (4191220009)

Enmia Septia Padang (4193520021)

Dewi Lestari (4193520018)

Talitha Sahda Fermana (4193220014)

M. Andri Syahputra Hrp (4193520030)


A. Identitas Buku
2. Penulis : Dede Cummings
3. Penerbit : Skyhorse Publishing
4. Tahun terbit : 2014
5. Jumlah halaman : 313 Halaman

B. Isi Resume

Chapter 7


To appreciate what is left on earth dan to grow reformer is our only hope
to survive. The first step in composting to start aeasy to understand in the
science of aerationand bio nutrition,The way the break down metter and
ultimately create compost as a result of soil amandements and musa. mantra
garden to create successful home composting system is to tell yourself that
storing waste from landfills and bringing it back to earth to improve. the soil
of all compost is not tha same if the measurements are done correctly it will
produce fresh compotions such as manure.

If you want to produce compost good stabilization with high temperatures

must be done for two to three months. A burial flower where one day or even
up to one year it will bloom and eventually wither so that it accumulates and
dies into compost so that it can be esier to see how the compost decomposes.
The story is not complicated and its time is easy to measure. When you have
the opportunity to look in the trash and take it in a second, then air will be
added to the pile, it will speed up the decomposition of organic material that
allows microorganisms to do their work.

Recycle wood ash on compost will add significantly potassium level.

Vegetables and food scraps can be made as compost. Mix organic soil with
compost for plants placed in a greenhouse where it will grow lettuce and cool
weather ingredients like coriander, parsley, and arugula through winter.
Flower plants, medicinal herbs, and also perennials. When autumn comes, and
the flower that fall or dei will be turned into compost as well to add important
nutrients to compost. Compost is very useful from finely ground eggshells,
from organic and laying hens that are fed pasture. Various weeds actually
contains quality and powerful medicinal nutrients.

Chapter 8


 Composting is fun and educational for adults

Composting is fun and educational for adults, Composting can be an

entertaining way to introduce basic scientific principles to younger children and
can help develop more advanced concepts for older children.

 Composting is an excellent way to teach students about the life cycle

Composting is an excellent way to teach students about the life cycle:

birth, death, decay, and rebirth. Composting can be a great way for a person to not
only feel connected to the planet that provides for him but also to take care of it.

 Composting requires four things

Composting requires four things: oxygen, appropriate temperature,

moisture, and a proper carbon to nitrogen ratio. The organisms that live in a
compost pile and the symbiotic relationships that make nutrient uptake by plants

 Any tips for troubleshooting smelly compost, dry compost, and other

If a compost pile is smelly, it is usually too wet or too nitrogenous. Quick

tips are to add plenty of carbon-rich materials such as dried leaves, dried garden
material, hay, woodchips, or peat moss. Having a stockpile of these materials
helps, especially in the winter. Aerating a pile is also crucial in keeping it from
going anaerobic (without oxygen) and producing methane.

 When should compost be used?

The duration of composting depends on the characteristics of the

composted material, the composting method used and with or without the addition

of the composting activator. Naturally composting will take several weeks to 2

years until the compost is fully cooked.

 College Age

Oberlin College students recently initiated a new composting system in

their dormitories and housing. At the forefront of this program is the Oberlin
College Resource Conservation Team (RCT). The RCT manages this new
program with the help of student volunteers called Compost Captains. Since the
program is in its first year, only fourteen compost hubs were accepted.

 From Food to Flowers

New York’s Ithaca College began composting food scraps from its dining
halls in using an aerated static pile system installed in a forty-by-eighty-foot steel
building on campus. An added benefit is the production of a small amount of high
quality humus, an excellent soil amendment.

 How did you get interested in working with kids and growing a school

When I was eight years old, I organized the kids in my neighborhood to

plant a flower garden in our backyard, and when I was twelve, my grandmother
helped me to plant my firstsmallvegetable garden beside her house.

 What you can and can't throw on your compost pile.

Any vegetable matter can go into compost. This is a helpful addition to

compost. When “put the garden to bed” each fall, students join together to clear
large organic matter from our garden (like sunflower stalks and cabbage roots).
It’s a great way for kids to see how teamwork gets things done more efficiently
and pleasantly.

 What challenges have you run into with composting and gardening at
the school?

A problem with having the garden so far from the school, though, is that
kids can’t get all the way out to the garden daily during the snowy winter months

 When and how do you apply the compost to your garden beds?

Compost takes many forms. Winter rye, once it grows to a certain height,
fixes nitrogen into the soil. It can be planted after harvest in the fall. It is then cut
down and becomes an important part of our garden mulch.

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