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UNIVERSITY OF CHESTER - Undergraduate Programmes Assignment Specification

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science
Module No Module Title Academic Year Assessment No
CO6134 Advanced Content Creation 2018/19 Part 1 of 2 (63%)

Submission Date Feedback due by

Monday 14 May 2019 by 17:00 11th June 2019

Assignment Title
Assignment 1 – Team Project

Learning Outcomes Assessed

1. Critically appraise techniques within game engines and 3D modelling software in line with industry
standards and provide examples of their implementation.
2. Research and evaluate the importance of optimisation in games development.
3. Develop applied and team-working skills in the design and implementation of further games
environment techniques

Submission Information
This written assignment must be submitted online via Moodle Turnitin submission.
This written assignment must be completed in either Microsoft Word format (.docx) or as a PDF (.pdf).
Information presented within the report should be concise, with supporting current and relevant evidence that must be
referenced and cited using the APA referencing system. Grammar, spelling and punctuation should all be used correctly
The word count equivalent for this written assignment is 1500 words. See the assignment brief for suggested word
counts for specific sections.

Extensions and Plagiarism


Extensions can only be granted by Dr Linda Rayner, Head of Department at least 48 hours in advance of the
deadline (by appointment through the Departmental Administrator), and written evidence will be required. Late work is
penalised at the rate of 5% per day.

The material you submit must be your own work. The penalties for plagiarism are severe. The minimum penalty is
usually zero for that piece of work.
Further information is available at Portal > Support Departments > Academic Quality Support Services > Academic
Assignment Brief

Team Project
2500 words equivalent
Create an in-game cutscene between 2 and 5 mins in length. The content should be of your own choice regarding storyline and aesthetical
requirements. The delivery should be in a video format of at least 720p (or to be played by VLC without plugins).
Your final work should include a short description (not more than 300 words each) of the main elements of the development workflow such as:
 Storyline + Context
 Staging + Shot Compositions/Storyboards
 Cutting
 Pacing
 Final Integration
Remember you have to reference any and all literature you use, using the APA referencing system. References do not count against the word
limit, which is interpreted as +/- 10% - so your written work should be between 1650 and 1350 words long when references are excluded.
Note the final word count of 2500 is equivalent for this assignment..

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