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It is generally assumed that a 25% loss in rebar steel would cause a structure to become

unsafe for continued use. Unfortunately, corrosion on rebar is not uniform so a critical rebar
diameter condition can be reached at a much lower level of average diameter of steel
loss. This is why it is important to look for these corrosion hot spots and to set a lower
critical point for the average diameter loss. For example, in the bar graph shown above, a 28
data point corrosion current survey showed an average corrosion rate of
40 µM/cm² (corrosion current 3.5 µA/cm²). However, there were 6 measurement points
averaging 100 µM/cm² (8.6 µA/cm²) or 2.5 times the average corrosion rate. With this in
mind a K factor should be included in the equation calculating the time period for a present
corrosion rate to reduce the rebar diameter to the critical point.

The loss of rebar diameter with respect to corrosion rate can be expressed by the following

D= 2 x 10⁻³ x R(t) x K x T

D - Loss in rebar diameter in millimeters over time (t).

T - Number of years in time for loss in the measured rebar diameter.

R(t) - Average corrosion rate measured at time zero in terms of micrometers of steel lost per
year as determined by multiplying the average corrosion current by 11.6 (Faraday’s Law).

K - Factor multiplying the average corrosion rate to account for the presence of corrosion hot

If the average rebar diameter at time zero is 0.75 inches or 19 mm and the average corrosion
current is 3.5 µA/cm² and the average hotspot current is 8.8 µA/cm² the time required for
the loss of 15% ( a conservative point below the critical point) of rebar diameter can be
calculated as follows.

3.5 µA/cm² = 40 µM/Yr.

K = 2 to account for the high hot spot average

D x 0.15 (15% loss) at future time = 2.85 mm

T = 2.85/2 x 10⁻³ ÷ (40 x 2) = 17.7 years

This assumes a starting point at time zero in the structures life, which is not the case. This
can be corrected by actual inspection and measuring of the rebar diameter at the time of the
corrosion rate measurement. Corrosion rate will vary with the ambient condition, particularly
temperature, since it is an electro-chemical process. For example measurements made in the
summer versus the winter could differ by a factor of 2, so some corrections should be made at
the time of measurement for ambient conditions of temperature and moisture.
Once the life span, as determined by the condition of the rebar, is established the question of
how to extend it can be answered.

Application of SURTREAT anodic type inorganic migratory corrosion inhibitor affects steel
reinforced Portland cement concrete by combining chemically with the cement phase to:

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