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All Life begins with a single cell.

The control center of a cell is the nucleus.

Skin, ears, and kidneys are examples of organs.

The all of these system removes waste products from the body.

A group of similar cells performing the same function is a(n) tissue.

The type of joint in your knee is a inge joint.

The type of joint found in your shoulder is a ball and sock joint.

One important function of bones is to produce blood cells.

Breathing, heart beating, and food digesting are examples of activities using involuntary type of muscles.

Walking, running, and carrying a book involve using voluntary type of muscles.

Cardiac muscle tissue can be found in your heart.

Skin helps the body maintain a steady temperature through perspiration and enlarging of blood vessels.

Digestion begins in the mouth.

The human heart has five chambers (rooms).

The top chambers of the heart are called the atrium.

The bottom of the heart is called the ventricle.

Arteries, Veins, and capillaries are the organ in the circulatory system.

This blood type is called the "universal donor type O.

The main organ in the respiratory system is the lung.

In which structure is blood filtered within the kidneys is nephron.

Water, urea, and other wastes are eliminated in a fluid called urine.

The kidneys makes urea and breaks down old red blood cells.

Axon, cell body, and dendrites are parts of a nerve cell.

A nerve cell is also called a(n) aneuron.

The central nervous system includes: Brain & Spinal Cord.

The peripheral nervous system includes : Brain & Spinal Cord.

The part of the brain responsible for thinking and memory is the Cerebrum.

The part of the brain responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing and heart beat is the Medulla.

The endocrine gland that helps regulate blood glucose levels: Pancreas.
The endocrine gland helps control other glands and regulates blood pressure: and water balance Pituitary.

The endocrine gland regulates hormones that control metabolism and energy-related reactions: Testes.

My friend could correct neither what the teacher said Thyroid.

What is the term which describes the time an egg is released from an ovary is Ovulation.

What is the term which describes the joining together of a sperm and an egg is Fertilization.

The primary function of the system is to support and protect the body Skeletal.

The primary function of this system is to be a communication and response system for the body Nervous.

The primary function of this system is to help you fight pathogens (germs) Lymphatic.

The primary function of this system is to break down food into usable form and to remove waste products Digestive.

The bone that protects the brain is called the cranium.

The bone(s) that protect the lungs are called the ribs.

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