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Lao-e, Xyna S.



1. What is the title of my research?

- Human Impacts to Baguio City’s Geographical Landscape
2. What is my statement of the problem?
a. What are the human actions that has had impacts to the city’s geographical
b. Is there a relationship between a Baguio City’s population to it’s geographical
c. Are there human interventions that one can do in order to mitigate environment
degradation of the city?
3. What are my Hypothesis of the study?
a. There are many human actions that has had impacts to the city’s geographic
landscape, and one of it is that they are making too many building in our city.
b. There is a relationship between a Baguio city’s population and its geographical
landscape, because if there’s many people in one city that can change its surface.
c. To control and limit human populations is the major source of environmental
4. Who would benefit from my research? How will these people benefit from my research?
- Humans should be the one to benefit. They can benefit by doing their tasks neatly
and to follow the rules with no other bad intentions.

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