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11 Things Only HITONIANS Would Be Able To Understand

1. The moment you realize you forgot your ID card at home and the guard chacha
gives you THAT look
Not only do you get fined a very hefty amount but more often than not are left stranded outside the campus
with a bruised ego and suspicious looks by the guards as company. No amount of cajoling can get you inside
those wrought-iron gates.

2. The cool secret code-names for various places on campus that are sure to befuddle
a non-formanite
Be it the “Lover’s Garden” or the “Close Cafe”, “E square” or “S octa”, no one names places like Formanites
do. So if you are not a student at FC and choose to ask for directions here: do it at our own risk cuz our level of
“swag” is too damn high.

3. When there are so many students of diverse backgrounds present in your vicinity
that being politically correct is tough AF
So you have people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds around you and it becomes hard keeping
track of what to say so as not to offend any certain group because let’s face it, we Pakistanis are not
particularly known for letting go of someone who says something we don’t necessarily agree with but this
beautiful mix of backgrounds, and the fact that the admin is mostly missionaries, you learn to love everyone.

4. The feeling when you zombie-walk your way into the morning class and find the
teacher is absent
You can cry, or rage. Or swallow your pride and make your way to the student center for a cup of tea and a in
self pity.

5. Scratching your head over what to call it?!


6. The Dress code fines.

The 500 rupees fines for wearing tights, sleevelesses and short tops never succeeded in faltering our
commitment to wearing them like a fearless badass.

7. Extreme silence in the library.

Apparently the library attendants’ sole job was to come up with something beyond pin-drop silence. -9
decibels perhaps?
8. GPA ka raggrra.
The second hardest thing (the hardest being scoring a girl) to get in HITEC is a socially acceptable GPA. The
batches that graduate in time are few and far between, you start off your degree with a class of 50 students
and 4 years later your convocation picture shows 10 and a half graduates.

9. Never-ending supply photographers.

HITEC literally has more students graduating as photographers than engineers and computer scientists.

10. The pain of G.T Road construction and getting stuck in traffic every day
for hours
You will never again know the pain of standing a few kilometers away from your university for an
entire hour but not being able to get there because of traffic.

11. In summers, almost dying from a heat stroke because there are literally no
shades in HITEC.
In the end, you resorted to umbrellas.

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