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Lesson Plan #1: How Do Scientists Measure Earthquakes?

EDU 626

Grade Level: Two

Subject: Mathematics & Science

Objective: Independently the student create and interpret one bar graph a.

Common Core State Standards for Mathematics – Grade 2
Common Core Stante Standards Science- Grade 2

Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number line diagram with equally spaced
points corresponding to the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., and represent whole-number sums and
differences within 100 on a number line diagram


Weather can be observed, measured, and described. As a basis for understanding this concept.

NCTM Practices:

Problem solving
Using tools

Rationale: The purpose of this lesson for students to investigate how Earthquakes make the
change. Scientists measure an earthquake's intensity on a scale. We can graph that data to
learn about earthquakes and how our world is shaped. The students will be expected to use
information from several sources to provide evidence that Earth events can occur quickly or
slowly. In order to do this, they need to have a basic knowledge of how natural events shape
the land on Earth. In this lesson, they will be learning specifically about earthquakes and how
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they can create change to the Earth very rapidly. The students will use mathematical thinking to
help them describe the natural world. The students will also be working with the data they
collected to practice their skills of analyzing and interpreting data.

Overview: This lesson begins by asking the students about how they think scientists go about
measuring earthquake intensity and why geologists would collect this data. Then the students
will graph earthquake data from 3 different days. We watch a video that tells about earthquakes
and how scientists measure their magnitude. They practice using their data to answer basic
questions. Then they must use all 3 graphs to draw conclusions about the data. They also get
to ask and answer their own questions about the graphs to the class.

 Earthquake graphs half sheet (Each student needs three graphs)
 Pencils
 Earthquake data 2020
 Tally Chart (one per pair)
 Have you Ever Felt an Earthquake Website
 Smartboard (if possible)
 Chinese Earthquake Predictor Photo
 StudyJams video

First the teacher will have students sit in the rug area. The students will be asked to sit on their
name label. Remind them Eyes are watching, Ears are listening, Bodies calm, Voices quiet. The
teacher will start by showing the students this StudyJams video . We are going to watch a video
that teaches us about how the earth moves when we experience an earth quake. Earthquakes
move through the earth in waves. These waves are measured to find out how intense an
earthquake was.
Ask students:
What did you see in the video?
What stuck out to you?
Do you have any questions?

The teacher then bring up the interactive Have you Ever Felt an Earthquake Website in front of
the class. The teacher will use the software to show how the earth rocks and rolls during
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earthquakes, what tools scientists use to measure earthquakes, and how earthquakes can
change the natural world quickly and over time.

Students will then be asked to discuss these questions with their Think Pair Share partner:

On the website, it says that geologists, or scientists who study the Earth, have very sensitive
equipment that monitors earthquake activity worldwide.
How do you think geologists measure how strong they are?
Various tools like a Seismometer

How can we easily compare earthquakes?

Graphs can be used to represent information and help us see elements to compare easily

Why would geologists collect this data how could it help us?
Earthquakes can help us predict about the earth. We can use data to develop earthquake
engineering to make structures resistant to earthquakes.

Encourage students to think about measuring something scientifically.

How we could possibly measure something scientifically?

Must have accurate tools. The information recorded has to be accurate.

Is it important to be exact when measuring something scientifically? Yes or no? Why?

Encourage students to practice their reasoning skills. Remind students that they are scientists!

(Teacher will bring up blank Earthquake graph from the Earthquake Math Lesson Materials
folder on the smart board)
Next we will move into looking at how Earthquake data is expressed and modeled. The teacher
will show the students a graph that will be used by the students to plot the earthquakes. The
teacher will project an empty graph onto the board. The students will discuss what they notice
about the graph. The teacher will address and explain each section of the graph and what it
Look at the X axis. That is this horizontal line here, remember that? What do we see here? Are
those letters? No! Numbers! You are right! What do we notice about these numbers? I am going
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to set up a number line to help us break this down and understand. The teacher will make a
number line starting at 2 and ending with 3. Between two and three we have more numbers.
These numbers are separated by a decimal The teacher will show a decimal. Okay let's look
here on the x-axis. Focus on the first column (2-2.9) Here we have a two and a dash, then 2.9.
This means we are representing the numbers 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 the
teacher will show this on a number line. Read them out as you write them 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9. These numbers are increasing right? Getting bigger? With each one we
are taking a closer step towards three. Show steps on the number line. These numbers on the
x-axis (circle each group of numbers the x-axis) represent the magnitude of how big an
earthquake was. We will use data from the U.S Geological Survey to find the size of
earthquakes that recently occured. Write Magnitude (Size of Earthquake) below the X-axis. The
numbers start at a single number, like 3, (underline) and then it increases slowly or gradually.
So you will see the number 3, then 3.1, then 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, etc. Each time
the earthquake is stronger, we add another number behind the decimal point.
So which do you think is a stronger earthquake, 3.1 or a 3.9?
For this task, earthquakes with any magnitude beginning with the same number will be in the
same category on the graph. So any earthquake between 3 and 3.9 will be grouped together.
Do you understand that?
Show an example on the graph
Ask for students' questions.

Now we will look at the Y axis. Show where the Y axis is. What do we see here? We see a label
saying Number of Earthquakes (underline it). Now what do we notice about the numbers? From
the bottom to the top they are increasing 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,16, 18, 20. They are increasing
by two right? Can you count with me by two? 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,16, 18, 20. This means
that here make a line in the middle to represent the skipped numbers so students understand
add 1,3,5,7,9,13,15,17,19 to the graph.

Now students will be asked to go to their desks. Now you are going to be working like a
geologist and take a close look at earthquakes that have happened in the last few days in the
world. We are going to be graphing the magnitude of earthquakes. I have looked at the USGS
website and retrieved information about earthquakes that happened recently. We are going to
be taking this information and creating graphs from it. Then we will use the graphs to compare
information.and draw conclusions. Pass out each table's materials.
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Take out your Earthquake Data Sheet, the sheet that has a bunch of numbers and words on it.
The teacher will pull up the data sheet. Look at the column with numbers on it (circle). It should
say the abbreviation MAG (underline) above the column. The letters MAG stand for the word
magnitude. The magnitude of an earthquake tells scientists how big and strong it was. Each
number in the column stands for how strong an earthquake was measured using scientific
equipment.. The higher the number is, the greater the magnitude or strength of the earthquake.
An earthquake with the number of 6 would be much stronger than a number of 3.

Now we are going to use this data to graph the magnitude of earthquakes that have happened
in the past 3 days (bring up the data sheets on the board) . I have given each partner group 3
sheets of earthquake data. You have sheet number 1,2 and 3. Sheet #1 shows the
earthquakes that measured above 2.5 magnitude on April 10, sheet #2 on April 11 and sheet #3
on April 12.

Ask students how you think we could take this information and put it into a graph?

Suggest the strategy of coloring the magnitudes in the same group with the same color. We will
use yellow for 2-2.9, red for 3-3.9, dark green for 4-4.9, blue for 5-5.9, and light green for 6-6.5.

This will help students transfer the raw information from the USGS information to a graph.

If students need an extra step to transfer the data they can also use the earthquake tally chart.
Explain to students how to use the tally chart. Emphasize that tallies use a cross to count five
and help us count quickly and view data clearly.

Start the graphing together to make sure the students understand. As a helpful tip, remind
students to all around the bar that they will be coloring in. This eliminates students coloring the
bars randomly and forgetting which number to stop at on the graph. Do the first two bars of data
on the graph as a class. Encourage students to look around them to check their work and others
work. Remind students that precision is extremely important. If we mess up our data then the
conclusions we draw from the data will be wrong. Work together to make sure you are being
exact. Remember to double and triple check.

The teacher will move around the class and assist as necessary. If the class is struggling, work
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Just for fun after students are done graphing take a look at the first invention made to help
people to predict earthquakes. Invented in 132 AD by Chinese Inventor Zhang Heng. Look at a
photo. Discuss how even with ancient technology people started to realize the value of
predicting earthquakes.

Then we watch a StudyJams video that tells about earthquakes and about the scientists who
study them. It explains how scientists use Richter scales to study the magnitude, or size, of the

Next students will analyze and interpret the information we have graphed. The students will
answer the questions on the earthquake graphing questions sheet. Encourage students to
expand on their reasoning. How do they know? Encourage students to explain why and how
they interpreted their data.

Scientists collect data, like how you just have, and then try to use this data to help them see
relationships and draw conclusions from it. This helps scientists understand the natural world,
such as earthquakes. This helps scientists to understand the world better. You are going to be
doing this, too now. Remember we ARE scientists! Emphasized that the information that the
students have collected has meaning. Scientists have to figure that meaning out. This helps
students start to understand the importance of analyzing and interpreting data in everyday life.

I would like you to use your graphs to find the answers to the questions on the sheet. You may
work with your partner or your table groups to find the answers. Look at your graphs to make
sure you are matching the right information.Graph #1 is April 10, Graph #2 is April 11 and
graph #3 is April 12. Make sure you are looking at the proper graph to answer the question. If it
says “In graph #1” I have to make sure I am using only the data from graph one to answer the

For question 4 and 5 you are going to have to compare all 3 graphs. So please lay out your
graphs so you can see all 3 of them at once. This will help you compare them. Remember you
are a scientist. Observe the graphs deeply. Consider all of the information before you make

Drawing conclusions can be very difficult for students. Let students try to do it on their own. If
support is needed, encourage students to work with a partner or their table group. Support as a
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“last resort”

I walk around to see which partner groups need help in this task.

When students finish they will be asked to be the teacher. Students will need need to write a
question that can be answered by looking at one of the graphs.

For example I could ask, what do the light green squares mean?

You can use your graph to answer the question

Develop one question you want to ask the class about the graph with your table group. The
students take turns asking the other groups their questions and then calling on another peer to
answer their question.

To wrap up the lesson we will talk about why and how graphing data is important to scientists.

Why do scientists graph and analyze data about earthquakes?

How can this information be useful?

Which did you find easier to read--the chart or the graph that you made? Why?

What other data could we graph?


 One on one support

 Allow students to work together in groups or with a partner
 Repeat instruction if needed
 Work with small group that needs more support
 Allow for ample time
 Pencil grips
 Large crayons or markers instead of pencil
 Use stickers to mark the graph instead of coloring
 Use clay to fill in the graph
 If students struggle with questions; work together as a class to discuss.
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Student #1 – give more time to process. Provide a low distraction environment.

Student #2 – use a smart board, visual aids and concrete examples

Student #3 – provide fine motor support if needed. Allow students to use various writing tools.

Student #4 – N/A

Student #5 – Maintain eye contact for attention. Give students extra reminders to stay on task.

Student #6 – Allow students to get up and walk around. Add a band to the students chair so he
can fidget legs.

Student #7 – N/A

Assessment: The teacher will use the students' work samples. The teacher will use the graph,
tally sheet, and graph questions

Enrichment: Students can further explore the Ancient Chinese Earthquake device. References:
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Common Core. (2020). Mathematics Standards. Retrieved from

Scholastic. (2020). Earthquakes: StudyJams! Science. Retrieved from

Science and Engineering Practices Next Generation Science Standards. (2020). Retrieved from

University of Illinois . (n.d.). Shake, Rattle and Slide - The Work of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and
Glaciers. Retrieved from
USGS. (2020). US Geological Service Earthquake Record . Retrieved from
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