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ANATOMY HOMEWORK SET C describe the signs observed in the patient?

⃣ A. Varicocele
NAME: ⃣ B. Rectocele
⃣ C. Cystocele
A___1. A 27-year-old man is admitted to the emergency ⃣ D. Hydrocele
department after a car crash. Physical examination reveals ⃣ E. Hypospadias
weakness in medial rotation and adduction of the humerus.
Which of the following nerves was most probably injured? A___7. A 54-year-old male is admitted to the hospital with
⃣ A. Thoracodorsal severe back pain. Upon radiographic examination the
⃣ B. Axillary scrotum resembles a “bag of worms.” Which of the following
⃣ C. Dorsal scapular conditions will be most likely associated with this
⃣ D. Spinal accessory radiographic picture?
⃣ E. Radial ⃣ A. Varicocele
⃣ B. Rectocele
C___2. A 39-year-old woman complains of an inability to ⃣ C. Cystocele
reach the top of her head to brush her hair. History reveals ⃣ D. Hydrocele
that she had undergone a bilateral mastectomy procedure 2 ⃣ E. Hypospadias
months earlier. Physical examination demonstrates winging
of both of her scapulae. Which nerves were most likely D___8. A 49-year-old man underwent a coronary bypass graft
damaged during surgery? procedure using the great (long) saphenous vein.
⃣ A. Axillary Postoperatively the patient complains of pain and general
⃣ B. Spinal accessory lack of normal sensation on the medial surface of the leg and
⃣ C. Long thoracic foot on the limb from which the graft was harvested. Which
⃣ D. Dorsal scapular nerve was most likely injured during surgery?
⃣ E. Thoracodorsal ⃣ A. Common fibular (peroneal)
⃣ B. Superfi cial fibular (peroneal)
A___3. Which nerve fibers carry the sensation of a mosquito ⃣ C. Lateral sural
bite on the back, just lateral to the spinous process of the T4 ⃣ D. Saphenous
vertebra? ⃣ E. Tibial
⃣ A. Somatic afferent
⃣ B. Somatic efferent B___9. A 22-year-old football player is admitted to the
⃣ C. Visceral afferent hospital with pain and swelling over the lateral aspect of the
⃣ D. Visceral efferent ankle. The emergency department doctor diagnoses an
⃣ E. Somatic efferent and visceral afferent inversion sprain. Which ligament was most likely injured?
⃣ A. Calcaneonavicular (spring)
A___4. A 3-year-old male patient presents with a clinically ⃣ B. Calcaneofi bular
signifi cant atrial septal defect (ASD). The ASD usually results ⃣ C. Long plantar
from incomplete closure of which of the following structures? ⃣ D. Short plantar
⃣ A. Foramen ovale ⃣ E. Deltoid
⃣ B. Ligamentum arteriosum
⃣ C. Ductus arteriosus C___10. A 75-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital
⃣ D. Sinus venarum after falling in her bathroom. Radiographic examination
⃣ E. Coronary sinus reveals an extracapsular fracture of the femoral neck. Which
artery is most likely at risk for injury?
D___5. A 2-day-old newborn male is cyanotic after attempts ⃣ A. Inferior gluteal
to swallow milk result in collection of the milk in his mouth. ⃣ B. First perforating branch of deep femoral
After 2 days he develops pneumonia. A tracheoesophageal ⃣ C. Medial circumfl ex femoral
fistula is suspected. Which of the following structures has ⃣ D. Obturator
failed to develop properly? ⃣ E. Superior gluteal
⃣ A. Esophagus
⃣ B. Trachea B___11. A 56-year-old male with advanced bladder
⃣ C. Tongue carcinoma suffers from diffi culty while walking. Muscle
⃣ D. Tracheoesophageal septum testing reveals weakened adductors of the right thigh. Which
⃣ E. Pharynx nerve is most likely being compressed by the tumor to result
in walking diffi culty?
D___6. A 25-year-old male is admitted to the hospital with ⃣ A. Femoral
testicular pain. Physical examination reveals a swollen and ⃣ B. Obturator
inflamed right testis. CT scan examination reveals abnormal ⃣ C. Common fi bular (peroneal)
accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis. ⃣ D. Tibial
Which of the following conditions will most accurately ⃣ E. Sciatic
lower third molar:
D___12. A 22-year-old male is diagnosed with metastatic a. Inferior alveolar nerve c. Lingual nerve
malignant melanoma of the skin over the xiphoid process. b. Chorda tympani nerve d. Mylohyoid nerve
Which nodes receive most of the lymph from this area and
are therefore most likely to be involved in metastasis of the B___22. Chassaignac tubercle is:
tumor? a. Erb’s point
⃣ A. Deep inguinal b. Carotid tubercle on C6 vertebra
⃣ B. Vertical group of superficial inguinal c. Found on first rib
⃣ C. Horizontal group of superficial inguinal d. Medial condyle of humerus
⃣ D. Axillary
⃣ E. Deep and superficial inguinal B___23. Meckel’s cave is related to:
a. Submandibular ganglion
D___13. A 22-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency b. Trigeminal ganglion
department in an unconscious state. The nurse takes a radial c. Otic ganglion
pulse to determine the heart rate of the patient. This pulse is d. Pterygopalatine ganglion
felt lateral to which tendon?
⃣ A. Palmaris longus D___24. All of the following pairs for boundaries of popliteal
⃣ B. Flexor pollicis longus fossa are correct EXCEPT
⃣ C. Flexor digitorum profundus a. Supero-medial boundary: semimembranosus
⃣ D. Flexor carpi radialis b. Supero-lateral boundary: Biceps femoris
⃣ E. Flexor digitorum superficialis c. Infero-lateral: Gastrocnemius and plantaris
d. Infero-medial: Gastrocnemius and soleus
A___14. Which of the following attains adult size before
birth: B___25. All of the following pairs regarding adductor canal
a. Ear ossicles c. Mastoid are true EXCEPT:
b. Maxilla d. Parietal bone a. Roof: Sartorius muscle
b. Contents: Femoral nerve
B___15. All of the following are pneumatic bones EXCEPT: c. Floor: Adductor longus and magnus
a. Maxilla c. Ethmoid d. Antero-lateral boundary: Vastus medialis
b. Parietal d. Mastoid
A___26. Skin and fascia of great toe drains into:
C___16. Structure passing through the tendinous ring of Zinn a. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
a. Superior ophthalmic vein c. Nasociliary nerve b. External iliac nodes
b. Trochlear nerve d. Lacrimal nerve c. Internal iliac nodes
d. Deep inguinal nodes
D___17. Mass in jugular foramen may result in all EXCEPT:
a. Difficulty in swallowing D___27. Hunterian perforators are seen in:
b. Hoarseness a. Upper thigh c. Calf
c. Difficulty in turning the neck to opposite side b. Lower thigh d. Mid-thigh
d. Tongue deviates to same side
D___28. All are Valveless EXCEPT:
E___18. Choose the incorrect pair regarding the skull a. Dural venous sinus c. Inferior vena cava
foramina and the structures passing through: b. Hepatic veins d. Femoral vein
a. Maxillary nerve: Foramen rotundum
b. Vestibulocochlear nerve: Internal acoustic meatus B___29. A patient was on DVT prophylaxis. All of the
c. Anterior part of jugular foramen: Inferior petrosal sinus following has perforators which connect superficial veins to
d. Foramen spinosum: Middle meningeal artery the deep veins EXCEPT:
e. Superior orbital fissure: Optic nerve a. Ankle c. Mid-calf
b. Below inguinal ligament d. Lower thigh
D___19. Dorello’s canal transmits:
a. Middle meningeal artery D___30. In the following nutrient arteries to bones, choose
b. Mandibular nerve the WRONG pair:
c. Superior alveolar branch of maxillary a. Humerus: Profunda brachii
d. Abducent nerve b. Radius: Anterior interosseous
c. Fibula: Peroneal
B___20. Turkish saddle is related to which structure: d. Tibia: Anterior tibial
(AIIMS 2014)
a. Hypothalamus c. Uncus
b. Hypophysis d. Amygdaloid body
C___21. Which nerve is in close relation with root of the

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