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Jea Mae T.

Section C
MWF 1:00-2:00 PM

REFLECTI As the saying goes “time is gold” , it means we

should not waste anytime in our life,just like a gold it is so
ON ON precious. Every second counts that’s why if we waste it a big
difference would happen. Imagine this, you are in a hurry to
ACTIVITY go to your class, you have 5 minutes to run to the bus to ride
you to school, but because you are not conscious with the

ONE AND time, you are 10 seconds late, so for sure you would also be
late in coming to school. That’s how a seconds makes a

One important way to help us be progressive
everyday is to have time management plan. This could be a
guide for your everyday activities that could help you be productive.
As I finished my acitivity 1, one thing that I realized for myself how money and
time are much a like, both are important. If every second penny counts , a second in time
also makes a difference. Asking us to spend 86,400 Dollars without any penny left is not
easy, thinking of the possible costs of the material is quite hard, counting all the coin is the
challenge, we should not missed even the smallest amount or else we will not get anything
from the things we choose to buy. Just like time every second in our life matters, but
because not all the time we are in a hurry we just tend to forget the value of time, we forget
who precious it is. That’s why we should think that money is like time, we loose a coin, we
can’t pay a ride in a bus, and if we are a second late to the travel time of a bus, we could
also not have a ride.
Activity 2 made me productive in a week, like I’ve been so annoyed with myself
because of the time I had wasted, I just couldn’t convince my body to work, instead it
always lay down in the bed and do nothing at all. And because of the time management
plan that I made, it keep motivated, having a goal for a day is so fun, it gives positivity to my
soul, but ofcourse at first I had a hard time coping up especially I usually sleep very late and
wake up very late also, ending up with unfinished plans I had in my mind. But as the days
past by I felt great and stopped overthing over my homeworks and the numerous lessons
that I need to study. Actually it gives me a peace of mind and every work I do is much
easier now.
Now, that I had realize how impotant time management is, I want my experience
this quarantine and the realization in the activities will help me apply time management as a
Pharmacy Student, because of the tons of schoolworks and a lot of hard major subjects
managing time is as important as anything else, for it can’t be bought. Procastination is not
an answer if we want to be successful Pharmacist someday.

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