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Lesson Plan 1

Name: Michaela Pelletier Date: February 2, 2020

Grade Level: 1st Grade Subject/Topic: Science (Living and Nonliving Things)

Group Size: This lesson could be used for an individual, small, or even large group.

Standards​: Which Maine Learning Results, Common Core Standards, Next Generation Science
Standards or Provincial Standards do these objectives support?

1. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about living and nonliving things.

2. Students will be able to clarify their thinking and classifications on living and nonliving

Objectives/Outcomes​: What do you want the students to learn? ​(Observable & Measurable)

The students will: (SWBAT know/do)

1. Students will know the difference between living and nonliving things.

2. Students will be able to show/prove something is living or nonliving with reasoning.

Instructional Materials​: What instructional materials or technology will you need?

1. 2 hula hoops

2. ​Living Things and Nonliving Things: A Compare and Contrast Book.​ by Kenin Kurtz

3. Video - ​

4. Different nonliving and living objects (small plants, book, ect.)

Introduction​: How do you plan to introduce the lesson and/or motivate the students?
​(Attention Getter, Review, and/or Preview) Explain your purpose.

I plan to begin my class by asking the students a question. “Are we living or nonliving?” (And so

Then I plan to ask the kids what it means to be living? What makes something ​alive​?

After recording the answers on the board, I will introduce to the kids what they will be learning.
(The target).

Procedures​: How will the lesson develop or proceed? What steps will you follow? Include
questions you will ask and examples you will provide.

I will first read the book on living and nonliving things.

After reading the book I will ask kids the same questions I started the lesson on to see if they
could have more elaborate/correct answers.

I will also ask the kids to give me some examples and explain why they classified the object as
living or non living.

After questions, I will explain direction to hula hoop sorting activity.

*Ask each student when placing an object in to remember these questions, “Does it grow,
does it change?”*
● Place two hula hoops labeled living and nonliving on the ground.
● Kids will then each be given an object and have to place it in the correct hoop.
● After the class is finished, we will go over the objects and make sure they are in the
correct spots.

Assessment/Check for Understanding​: ​How will you measure if the students have met the
lesson objective?

I will do this by watching the students during the hula hoop exercise and observing whether they
were able to put the living and nonliving items in the correct category.
I will also be paying attention to kids that are answering questions correctly and incorrectly to
see who and what topic needs improvement.

Closure/Transition​: ​How will you end the lesson?

I will end the lesson with the video and begin tomorrow’s lesson with the same video and review
questions about this lesson.

Accommodations/Differentiation:​ ​What modifications could you make to lesson procedures,

materials, or assessment/check for understanding?

This lesson allows kids to be interactive.

It has activites tied into it for visual learners as well as hands on learners and those who would
rather just read. It gives a little bit of everything.

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