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M5A1 EDC 257 1

For this assignment, I chose to explore Popplet, Padlet, and Wakelet. All three of them

were easy to use and have similar features. I would say Popplet and Wakelet are the most similar

in the sense that I could only see it as a tool to have students engage with material on the apps,

rather than share work with students. While all three of them have the capability of student

collaboration, Padlet seems to be the most useful when it comes to student work. I can definitely

see myself using all three regularly in my classroom for various purposes. I chose to focus on

Wakelet because the layout is more user friendly for my third graders. I also wanted to focus on

one that would be able to simply provide me with a way to present a variety of material to my

students. I started using Wakelet briefly this past weekend, and began to watch videos on how

teachers use it in their classroom. I immediately noticed most teachers use it as a way for

students to add research to a Wake. I knew that my third graders are not at that step yet, but I

liked how easy it was for me to share information in an organized manner. I added a link or two

each day to my Wake on frog adaptations. The goal was to provide my students with ample

research to support a writing prompt posted in the Wake.

I would highly recommend Wakelet to my teammates and especially to the higher

elementary grade level teachers at my school. It is easy to use and it allows for efficient research

posting. I would use this my having my students create a Wakelet account, and access my link to

a Wake that would be posted in Google Classroom. I could see myself using this app for mainly

writing or interventions for other subjects. I think Wakelet is a great way for students to begin

curating and eventually annotating in order to foster collaborative writing skills they need when

using technology. It also aids students who have little to no research experience. Using apps such
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as Wakelet provides students with a foundation of 21st century skills. If technology is not readily

available, students can practice curating by reading hard copy pieces of information, creating

their own handwritten writing to share with the class.

Because it was nearly impossible for me to take a screenshot from my work computer

(my key is missing for the screenshot function), I took snaps with my phone of my progress. The

first day, I decided to make an informative Wakelet on Freaky Frog Adaptations and chose a

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The first piece of information I added was a video on poison dart frogs from Youtube. I

was greatly impressed by how easy it is to add Youtube videos. There is a Youtube link button

and all you have to do is search for a topic, and click on the Youtube videos you would like to

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The next piece of information I added was a link to my class’s Weebly page, that has

readings and postings on frogs for them to read or watch. My students are already familiar with

our Weebly page, but they have not explored everything my grade team and I have put together

for them.
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The next four snaps include videos I added on a variety of frogs that are covered in our

curriculum. All of the frogs added my students need to know about according to the third grade

state standards.
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This last image shows my final product. I added one more PDF link, and I added the prompt I

wanted my students to answer.

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