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Document: JSPU/SOP Equipment: Manual Dough Sheeter

Manual Dough Sheeter

1. Do not use this tool if you have not been trained

to operate.
2. Here's how to use the right tool:
a. Make sure that this tool is ready to use. Report to the technician if there are non-
standard tool conditions.
b. Change the position (MCB) to the top that indicates that this tool is connected to an
electric current.
c. Adjust the thickness of the roller by adjusting Thickness handle (Press handle and shift it
slowly, position it at the desired thickness).
d. The position of the iron flag must be horizontal, because the iron flag functions as a
socket, if the position is facing up then Dough moulder won't work.
e. The socket is in the ON position which means the device is ready to use.
f. Save the mixture above belt and run by stepping pedal which is under the tool or handle
which is in the middle of the tool, every flake is sprinkled with a little flour so that the
dough does not stick to the tool.
g. To adjust the direction using handle directed to the right and left, for the pedal, the right
direction to step on the right pedal and the left direction to step on the left pedal.
h. Mention thickness adjustment range
i. When flipping over the length of the belt use an aluminum roller. The remaining dough is
rolled up using the roll.
j. Do the flakes until you get the desired thickness.
3. Once clearing has been done, change the position of the MCB to its original position (downward).
Change the socket to the OFF position and the iron flag rises and MCB drops back again.
4. Clean up Dough Sheeter (belt / belts) by using a clean and dry brush, and for other parts you can
use a clean and dry cloth (Cleaner must use safety gloves)
5. Be careful using this tool because it uses high-voltage electricity.

Production Incharge: ____________ Quality Assurance Incharge: ___________

Verified By: ___________

SOP Designed By:

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