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Методична розробка з навчання фонетики

студентки 41 групи
Супрунчук Світлани Володимирівни

І. Presentation stage.
- Dear children, today we are going to study a new sound. Listen to this phrase:

Oh, Christmas Tree,

Oh, Christmas Tree,
How lovely are your branches!

In beauty green
You always grow
Through summer shine
And winter snow.

- Now listen to the words: Christmas, tree, branches, green, grow.

- How do you think what sound is common in these words?
- Yes, it is sound [r].
- To say [r] it is necessary to lift the tip of the tongue to the firm palate and abruptly tear
it away.
II. Practice stage.
- Let's try to speak English [r]. What is the sound of the Ukrainian language like? Yes, to
the sound [p], but without shaking.
- In what words have we already met this sound?
1. So now repeat the words after me:
● red, read, right, rain, road, green, tree, dress.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [r]:

● mother, dry, true, school, cry, pretty, need, pen, friend, teacher.

3. listen to the patter and say how many times you heard the sound [r]:

Ruby Rugby’s brother brought her ruby roses.

Robert Rowley rolled

A round roll round.

4. Listen and repeat after me:

✔ green light

✔ read the book

✔ free tickets

✔ Christmas Tree

✔ good friend

✔ younger brother

5. Game “Hame the word”.

- The childrens are in a circle. One player throws the ball to another and pronounces a
word with the sound of [r]. The player who caught the ball should name the next word.
Words should not be repeated. And so to the last player.

ІІІ. Production stage.

1. Look at the pictures and tell me what you can see there:

Bedroom Christmas
Rain Rabbit

River Restaurant

Frog Rainbow

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