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1) a) According to source a the significance of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement was

mainly naval and was beneficial to the members of the British Commonwealth
nations, because the Germans were not allowed a significant navy after the
agreement was signed.
b) According to Ian Kershaw Hitler called june 18th 1935 the happiest day of his life,
because he believed that it was the start of the Anglo-German alliance.

2) Source C is an humorous cartoon which mainly pokes fun at the inner workings of
international politics at the time and also explains what the outcome of Italy fighting
would be. Source D on the other hand is an historical statement written after the
disbanding of the league in 1935. Source D views the league as an useless fraud
and states how Hitler was able to watch from the sidelines how it fell apart. This was
not mentioned in source C because it had yet to happen. Source C predicts the
conflict which is to come and also predicts what the implications of Italy fighting would
result in.
3) Source E is an extract from a speech published in a german magazine. This speech
can and will be valuable historians due to the views it represents and how the
speaker values the Agreement which had been signed. This would give personal
insight into the situation which a historian would otherwise not be able to gain. The
source is very limited on the other hand, because it only manages to give you
someone's opinion on the Agreement rather than giving historically important data
about the Agreement and the consequences of the Agreement itself. The extract
from the speech is not as helpful as source F for studying the outbreak of world war 2
because it lacks depth and background information.

Source F on the other hand is an extract from a historical article and is therefore
more focused on bringing out historically important events and happenings. The
extract also lacks personal opinion which is important when trying to assess historic
events. Source F is also slightly limited, because it was not written at the time of the
happening, but it was written decades later probably based on other sources. The
source itself is good for assessing the outbreak of world war 2 because it details
events which were crucial in the breaking out of the war.

4) I strongly agree that the appeasement policy strengthened Hitler and was a case for
the outbreak of the second world war. One of the major reasons for this would be the
1938 agreement about handing over a part of Czechoslovakia to Germany as
mentioned in source F. This gave Hitler the control over Central Europe. It was a key
gateway into domination of the whole of Czechoslovakia and from there it acted as
an entrance into other Central European countries.

The agreement gave Hitler the trust of the British and resulted in them not intervening
in their occupation of parts of czechoslovakia even before the treaty was even signed
by the Czechs. Hitler ended up using Czechoslovakia as a gateway into Poland and
ended up invading Poland which then caused the treaty to be broken and Britain
being in war again with Germany, even though they had caved in to German will
during the signing of the treaty.
The appeasement policy was mainly a policy which allowed Britain and France to
ignore Germany's military actions so that they would not end up in a war with
Germany. Source E also very much indicates this, because it states that the Naval
Agreement is a symbol of the desire of the two countries not wanting to go war again.
To conclude the appeasement policy was a policy which bought Germany time to
occupy smaller nations within Europe without Britain and France interfering and this
gave them a head start into the war when they finally invaded Poland.

Joona Närhilä

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