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Cerebral Tonic

Bu Nao Wan (Cerebral Tonic Pills) - Patent pill

TCM actions: Calms the shen, transforms phlegm, extinguishes wind,
strengthens the kidneys, nourishes blood, benefits and clears the brain,
opens the bowels
Biomedical actions: Sedative and tranquilizer, nervine, sedates the
sympathetic nervous system, mild laxative
Indications: Phlegm misting the mind, senses & shen, dull sensorum, lack
of jing shen, forgetfulness, poor concentration, absentmindedness, confusion,
disorientation, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, anxiety, nervousness

Wu Wei Zi  (Schizandra chinensis)

Suan Zao Ren  (Zizyphus spinoza)
Bai Zi Ren  (Biota orientalis)
Dang Gui  (Angelica sinensis)
Gou Qi Zi  (Lycium barbarum)
Yi Zhi Ren  (Alpinia oxyphylla)
Shi Chang Pu  (Acorus gramineus)
Yuan Zhi  (Polygala)
Tian Ma  (Gastrodia elata)
Dan Nan Xing  (Arisaema cosanguinium)
Tian Zhu Huang  (Bambusa textilis)
Long Gu  (Os draconis)
Hu Po  (Amber)
Hu Tao Ren  (Juglans regia)
Rou Cong Rong  (Cistanches deserticola) 

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