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Academic speaking assignment

Eni suryani


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Peace be upon you, and Alloh mercy and blessing.

Good morning audience, good morning miss Engliana.

On this wonderful occasion, I’d like to talk today about a cost- benefit analysis of introducing
job-sharing. Well, ladies and gentleman, the aim of my talk here is to inform necessary
information for a decision to be made within the next two months. We all know that job-sharing
can be appealing who are looking to reduce their hours provide care for someone at home or who
are simply looking for a lighter work load without quitting together.

Ladies and gentleman, in this case the workers should divide their salary. For a position and
how the hours will be covered. Besides, job sharing needs a solid communication between work
partners and management, as well as other employees who are not in the job sharing program, is
a must. Beside the reason that listed before, it is important to find partners in a job sharing
position that have work styles, habits, preferences, quality standards and communications skills
that are compatible and

Ok, that’s all for me, thank you for listening me.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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