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Bogotá, Colombia

(+57) 314 454 5416

Laura Daniela Jiménez

May 13th, 2023

Human Resources Department

Employer detailsSharon's Manual Osteopath & Massage Clinic

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to you to express my interest in the position of Administrative clerk. I have attached my CV with relevant
employment experience and would like to take this opportunity to highlight a few key points pertinent to this role.

My experience in the administrative sector has allowed me to adapt and be successful in different areas. This involvement
has helped me to learn how to recognize shortcomings suggesting strategies and solutions, in addition to the daily learning
in customer service and inventories, the ability to adapt to changes and work under pressure to carry out daily tasks taking
each goal as mine, which allows me to drive for results.

On the other hand, my background, teach me how to help people with their different requirements, working hand in hand
with partners and the staff I’ve been in charge of acquiring the ability to bring effective solutions, teamwork creating a great
work environment being proactive to make decisions when it is necessary, as it has been in the case of the manage of the
Origenes Fit Market Store and the cold sale of intangible products.

The position you are offering is a great combination to my interests and experience. I am excited to be able to bring you my
knowledge and abilities as well as the opportunity for me to continue learning and growing in this area. I would like to learn
more about this opportunity and share how I will be an excellent fit for your company.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Daniela Jiménez

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