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5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

Total Ques ons : 15

1 - Ques on: (25689) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 62.78 %

A steel wire can withstand a load up to 2940 N. A load of 150 kg is suspended from a
rigid support. The maximum angle through which the wire can be displaced from the
mean posi on, so that the wire does not break when the load passes through the
posi on of equilibrium, is (2008 E)

(1) 30°

(2) 60°

(3) 80°

(4) 85°

Correct Op on: 2

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Conserving   energy   from  A  to  B :

1 2
mgh = mv ⇒ v = √2 gh = √2g(l − lcosθ)

While   crossing   the   equilibrium   position

mv m
T = mg + = mg + [2 gl(1 − cosθ)]
r l

    = mg + 2mg − 2 mg  cosθ = mg[3 − 2cosθ]

     ∴  3 − 2 cosθ = = 2
( 150 ) ( 9.8 )

     ⇒  2 cosθ = 1  ⇒  cosθ = ⇒ θ = 60°

2 - Ques on: (27264) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 38.74 % 1/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

A weightless rod of length 2l carries two equal mass 'm', one ed at lower end A and
the other at the middle of the rod at B. The rod can rotate in a ver cal plane about a
fixed horizontal axis passing through C. The rod is released from rest in the horizontal
posi on. The speed of the mass B at the instant rod, become ver cal is:

(1) √ 5

(2) √ 5

(3) √ 5

(4) √ 5

Correct Op on: 3

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Since the rod is a rigid object, its angular velocity will remain the same. So the
angular veloci es of A and B are the same which are performing the circular
mo on.

Let the linear speed of mass B at bo om be v. So,

v vA
  =                       (Angular velocity  is same )
r 2r

So,  vA   = 2v

Conserving   energy   from   horizontal   position   to   vertical  position :

1 2 1
0 + 0 + 0 = −mgl − mg(2l) + mv + m(2v)
2 2

1 2
3mgl = mv × 5

6 gl
√ = v

3 - Ques on: (42252) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 63.17 % 2/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

The work done in pulling up a block of wood weighing 2 kN for a length of 10m on a
smooth plane inclined at an angle of 15° with the horizontal is (given: sin15°=0.2588):

(1) 4.36 kJ

(2) 5.17 kJ

(3) 8.91 kJ

(4) 9.82 kJ

Correct Op on: 2

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W = mg sin θ × s

= 2 × 10 × sin 15° × 10

= 5 .17 kJ

4 - Ques on: (42270) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 74.95 %

A posi on dependent force F = 7 − 2x + 3x2 newton acts on a small body of mass

2 kg and displaces it from x = 0 to x = 5 m. The work done in joules is:

(1) 70

(2) 270

(3) 35

(4) 135

Correct Op on: 4

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5 5
(4) W = ∫ F dx = ∫ (7 − 2x + 3x ) dx
= [7x − x2 3
+ x ]
0 0

= 35 – 25 + 125 = 135 J

5 - Ques on: (42278) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 79.0 % 3/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

The poten al energy of a body is given by, U = A – Bx2 (Where x is the displacement).
The magnitude of force ac ng on the par cle is

(1) Constant

(2) Propor onal to x

(3) Propor onal to x2

(4) Inversely propor onal to x

Correct Op on: 2

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(2) U = A − Bx

⇒F = −

= 2Bx

⇒F ∝ x

6 - Ques on: (42294) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 71.0 %

A fric onless track ABCDE ends in a circular loop of radius R. A body slides down the
track from point A which is at a height h = 5 cm. Maximum value of R for the body to
successfully complete the loop is

(1) 5 cm
(2) 4

(3) 3

(4) 2 cm

Correct Op on: 4

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(4) 4/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin
To   complete   the   circle,   velocity   at   bottom   =  √5 gR

Conserve   energy   from  A  to  B −

1 2
           mgh = mv

              gh   =   × 5 gR

               h =

2 2
R = × h = × 5 = 2 cm
5 5

7 - Ques on: (42436) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 70.08 %

The block of mass M moving on the fric onless horizontal surface collides with the
spring of spring constant K and compresses it by length L. The maximum momentum
of the block a er collision is

(1) Zero
(2) K

(3) √M K L
(4) 2M

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) When block of mass M collides with the spring its kine c energy gets
converted into elas c poten al energy of the spring.

From the law of conserva on of energy

1 2 1 2
Mv = KL
2 2

∴   v = √ L

Where v is the velocity of block by which it collides with spring. So, its
maximum momentum

P = Mv = M√
L = √M K L

A er collision the block will rebound with same linear momentum. 5/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

8 - Ques on: (42520) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 75.02 %

A weight li er li s 300 kg from the ground to a height of 2 meter in 3 second. The

average power generated by him is

(1) 5880 wa

(2) 4410 wa

(3) 2205 wa

(4) 1960 wa

Correct Op on: 4

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Workdone mgh 300×9.8×2

(4) P = Time
= t
= 1960 W

9 - Ques on: (42743) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 72.48 %

A uniform chain of length L and mass M is lying on a smooth table and one third of its
length is hanging ver cally down over the edge of the table. If g is accelera on due to
gravity, the work required to pull the hanging part on to the table is

(1) MgL

(2) MgL/3

(3) MgL/9

(4) MgL/18

Correct Op on: 4

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Wrok  done = potential   energy   of   the   hanging   chain

                    = mgh

M L 1 L MgL
                    = × × g × ( )=
L 3 2 3 18

10 - Ques on: (42765) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 78.9 % 6/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

A toy car of mass 5 kg moves up a ramp under the influence of force F plo ed against
displacement x. The maximum height a ained is given by

(1) ymax = 20 m

(2) ymax = 15 m

(3) ymax = 11 m

(4) ymax = 5 m

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) Work done = Gain in poten al energy

Area under curve = mgh

⇒ 1

× 11 × 100 = 5 × 10 × h

⇒ h = 11 m

11 - Ques on: (42785) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 44.39 %

The rela onship between the force F and posi on x of a body is as shown in figure.
The work done in displacing the body from x = 1 m to x = 5 m will be

(1) 30 J

(2) 15 J

(3) 25 J

(4) 20 J

Correct Op on: 2 7/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

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(2) Work done = area under F-x graph

= area of rectangle ABCD + area of rectangle LCEF

+ area of rectangle GFIH + area of triangle IJK

= (2 − 1) × (10 − 0) + (3 − 2)(5 − 0) + (4 − 3)(−5 − 0)

+ (5 − 4)(10 − 0) = 15 J

12 - Ques on: (51045) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 63.67 %

A par cle moves from a point (−2 î + 5 ĵ) to (4 ĵ + 3k) when a force of

(4 î + 3 ĵ) N is applied. How much work has been done by the force?

1. 8 J

2. 11 J

3. 5 J

4. 2 J

Correct Op on: 3

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Displacement of the par cle,

→ → →
Δ s = r 2 − r 1

      = 4 ĵ + 3k −(−2 î + 5 ĵ)

       = 2 î − ĵ + 3k 8/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

Force on the par cle,

F = 4 î + 3 ĵ  N

→ →
∴   Work   done,  W = F . Δ s

=(4 î + 3 ĵ ).(2 î − ĵ + 3k̂)

= 8 − 3 = 5J

13 - Ques on: (51133) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 72.79 %

Two similar springs P and Q have spring constants KP and KQ, such that KP > KQ. They
are stretched, first by the same amount (case a) and then by the same force (case b).
The work done by external force, WP and WQ on the springs P and Q in case (a) and
case (b) respec vely are related as,

1. WP=WQ ; WP>WQ

2. WP=WQ ; WP=WQ

3. WP>WQ ; WQ>WP

4. WP<WQ ; WQ<WP

Correct Op on: 3

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Given that;  KP > KQ .

Case (a) :

T he elongation is same i. e.  x1 = x2 = x

1 2 1 2
So,  WP = KP x  & WQ = KQ x
2 2

So,  WP > WQ ⇒ > 1.

Case (b) :

T he spring f orce is same i. e.  F1 = F2 = F .

So,  x1 =  & x2 =

2 2
1 2 F 1 2 F
⇒ WP = KP x 1 =  & WQ = KQ x 2 =
2 2KP 2 2KQ

⇒ WP < WQ ⇒ < 1.
WQ 9/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

14 - Ques on: (51359) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 71.23 %

A car of mass m starts from rest and

accelerates so that the instantaneous

power delivered to the car has a constant

magnitude P0 . The instantaneous

velocity of this car is propor onal to

1. t2 P0 2. t1/2

3. t−1/2 4. t/√m

Correct Op on: 2

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P0 = Fv

      =(m )v

      = mv

Integra ng both sides

t v
∫ P0 dt = ∫ mv   dv
0 0

    P0 t =

2 2P0 t
    v =

    v ∝ t

15 - Ques on: (51552) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct percentage : 48.08 %

The poten al energy of a system increases if work is done

(a) by the system against a conserva ve force

(b) by the system against a nonconserva ve force

(c) upon the system by a conserva ve force

(d) upon the system by a nonconserva ve force

Correct Op on: 1 10/11
5/2/2020 NEETprep Admin

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The poten al energy of a system increases if work is done by the system

against a conserva ve force.

ΔU = −Wconservative   force = Wsystem 11/11

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