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Joyous at seeing his son, He learns that his father is the Sun

Phaeton The Phae

Sun ton
Vow an unbreakable oath to grant his He cannot handle the chariot’s wild horses
son any wish
Phaëthon He asks to fly the Sun’s chariot across the sky

Son of Daedalus He found a golden bridle that

He kills the Chimera enables him to tame the horse.
He flies high, his wings melt, and
he plummets to his death in the Bellero- rejects the infatuated wife
sea phon of a king named Proetus
Daedalus And
A master Bellerophon He wants more than anything to
possess the winged horse Pegasus
Imprisoned with his
son He bucks Bellerophon
He warns Icarus not to
fly too high He builds wings for their escape Becomes the pride of Zeus’s
Otus Sons of Poseidon
They try to kidnap Artemis and
They claim superiority to the gods
Exhibit pride in the face of the gods

They manage to kidnap Ares Two Giant brothers

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