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Coditional I – real condition

If- dacă
Present Simple Future Simple
I,You,We,they- V (help, go) Will+ V ( will do)
He,she, it –Vs/Ves (helps, goes)
Verbul „to be” în propoziția cu if are
urmatoarele forme: am, is, are (not)
Negative form
I,You,We,they- don’t +V ( don’t help, go) Will not + V (won’t +V)
He,she, it – doesn’t + V ( doesn’t help, go)

Examples: If I help my classmate , he will write the test well. (dacă-l voi ajuta pe
colegul meu, el va srie testul bine).
If she brushes her teeth regularly, she will have healthy teeth.
They will go for a picnic, it it is nice weather.
They won’t go to school on time, if they don’t hurry.
When he doesn’t have free time, he won’t play with his friends.

Coditional II – unreal condition in present

If- dacă
Past Simple Future in the Past
Ved/ V II ( helped, went) Would+ V ( would do)
Verbul „to be” în propoziția cu if, la toate
persoanele –were (not)
Negative form
Didn’t +V Would not + V (wouldn’t +V)

Examples: If I helped my classmate , he would write the test well. (dacă l-aș ajuta
pe colegul meu, el ar srie testul bine).
If she brushed her teeth regularly, she would have healthy teeth.
They would go for a picnic, it it were nice weather.
They wouldn’t go to school on time, if they didn’t hurry.
When he didn’t have free time, he wouldn’t play with his friends.
Coditional III – unreal condition in the past
If- dacă
Past Perfect Future Perfect in the Past

Had +Ved/ V III ( had helped, had gone) Would have + V III/Ved ( would have
done/ visited)
Negative form
Would not have + V III/Ved
hadn’t +V III/Ved (wouldn’t have +V III/ Ved)

Examples: If I had helped my classmate , he would have written the test well.
(dacă eu l-aș fi ajutat pe colegul meu, el ar fi sris testul bine).
If she had brushed her teeth regularly, she would have had healthy
They would have gone for a picnic, it it had been nice weather.
They wouldn’t have gone to school on time, if they hadn’t hurried.
When he hadn’t had free time, he wouldn’t have played with his

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