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Alcayde Regine E.


1. To be moral is to be human. What does this mean?

I could say tha being the most rational beings that God has been created, human beings

at the first place, unlike other animals, are able to reflect on one judgments about our own and

others action and as a result we are able to make considered moral choices in our life.

According to what the developmental psychologist Jean Piaget says, "human progress from a

very limited understanding of morality to a more sophisticated understaning. Involving for

instance, the consideration of motives and intentions behind particular acts." This simply means

that human beings was not born with this kind of ability rather a mere understanding that each

individual must practice while they are living. Humans are gifted to make a value judgements in

life, to criticize what acts are good nor bad. If we do absorb and applies morals in our actions,

we can be considered as humans. Sometimes those people who doesnt showed any morals on

their actions is already the same as an animal. It is all because humanity is judged on the basis

of morality. Likewise our acts will isnt humane if it is isnt accordance to our ethics, beliefs or

morality. That's why to become moral is to be a human which are the rational beings that God

has been created.

2. Why is morality only for persons?

Morality is only for persons because only the human beings can act in accordance

of morality. Human beings are considered as the highest form of living things that's why having

the capacity to think can help us to decide also to move in accordance of morality. Undeniably,

other beings like animals and plants do not have the capacity to think hence, cannot discern

which is morally good or not. Giving this special features that humans could only attain is one of

the proofs that morality is only for people. Moral sentiments are also shaped by culture, not

actually the genetics. It simply tells us that humans is the only beings that has an ability to

adopt good morals on their environment and the one who can applies it on the real life

situations that they had encounter. Even though animals has also an ability to think it doesnt

mean that they could think more deeper and applies it on their everday living. They are just

capable to think for their survival nor for there necessities to live in. We couldnt denied the

fact that among all of the living things onto this world, morality is only fo the humans.

3. How does conscience relate to morality?

First of all, conscience is the persons reason that judges morality of his/her actions. It

pushes person to do good and avoid evil. Having a mind that could think about what is good or

not, conscience is the one who leads us to the right decisions in life wherein we could avoid

wrong doings. Knowing that morality refers to guidelines that we can use to determine what we

ought to do in a particular situation. Individual conscience helps us to become aware of our

deeply held moral principles, we are motivated to act upon them , and we assess our character,

our behavior, ultimately our self against those principles. By informing us of our values and

principles to become the standard, we can do judge whether or not our actions are ethical.

Through conscience we are also being ethically aware and this is our ability to recognise ethical

values and principle. On the other hand, we are also being an ethical in terms of decision

making. This was an ability to evaluate a situation clearly so we would know how to act

virtuosly under the circumstances. In morality, conscience should prioritize and be the

guidelines of our actions because seeing conscience through this way is really important. It

teaches us that ethics is not innate but by continously working it, we understand our

surroundings and we strengthen our moral actions.

4. Do laws limit our freedom?

Base on my own perspective, I would say that laws do limits our freedom. It doesnt

mean that having a democratic society, our freedom are limitless. Still, we must consider our

laws because it will serve as our guide to the Human law and Devine law. In fact, freedom and

laws will be working all together because laws will give mankind the true freedom in a sense of

giving them the assurance, providing the good ways of life or conduct which is beneficial to all.

Without law or rules to govern our freedom , a natural law would develop by such practices

that each individual will do anything what they wanted without considering its effect to others

whether it is good or bad. However restricting our freedom through laws was actually enhances

positive freedom when it prohibits negative behaviors and promotes positive behaviors. In

general, laws is really necessary to govern our freedom because it will leads us to become a

morally human beings. When there is no rules to complied with, each of us could commits any

crimes which is not ethically good because our freedom doesnt have any boundaries at all.

Laws also helps each of us to had peace and order not just only for our country but also

regarding with our decision making. It settles our mind to have a fundamental rules to follow

thats why our actions never astray. Laws do reminds us always that we shouldnt use our

freedom to do unethical doings but instead leads us to the path wherein we could be a moral


5. Should values be taught? Why?

Base on my own point of view, my anwer is yes that values should be taught. I would say

that values is really essential to teach in any places around the world. If values are being taught

in schools, students would learn how to practice healthy attitudes and behavior such as honesty

and kindness. Teaching values is not just olnly the values itself, but instead it also reflect the

attitudes and behaviors of each individual and contribute a lot to our society through good

citizenship and ethics. If moral values are not being taught, it is possible that none of us will do

the right thing that we could do if we encounter moral dillemas. Teaching values must start

with the parents as they serve a role model to their childrens and an influence of good and right

conduct. If each children has appreciate the importance of values and integrate it on their

everyday actions, it will brings them to become a a better version of themselves. It is one of the

main reason why values are being part of the curriculum itself. We should taught values even in

the young childrens because it is a good trait that we could learn and may one of the best

chracterictics we could ever had.

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