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| Michelle Valeria Pluas Vasquez

Dear Sue,

I am in my university semester now; this it is the last semester and I have different
hours than before quarantine.
I need your understanding with a flexible work arrangement

My university schedule is

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

7:30 – 8:45 7:30 – 8:45 7:30 – 14:00

18:15 – 18:15 – 18:15 – 22:15 18:15 – 22:15 18:15 –

22:15 22:15 22:15

In the table you can see that my problem is in the morning because my workday begins
at 8:00 a.m. but I need more flexibility for the next 4 months.

In these months I am not able to do additional hours, however, I believe that the hours at
home are enough not to delay me in the work tasks and, in case of delay, I can take
responsibility on a Saturday.

I also believe that the effect on business and on my colleagues can be tailored to my
commitment to complete my homework early in the morning before work hours.

This change in my work pattern can be managed by making sure my key tasks are still
due and my commitment to complete the morning tasks before the team arrives.
I am willing to discuss possible alternatives to the agreements that I have outlined, and I
am also willing to work with you to ensure that this agreement works effectively for
both me and the business.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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