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You wrote:

"The best and most powerful Transformations in me has occured when I was
"Just Observing"...

Not when I was doing Japa or Reading or Anything...

But "Just Observing" doesnt happens ?

More often then not, I get caught up in thoughts n its accompanying energy.

Sometimes "just observation" happens when I am Doing Japa...

Sometimes Japa becomes an hurdle in "Just Observation"..



So "Just observation" doesn't happens if I try practicing it and if I try "Japa"

sometime Japa makes it happen, sometimes it obstructs it....

What To do? "

I have the same experience: these magic transformations happen when we

are doing NOTHING. Not lazy nothing. But truly, nothing is happening in
our mind. In that gap, miracles occur.

What I‟ve learned is that sometimes – whether we are doing japa or just
observing or even doing something else, somehow the mind relaxes &
somehow we slip into a deeper place where transformation and insight can
happen. In the beginning, we cannot slip into this state at will, but with long
practice (whether of japa or observing), we come to sense the „place‟ that is
deeper and then we can go there at will. But that, as Ajay said to you, will
take a long time.

Now it is more an act of grace than anything you are doing. But with
repeated experiences you will learn how to help yourself fall into that place.
PRESENCE is required for both japa & self-observation. It is the being
Present, without thoughts, that is key.

There are always many obstacles. More than I personally can count –
including terrible headaches (I had one yesterday after a perfectly calm
centred day, too). But one has to change one‟s perception of the obstacles
that the energy field throws at us: instead of regarding it as a nightmare or
any kind of bad thing, we have to TRY to see them as opportunities to gain
inner strength, strength of the centre of awareness. Like lifting weights. You
start small & build up strength. Quite literally, every time you succeed in
mastering one obstacle, you will have learned an essential lesson for
spiritual growth. It‟s like a ladder you climb – only you‟re climbing

After years of serious, dedicated sadhana I have one definite conviction: it

is not so much what we do as our SUSTAINED, CONTINUOUS, SINCERE
EFFORT that produces lasting results & a lot of grace. Often quite

Ajay has said: “While no amount of effort can buy you grace, nevertheless
without effort there is no grace.” A mystery.

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