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Erotic Séance
(a date with Anabelle)

Copyright 2004 - Forgotten Worlds

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Let me be honest here, this is not for everyone, I know. You have to be
open minded and willing to experience something sexual (alone) that you
might not have been expecting. This is not a séance in the traditional sense of
the word. Nothing is going to fly around and no tables are going to me moving.
The whole thing will take place in your mind.
I came up with this after reading Brother Shadow’s Have Séance Will
Travel and finally an awesome and weird book called Mind Games by Robert
I’ve done this for one person to start and I’ve had up to eight at once.
Again, this is not for everyone, that’s why I used the title I did. It is an erotic
séance that takes place in your mind and your experience might end up not
being what you thought you wanted or imagined.
Most of the time it’s a positive experience, but I’ve had a person freak out
because what showed up for her was not what she wanted or expected at all,
which is rare because if you do everything as written here, there will be a
positive air about the séance and it will all end fairly positive … and pretty
No one will be touching anyone, not even holding hands. No one will
have to share what happened to them if they don’t want, though it’s really cool
if they do. There is nothing to be afraid of and people must trust you, like you
and be able to relax in your presence.
For this séance to be a hit, everyone has to be relaxed, and their minds
must be open to suggestion. This is not total hypnosis, but many of the
induction techniques used in hypnosis.
Before Anything Else
This is the type of séance that can be held in anyone’s living room, but
there is nothing worse than having all kinds of distractions when doing this.
Your pets should be away where you won’t even be able to hear them,
this sort of thing can be distracting and ruin the whole experience.
You also really don’t want someone knocking on the door or calling on
the phone. Have some signs put outside your front door that people are not to
disturb, make sure all cell phones are off and that phones in the house, even the
ones that might be in another room, are with the sound turned off as well. I
learned this the hard way even after being advised!
You’ll need a sound system for this because at one point you will be
playing some music and I recommend that you use your own system; the nicer
the better. A boom box is fine, but make sure the level is adjusted before you
begin, you don’t want to be messing with that after the seance starts. Again, if
you’re going to use their sound system make sure you test it and have the
volume set where you want it.
The Beginning
You have to put the participants at ease, this is important, so you’ll pretty
much follow exactly what I’ve written here, changing it just to make it more
natural to you.
Try not to mess too much with the content unless you know a better way
of doing it. Do what I suggest because I’ve done it and it works!
Have everyone take their shoes off (you might want to tell them
beforehand to avoid stinky feet problems).
After the initial introduction and brief ritual, you’ll have nothing else to
do but wait for things to happen in their minds. If you have the material
recorded, you can even join them!
It’s important that you sound casual, without stress so that everyone is
open to the experience and not at all worried about it.
Up until the point where everyone gathers around the table, you have to
appear calm and keep the conversation light, no talk of politics and war please.
Once everyone sits, continue the light conversation with a clear table
ahead of them. Now this can be a coffee table around comfortable couches and
chairs, or a dining room table. You decide what better suits you.
What you’re going to say next is very important because it will put
people in the right mind set, which is key to the outcome of the séance.

“Well, let’s get started. I don’t want anyone to be scared because there is
nothing to be scared of, you’re not going to see any ghosts or weird things
moving around the room. I’m not going into any kind of trance, or start
speaking in strange voices, there’s just no need for it.
The spirit you’ll contact lives inside you already, maybe it’s a fantasy of
yours or some person you haven’t met but have always imagined. We’re all
sexual beings so that part will come easy.
To set you at ease, I want you to know that you won’t have to share your
experience with anyone if you don’t want to, you’re not going to be forced to
speak out, but you’re open to do so if you choose afterwards .

(speak slowly)
Right now, I want you to close your eyes ... take a deep breath ... and let
your mind go to sexual experiences in your past ... partners that drove you wild
... sexual moments you won’t soon forget ... don’t try to pick and choose these
memories ... but just let them come to you ... your experiences and fantasies are
way more important than anything I can suggest now.
I’m going to guide you into something you’ve never experienced. But first
I’m going to prepare your mind ... and help prepare your consciousness ... to let
go ... and bring out what may already be living inside you ... I’m going to help
you live a new experience tonight.
We’re going to start with a ritual, nothing spooky at all. The purpose of
the ritual is to get you even more relaxed ... washing away any negative energy
and stress.
As we get into it you’ll feel more relaxed ... you’ll feel all the tension
drain from your body and mind....
The ritual is very simple and it’ll help open your mind to this new
experience ... it’ll help you achieve a higher state of consciousness ... it’ll help
you find what you might have hidden away inside you ... as soon as we start
the ritual you’ll become more and more relaxed ....
For now I want you to continue thinking about those sexual experiences
and fantasies ... let your mind wander ... don’t force anything ... get comfortable
with your thoughts ... relax ... completely let go....
After we’re done with the ritual, you’ll feel very relaxed ... your mind
will have already started to take its trip into the sexual unknown ... and some
long forgotten fantasies might pop up, which is okay.
We will then begin the séance.
I’ll say very little at that point, I don’t want to interfere with the spirit
trying to reach you, but keep in mind that nothing scary will happen.
I will start playing music ... playing it very low to help you along ... the
room will be darkened only to help avoid distractions, so don’t worry ...
As soon as the music ends, the séance will be over.
You’ll have some time to collect your thoughts on the experience and if
you want, we can discuss it ... or not.
Let’s start the ritual by opening your eyes now ...
The Ritual With The Candle Flame
This is my adaptation to what’s in Mind Games and Brother Shadows
awesome, Have Séance Will Travel.
You’ll introduce in this ritual hypnotic induction techniques,
hyperventilation, optic illusions caused by contrast, lighting, and the mood you
The props? Just a candle. Make sure there are no drafts that could make
the flame flicker. You want the candle flame to be as still as possible.
Bring out a candle and place it in the center of the table, light it and have
all other lights turned off.


“For this séance to be successful you guys have to be relaxed, and in a

receptive frame of mind. The ritual that we’re going to start is going to help
with that. It’s nothing to feel weird about, the flame is just a place to focus your
thoughts on ... and I suggest you imagine that the sexual spirit you will
encounter is perhaps somewhere inside it.
We’re going to take deep breaths to help us fully relax. Let’s all try to do
it together, as one....
Now let’s all take a deep breath through the nose, hold it for a few
moments ... and let it out through the mouth. We should do this together, we’ll
get the rhythm of it once we begin.
During this breathing exercise you will be watching the flame and
opening your mind to that spirit. Try not to take your eyes off of the flame
while we do this and you’ll see that the flame changes shapes, colors, and size.
This is just a manifestation of the spirit.
This is done to cleanse your mind of distractions and negative feelings,
the whole thing is pretty simple, just follow my lead. At the end of the brief
ritual, you’ll close your eyes, I’ll give you some instructions, then the experience
will begin.
Let’s continue the breathing together.
Keeping your eyes on the flame … it’ll begin to breath with you … the
color may change, the size, and you’ll see these changes happening … feel
something sexual inside it … don’t wonder about any changes you might see
on the flame … accept what you feel and see … become the flame for a moment
now ... you are that flame ... now come out and observe the flame ... you are so
close to the sexual spirit inside it … allow the flickering candle flame to guide
you into a dreamy state of self hypnosis and as your mind begins to relax,
observe the sexual images that float through your inner vision ... as you inhale,
the flame will grow bigger … as you exhale the flame will become smaller …
observe the flame.…
You may close your eyes now....

Start the music and say:

Totally relax … you are ready to meet and experience your sexual spirit
… you are in a empty white room with comfortable padding on the floor and
walls … the soft glow dims inside the room ... and go blueish … there’s a door
ahead of you … when that door opens the spirit will come in and you will
have a sexual interaction with it … you’re watching the door now … wait
patiently for your subconscious mind to unveil your spirit lover for this sexual
experience ... the door is slowly opening ... trust your unconscious mind and
allow it to show you what it will....

Leave them to their wild imagination!

I have a few options for music. In my opinion it must be instrumental,
sexual, and deep. You have a boom box on the chair next to you, or remote
control so you don’t have to make any weird movements during the whole
séance. The music has to suggest sex! I’ll give you my suggestion.
I did this with a guy that had a surround sound system in his home and
it was awesome! I don’t think the music should be low, but it shouldn’t be loud
either. Enough to add to your thoughts but not interfere with them. Try it out.
I usually use, and it works awesome, “Traces” and “The Screen Behind
The Mirror”, tracks 6 and 7 back to back from Enigma’s The Screen Behind
The Mirror CD. You just have to make sure you fade out at the end of the
track 7, before track 8 starts. This will be the end of the séance and people can
stop then.
These two songs total about 8 minutes, which is good enough to have an
“experience”. The clicking on track 6 induces a sort of hypnotic state, it
becomes sort of a listening meditation helping the whole thing along. But you
can use anything you like, this is just a suggestion.
Again, the music needs to have a sexual pulse to it. You’ll know it when
you listen to it. I think that if you want to go ahead and do this Erotic Séance
then it’s worth the trouble to find something unique, or use what I suggested.
Look for instrumental music from other countries, or movie music CDs,
these will have some very different kinds of music in them.
Another point to keep in mind is the length of the piece. My experience
with this says it should be at least six minutes long. In between six and eight or
nine is awesome.
I haven’t done this, but an alternative to remembering the directions, you
could have it all recorded on a CD, then play it back. This way you could be
part of the seance too. If you do this, make sure it’s a decent recording.
The Séance
During the séance the whole room should be illuminated only by the
light of a single candle on the table. No hand holding at all, you don’t want
people touching each other during this wild experience.
Besides the candle, nothing else should be on the table.
The ritual will have put everyone in the right frame of mind and open to
all your suggestions. They are almost, but not quite, in a hypnotic state.
At this point, turn on the CD player and leave them to their imaginations.
When the song ends, you tell them it’s over and wait a minute or so before
having them open their eyes and turning the lights on.

Well, it can get pretty crazy.
I’ve had people really “sexually charged” after this séance. To my surprise
I’ve had a couple of guys tell me I was the one who showed up when the door
opened ... and what I did was incredible!
This is what you’ll have to deal with if you decide to go through with
this séance.
Like I said earlier it’s not for everyone. Only one time did I have a girl
totally freak out because the spirit that showed up for her was rough and
wanted to rape her. It wasn’t my fault, this came from her own mind, nothing I
did suggested such a thing. Besides this one time alone, everyone had some
pretty wild experiences. Some people never talk about them though, while
others are more open and tell you what went on when they opened the door.
What’s really cool about the whole séance is that it all happens in
people’s minds. And believe me, they won’t soon forget it.
As a bonus, ALEXANDRE suggested adding a trip to hell in here.
Almost the same thing, but when the music starts you walk into a dark,
warm room, see a dark and warm pathway ... and you take it inside hell for a
I’m not so sure about this, I wouldn’t do it, it might freak people out, but
you can decide for yourself.

The Séance ... alone!

You could try doing this alone by using the candle flame to induce
hypnosis, just make sure that you're safe and that the candle is well away from
If you fall into a hypnotic trance and knock anything, a fire could start
very easily. Sit in a comfortable chair with the candle at least three meters
away from you and make sure there are no drafts that could make the flame
flicker. You want to flame to be as still as possible.
This is a method of self-hypnosis, since no other person is hypnotizing
you. So you need to prepare yourself well before going into trance. That means
stating your objective. In the following sentence I offer an example of what to
tell yourself, but please adapt it to suit your own needs accordingly.

“I am going to go into hypnosis for twenty minutes. ( or however long

you want ) I will gaze at the flame of the candle until my eyes become sleepy
and heavy ... and when my eyes close I will count myself down from 20 to zero.
As I count down, I will visualize being in a white room with comfortable
padding on the floor and walls. The soft glow will dim and become blueish ...
ahead of me will be a door ... the door will slowly open and I shall wait
patiently for my subconscious mind to unveil my spirit lover for this sexual
experience. I will simply trust my unconscious mind and allow it to show me
what it will.
When the twenty minutes are up, I will leave the hypnotic state by
thanking my inner mind for allowing me to glimpse these secrets. The spirit
will retreat through the door and I will open my eyes.
Now if, at any time whatsoever during this hypnotic experience, an
urgent situation comes up which needs my attention, I will quickly shut the
door of my mind and open my eyes to deal with the situation in a calm,
effective manner.

Read through these sentences several times to give you an idea of how to
state your intention. Then rewrite it to suit your individual situation.
Choose your room and a place to carry out your self-hypnosis with care.
If you plan to do this more than once, try to use the same place every time you
hypnotize yourself, this will build up an association in your mind.
If you wish to use incense or room fragrances to create an atmosphere,
do so. I don’t suggest you do this in the regular seance unless everyone agrees
to a particular incense. Some people just don’t like them, or don’t like the smell
of certain ones. But when doing it alone, do whatever will work best for you.
Music can also add to the mood, so consider this as well. I don’t use this,
but I was told that the haunting sound of panpipes are pretty good as
background music for self hypnosis, just leave it playing quietly in the
When you're ready, make yourself comfortable and state your intention
before you begin focusing on the flame of the candle. After a while your vision
will become hazy and your eyes will begin to blink more and more. Soon it will
be too much effort to keep them open, and closing your eyes is your signal to
sink deeper into relaxation by counting yourself down.
When you you’re in the room and the door opens, don't try too hard to
see things. Just patiently watch your inner screen for whatever images come to
you. Rarely will there be nothing there for you to see at all, but it can happen.
At other times you'll be blown away by the results. Even if nothing appears to
you when you first do this exercise, you’ll benefit from experiencing the
meditative state and your mind will become conditioned for self-hypnosis.
Don't come out of hypnosis too quickly, do it slowly, you might want to
count up to 20 for this. Just enjoy the calmness and relaxation from within for
a while, before reorienting yourself back into your surroundings.
I’ve been told that when you concentrate on a candle flame you go into
another state of mind. Some people believe that you may even have an Out Of
Body experience in this way. It sort of feels that way when you’re in the room
with your sexual spirit. You totally forget you’re sitting comfortably
Be careful and have fun! See you guys next time! Thanks!
– Anabelle

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