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Dear Aunt, Dear Aunt, I love my boyfriend but

I feel like we are 2 very different

I am a university student and I live at
people. I like to save up for
home with my mother but I feel like I
holidays and nice things but he
have to get out or I will go crazy. My
likes to spend his money as it
mother is ill so I have to take care of her.
comes in. Usually he spends his
I also take my younger brother to school
money on gadgets and stupid
and then after my university I work a job.
things. Also we have been living
The expenses for the house are
together for 6 years and he hasn’t
extortionate and I have nobody to help
asked me to marry him yet. Yours,
me. I know I have a commitment to my
family but I feel like I will have to drop
out of university (I’m in my 3rd year) and Dear Sophie, it sounds like he
live for them rather than break free and hasn’t grown up yet. You can stick
live my life for myself. Thanks, John. with him and see how it plays out.
I doubt though that it will be a
Dear John, sounds like you are stuck in
happy ending for you though. Men
a terrible situation. I commend you for
like that tend to stay like Peter Pan
sticking it out so selflessly for so long. Is
for the longest time. End it as
there absolutely no family you can ask
soon as possible. Cut your losses.
for help? Could you get help from the
government for care workers? If your Dear Aunt, my life is terrible. I
brother is old enough to take care of hate everything about it. Everyone
himself would your mother really want has more money than me. They
you to give up your dream? In another are happy and have friends. I hate
few years if you finished university you everyone. Mike.
might be in a much better place
Dear Mike, the reason everything
financially to take care of your family.
is terrible is probably your attitude.
Being a friendlier person will
change your life. Try it.

 Talk about each column and talk with your partner about whether
you agree or disagree with the advice. Why do you feel this way?
 Who do you feel sorriest for John, Sophie or Mike? Why?

Write your own response to this Agony Aunt column:

Dear Aunt, I am having a terrible time with my job. I make very

good money but I leave my home very early in the morning and I
get in very late at night after my wife and children have gone to
sleep. On the weekends I am so tired all I want to do is crash
out on the sofa and I feel like I am such a bad husband. My wife
understands that this is our life and is fine with our arrangement.
We do have a large house and a large part of my salary goes
into mortgage and bills. I, however think my children and wife
are drifting away from me. Should I take another job? All other
jobs would be less money for me but I would have more time for
my family and myself. Thanks, Daniel.
Dear Daniel,_________________________________________
Talk with a partner and discuss problems and solutions in your own

Language you may find useful for this exercise

I am so stressed about… If I were you, I would…
I feel like so much is expected of I understand your problem but you
me… should…
I’m not really sure what to do. What do you think about…?
What do you think I should do? I think the best thing you can do is..
I’m having a problem with… When this happens to me I…
I can’t seem to…. You should focus more on…
What would you do if…? I have no idea, sorry!
What’s the best way to…? What about…?

Conversation cards:

Discuss or write what would be simple advice for these problems.

Daisy thinks that she Adam thinks that he

should buy a new doesn’t need to get
house. married.

David thinks that he Rachel thinks that she

should work part time should stop eating meat
over the summer and become a
instead of taking a vegetarian.
university course.

Robert wants to stop Kelly thinks that

smoking but he doesn’t studying is the only
know how to. important thing in her

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