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Areej Waheed

Roll No:



BBA (Hons)


Principles of Marketing

Course code:


Submitted To:

Miss Anam Yaqoob

Date of Submission:

14th May, 2020

Assignment on Marketing Mix in Covid-19 crises

Effective marketing focuses on how to conceive, communicate, and deliver customer value and
this has never been more relevant than in the current crisis.

This requires going back to the fundamentals and identifying how additional value might be
offered across each of the traditional four P’s of marketing (product, price, promotion, and
place) and taking a fresh and broader approach to each.

Think solution, not just product. We were offering different variety of food but during COVID
19 we remain committed to ensuring that all customers have access to the items they need,
taking action to support our Team Members and doing our part to help contain the spread of

In addition, we will close up to two hours early to give our Team Members more time to restock
shelves, sanitize our restaurant and rest in preparation for the next day.

Think access, not just place. Before COVID 19 people were able to come to the restaurants
easily but now during this situation seated restaurant venues & taprooms will close for in-store
dining and will offer takeout only.

During this time, our Pizza Parlor will remain open for pickup and we will continue to fulfill
Prime delivery orders in an effort to meet unprecedented demand.

Think value, not just price. Before this COVID 19 pricing factors were balance in our Pizza Parlor
but during this pandemic situation consumers are experiencing severe financial uncertainty. So
we have sensed the need for frugality and trimmed our takeout menu options to the essentials,
slashing our prices in the process.

Think education, not just promotion. Locked up at home, people are unsurprisingly glued to
computer and smartphones, so creating an advertising app or mobile app is a great way to
increase exposure for your restaurant and reach new customers and we will also focus on
digital campaigns.

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