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Baba, bayi laki2, 20 bln

Acute (<2wk) dysentry-form diarrhea* :

CC : - Bacterial
Bloody and mucus-laden diarrhea* for 10 days, 6-8x/day  Salmonella  no constipation ×
Fever for 5 days  Shigella  the diarrhea watery and large volume
Others : initially then evolving into frequent, bloody diarrhea.×
abdominal pain  EHEC  usually no fever ×
Tenesmus  Yersinia
History : - Parasitic
Youngest of 4 children  E. Histolytica
Family with low socioeconomic status Abdominal pain + tenesmus : hallmark of dysentry-form diarrhea
Live in crowded condition and poor sanitation

PE :
General : alert,* thirsty,* eager to drink,* 2nd degree of malnutrition
Vital sign :
- BP 90/60  hypotension
- PR 100/min  tachycardia
- RR 30/min  mild-moderate dehydration *)
- T 38  febrila 2nd degree of malnutrition
Head : shunken eyes*, dry mouth*, tear still present* Mild amebic colitis
Conjunctiva : not anemic
Abdomen : skin turgor return to normal slowly*, peristaltic slightly
increase, abominal tenderness localized in lower part abdomen

Lab : Treatment :
Hb 12 g/dl  N?? 3rd day of hospitalization :
- Metronidazole 10 mg/kg/bw PO
Ht 36%  N?? Clinical worsening with sign of peritonitis and
WBC 12.800  leukocytosis toxic megacolon
- Rehydration plan B
Pt 250.000  N - Nutritional support
Fresh stool exam : bloody stool+mucus+fully bad odor D: fulminant amebic colitis with peritonitis
Microscopic exam : fecal leukocytes, erythrocyte abundant
- With normal saline  trophozoite E.histolytica with RBC
- With lugol : cyst E.histolytica with nuclei Metronidazole IV for 10 days
Etiology : Entamoeba Histolytica 1. Trophozoite  colonize the lumen of large intestine
AMEBIASIS and may invade its mucosal lining.
Supportive treatment
- Mempunyai 2 bentuk :  Bergerak aktif
Definition : adalah infeksi parasit yang disebabkan oleh
 Ø : 10-60µ
Entamoeba Histolytica
 Dapat ditemukan di lumen usus (intraintestinal) 1. Infeksi asimptomatik - Diagnosis is based on detecting the organisms in
dan luar usus (ekstraintestinal) 2. Intestinal Amebiasis stool samples, sigmoidoscopically obtained
 Mengandung beberapa eritrosit di dalamnya  Acute amebic colitis smears, tissue biopsy sample.
2. Kista  infective form  May occur within 2 wks of infection or be - Fresh stools samples should be examined within
 Oval/bulat asimetris delayed for months 30min for detection of trophozoite containing
 Dinding halus  Onset is gradual with colicky abdominal pain erythrocyte in saline solution definitive!
 Ø : 10-20µ and frequent bowel movements (6-8x/day) 2. Serologis
 Kista muda : berinti 1 dan mengandung  Tenesmus (associated with rectosigmoid 3. Sigmoidoscopy
gelembung glikogen dan batang kromatoid involvement) - Examined for trophozoite in biopsy taken from the
Kista dewasa : berinti 4 dan hanya terbentuk &  Bloody and mucoid stools with few edge of ulcers.
dijumpai di lumen usus. leukocytes 4. Liver aspirate
- Siklus Hidup :  Fever 5. Non-invasive imaging of liver
Kista dan trophozoite akan keluar bersama feses (kista  Abdominal tenderness may be localized 6. Lab exam
biasanya ditemukan pada feses padat, sedangkan anywhere in lower abdomen, but usually - In mild cases lab test are normal
trophozite pada feses yang cair) over cecum, transverse colon, or sigmoid. - May find Leukocytosis
- Anemia is common, esp. In chronic disease.
  Fulminant colitis
Kista yang matang termakan oleh manusia  Is the result of confluent ulceration and
Differential Diagnosis
 necrosis of colon
Di usus kecil, kista akan mengalami ekskistasi (dinding  Bowel is dilated, particularly in transverse  Bacterial diarrhea caused by Campylobacter
kista hilang dan mengeluarkan amuba dlm stadium portion  Enteroinvasive E.coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Vibrio
metakista berinti 4, kemudian membelah menjadi 8  Patient is extremely febrile and toxic, and
trophozoit muda shows signs of hypovolemia and electrolyte Treatment
 imbalance
Parasit terbawa ke usus besar  Ameboma - Prinsip managementnya :
 A nodular focus of proliferative  Metronidazole
inflammation.  DOC for symptomatic invasive disease.
 As a result of repeated invasion of the colon  Dosage : 30-50 mg/kg/day PO/IV divided
Trophozoite berkoloni dan Membentuk kista by E.histolytica, complicated by pyogenic in 3 doses for 7-10 days
menginvasi usus besar infection.  Paromomycin
3. Hepatic Amebiasis (Amoebic Liver Abscess)  DOC for non-invasive disease
 Fever (hallmark in children)  Use to cure luminal infection
Epidemiology  Abdominal pain, distention, enlargement,  Supportive
and tenderness of the liver  Fluid replacement (with plan B for mild-
 10% dari populasi dunia terinfeksi oleh spesies  Elevation of diaphragm and atelectasis, or moderate dehydration)
Entamoeba effusion  Dietetic treatment (for malnutrition)
 Amebiasis terjadi pada 50 juta org tiap tahunnya  Lab findings : slight leukocytosis, moderate  Health education
dengan kematian mencapai 100.000 anemia, high ESR, and non-specific elevation - Class of drugs uses to treat amebiasis
 Insidensi amebiasis tinggi pada negara berkembang of hepatic enzyme 1. Luminal amebicides
 Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada transmisi :  Use to treat asymptomatic or mild
edukasi yang rendah, kemiskinan, populasi penduduk Diagnosis intestinal forms of amebiasis, after
yang terlalu padat, sumber air yang terkontaminasi. systemic or mixed amebicide to
1. Stools eradicate infection.
Manifestasi Klinis  Contoh :diloxanide furoate, iodoquinol,
and paromomycin
2. Systemic amebicides - Improved sanitation and clean water supply
 Against invasive amebiasis - Eating only cooked food or self-peeled fruits in
3. Mixed amebicides endemic areas. Avoid eating raw fruits and salads.
 Use for both systemic and intestinal - Early treatment in carriers.
 Contoh : metronidazole Prognosis
- Pharmacological properties of Metronidazole - Intestinal infection are respond well to appropriate
 MOA : nitro group of metronidazole is therapy. Severity increased in :
chemically reduced in anaerobic bacteria  Children, esp. Neonates
and sensitive protozoans. The reactive  Pregnant and postpartum women
reduction products is responsible for  Those using corticosteroid
microbial activity.  Those with malignancies
 Clinical uses :  Malnourished individuals
 Amebiasis - Mortality rate in pts with uncomplicated amebic liver
DOC for all tissue infection of abscess <1%
E.histolytica. But not effective
against extraluminal parasite TOXIC MEGACOLON
 Giardiasis - clinical term for an acute toxic colitis with dilatation
 Trichomoniasis of the colon
 SE - hallmarks : nonobstructive colonic dilatation larger
 Common : Nausea, headache, dry than 6 cm and signs of systemic toxicity.
mouth, or metalic taste - Criteria :
 Infrequent : vomit, diarrhea, 1. radiographic evidence of colonic dilatation.
insomnia, weakness, dizziness, 2. One of : fever (>101.5°F), tachycardia (>120
thrush, rash, dysuria, dark urine, beats/min), leukocytosis (>10.5 103/µL), or
vertigo. anemia
 Should be used with caution in 3. One of : dehydration, altered mental status,
patients with CNS disease. electrolyte abnormality, or hypotension.
- Rehydration plan B : - icroscopic hallmark of toxic megacolon (toxic colitis)
ORS 700-900 mL in 4 hours + extra fluuid + zinc is inflammation extending beyond the mucosa into
the smooth-muscle layers and serosa.
Complication - nitric oxide appears to be involved in the
pathogenesis of toxic megacolon (toxic colitis).
 Bowel perforation
 GI bleeding
 Stricture formation (ameboma)
 Fistula formation
 Intussusceptiopn
 Amebic liver abscess
 Empyema
 Brain Abscess
 Pericarditis


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