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Senior High School Department

Pateros, Metro Manila



Background of the Study:

Over the past years, the consumers have experienced a radical shift in how
businesses are conducted and how people interact with companies. The introduction of
the print media, radios, television, and the internet has an immense impact on how
businesses operate and market the consumers. The role of the consumers is to determine
and interact with the advertisements and how they interpret the message of various
advertisements. With the growth of digital media in advanced countries, the Philippines
also tried to invest in these types of advertisements leading them to efficiently connect
with the consumers about their products. Using advertisement campaigns such as
television commercials, pop-up ads, and in-stream video ads on social media. These
advertisements have been commonly used in the Filipino commerce, which then leads the
consumers to buy their products.

As claimed by (2016), Advertisements provide a direct

line of communication to an existing and prospective customer about a business’ product
or service. It makes the consumers aware of the product, convinces that the product is the
right for the customer’s needs, creates desire for a product, and enhances the image of the
product. Furthermore, (2017), discuss that digital marketing experts
estimate that most people are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day. As stated
by Abu Bashar et. Al. (2012), over the past years, the consumers have experienced a
radical shift in how businesses are conducted and how people interact with companies.
The introduction of the Print media, radios, television, and the Internet have had an

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 1
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

immense impact on how businesses operate and market the consumers. The role of the
consumers is to determine and interact with the advertisements and how they interpret the
message of various medium of an advertisement. With the growth of digital media in
advanced countries, the Philippines also tried to invest in this type of advertisements
leading them to efficiently connect with the consumers about their products. Using
advertisement campaigns such as television commercials, pop-up ads, and in-stream
video ads on the social media. These advertisements have been commonly used in the
Filipino commerce, which then leads the consumers to buy their products.

As researched by Concha, J.V. & Soler, J.C. (2012). This phenomenon was
nationalized in the Philippines and was internationalized globally. Advertisers use
different approaches into delivering a certain message for the promotion of their product.
Wherein advertisers use an emotional appeal, facts and statistics, endorsements, and
others join the bandwagon effect wherein a trend being followed to advertise their
product which makes the consumers buy the product that is being advertised by the

With these concepts, this study aims to know the different marketing strategies
employed by fast food businesses and to learn which of these strategies is most beneficial
for them.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 2
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Research Problem and Questions:

This research aims to specify the varieties of marketing strategies present in fast
food businesses and also to seek information on what kind of marketing strategy is
efficient in attracting the masses to further develop the business

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What type of marketing strategy is most commonly used in the fast food industry?

2. What medium of advertisement gives a better impact to the fast food business?

3. What marketing strategies are more beneficial for long-term customer loyalty?

Theoretical Framework:

The researchers aim to differentiate and rank the kinds of marketing strategies that
can be seen used by most fast-food businesses. This study uses theories as our basis such
as the “Theory of Demand and Supply” by Alfred Marshall (1890), this theory shows that
products should have an equilibrium to their respective consumers or clientele. This
theory shows that products will be purchased only if the customers need it and food is a
product that never subsides in the demand department, to prove this claim the researchers
used a concept from the “Hierarchy of Needs” by Abraham Maslow (1943), the primary
and most important needs of a person is his physiological needs which includes air,
water, food, shelter, sleep and clothing. These theories are the main basis of this research
because it tells that a fast food chain would never run out of customers due to how food is
a product that is part of the physiological needs. Therefore, it is a timeless product that
will most likely not run out of business.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 3
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Advertisement makes the business’ sales better and gives the customers a general
overview on the products that a business will be selling. This claim can be proven by
Rene Giard’s (1994) “Theory of Borrowed Desire”, this theory shows that if a product is
appealing and advertised properly, people will desire to have that product and will want
to buy it to experience it themselves. This can be applied to fast-food businesses by
having an advertisement to bring people into the business because of the glamour of a
product seen in the advertisement and tend to have a “bandwagon effect” to the
demographic of the people whom were appealed to the advertisement that they saw.

With regards to the “Word of Mouth Theory” by Chrysanthos Dellarocas (2003),

it is the oldest marketing strategy and it works as the consumer of a business will spread
his/her knowledge in regards of what he/she discovered. This theory stated that in a fast
food business word of mouth advertisement can be effective due to the shear number of
people whom have tried the foods sold within the business franchise. This theory is also a
main concept of relevance to the study since it will be a basis whether food businesses
will need to adapt to newer flatforms in terms of their marketing strategies and
advertising techniques.

Theory of Reasoned Action by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen (1960), states that
influencing behavior is done through influencing the intention to perform behavior. The
marketing strategy of the fast food chain is influencing the customer behavior to purchase
their product. The theory believed that Person A is the personal attitudinal judgment or
the one who made the judgment and use others to the act upon it influencing the behavior
of the Person B to make action and Person B is the attitude to the behavior or the one
who will act to the Person A. The marketing strategy is the Person A that influences the
behavior of the customers while the Person B that is pursued to purchase a product to the
fast food chain.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 4
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

The most common marketing strategy used are television advertisements due to it being
inexpensive yet effective in attracting customers especially in the long run.

Significance of the Study:

 The Business Owners

This study aims at helping the owners of the various fast food chains to
develop their creativity of marketing strategy of persuading the customer. This
research is also going to help them to identify the changes in customer behavior
and their respective decision making in purchasing of goods. Lastly, is to help the
owners to make suitable and appropriate marketing strategy to appeal to various

 The Customers

This study aims to help the customer to have an ability to identify the
different methods and approaches employed by different fast food chains in their
marketing strategies. It also aims to give the customers insight of being smart in
their decision making. Henceforth, that they would not be deceived by false

 The Country

This study aims at empowering fast food business ventures by guiding

them to have a clear insight of the effective marketing strategies that they can use
to improve their sales. Thus, may help the county’s economy in the long run.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 5
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

 The Future Researchers

This study aims to help the future researchers to make a further research
on the methods of the marketing strategies on the consumer. This might be their
references for future research.

Scope and Limitations:

The study or research aims to find the effects of advertisement that pursues
consumers to dine in fast food businesses. The intention of the study is to know how
advertisements affect the consumers to dine in that certain fast food chain, what kind of
advertisement works best on their businesses, and the study aims to find whether fast
food businesses uses ethics ways to advertise their foods.

The research is held at Pateros Catholic School, methods used in the study are
surveys, interviews, and video analysis that aims to discuss the different marketing
strategies particularly on the use of advertisements. Interviews are to people that has
credibility regarding the topic regardless of their age. Surveys are given to consumers that
are part of the generation Z demographic and are currently senior high school students or
college freshmen (ages 16-19) that usually eat in fast food chains, regardless of gender
and background.

The study focuses on generation Z, ages 16-19, which consumes to the following fast
food chains: Jollibee, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Chowking, KFC, Mang Inasal, Greenwich
and Burger King. The researchers chose this age bracket due to fast food chains are
senior high school and college students go-to eating places that suit their allowance.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 6
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

The research limits the study by conducting surveys and interviews to those
whom consume plentiful amount of fast food and those whom have authority over the
fast food field staff.

Definition of Terms:

 Fast Food

o (Operational): A restaurant such as Jollibee, McDonald’s, Wendy’s,

Chowking, KFC, Mang Inasal, Greenwich and Burger King which can
serve food quickly, mostly light meal

Ethical Issues/ Considerations:

The research uses surveys and interviews and to respect the rights of the
customers, the researchers aim to only give objective information and be responsible in
surveying the masses. This research also aims at questioning a company’s personal
reports and statistics, as such the researchers would keep all the data gathered to be
confidential under any circumstances and would not speak of any business’ in a matter
that it would affect a business’ integrity and morality towards its customers. The
researchers pledge to follow the law regarding an individual or an organization’s privacy
as stated in the Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 7
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila



Marketing is a major funding of any growing business thus it can give impact that
may or may not improve a business’ net worth. There are numerous marketing strategies
and techniques that can be found in any business but the most common kind is the
advertisements. Advertising is the most common way to expand a business, by letting the
possible clientele know the business and its products the business can gain popularity that
in the future may make a business’ brand stand alone.

The researchers aim to know more about these phenomena by choosing to study
4 topics that will aim to know how advertisement works, how advertisement operates and
the impact of these advertisements to the consumers or customers. The Nature of
Advertising was first discussed to learn the fundamental concepts imbedded when
advertising a product and also learn how do these advertisements attract certain clients.
The Types of Advertisement Strategies are next discussed to learn and understand
different ways on of categorizing advertisements. This will also discuss the new era of
advertising, the digital advertising. The third discussion, Advertising Strategy in Fast
Food Chains, is a follow up to the second discussion aiming to correlate the types of
advertising strategies to their selected field of study or targeted topic. Lastly, the fourth
discussion is Consumer Feedback and it aims to find the correlation between different
advertisements with its customers and also aims to prove the hypothesis forming the
possible conclusion of the research.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 8
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Nature of Advertisement

Smith (2019) explains that advertisements should connect with masses and should
be persuasive by nature; advertisements should perceive a message that seeks attention,
visually attractive, consumer oriented and uses various modes of media. This statement
proves that the goal of the advertisement is to connect the business with its customers by
persuading them to avail and patronize the products sold by businesses. Furthermore,
Tibon (2018) states that the advantages of marketing can inform, remind and persuade
customers about new or existing products, that will demonstrate the uses of the product
and to promote or establish the image of the brand.

According to Tibon (2018), advertising is defined as an activity that the most

consumer associate with the term marketing. But advertising is just one of many methods
of promotion or marketing. This states that advertisement is just a sub-branch of
marketing and thus cannot be inter changed in terms freely.

“Advertising benefits the company by giving sales and customer loyalty and
satisfaction in exchange for whatever the cost of the chosen advertisement medium”
(Smith, 2019). This creates a connection with the possible customers by setting a way to
showcase the company and the products it offers so that it can aim to boost the
company’s sales in the future.

In general advertisement is a fundamental concept of a business that aims to

improve the overall sales of the business and aids at bringing the business a better brand
that if established well will make an impact on the business’ future status quo.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 9
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Types of Advertising Strategies

So & Torres (2016) and LaMarco (2018) stated that there are different techniques
in different mediums of advertisement. There are 10 types of advertising strategies that
can be usually seen used these are Display ads, Social media ads, Newspapers and
Magazines, Outdoor advertising, Radio and Podcasts, Direct mail, Video ads, product
placement, event marketing and email marketing.

Display Ads includes digital and newspaper advertising wherein digital ads are
the updated versions of newspaper ads, they are typically priced per click or by a set of
1,000 clicks. Social Media Ads use social media platforms and generally are inexpensive
and uses a lot of word-of-mouth to convey the masses.

Newspapers and Magazines are similar to display ads but different in the coverage
of the ads, its coverage can be local, regionwide or nationwide which are still effective in
the 21st century.

Outdoor Ads are billboards and transit ads, these ads can be commonly seen in
buses, taxis, and trains; these ads make it that people can see them daily therefore making
it hard to forget. Radio and Podcast are verbal promotions.

Direct Mail are ads that are sent through snail mail, these can help the business
identify their target audience to get a more precise chance to attract the right customers.

Video Ads are ads wherein are posted in new media platforms like YouTube,
Hulu, Niconico, etc. these are usually created with a team of experts and expensive to
some extents.

Product Placements are quite similar to video ads the difference is that the
business will is not going to pay for the creation of the advertisements but for
sponsorships to opinion leaders and other popular creators.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 10
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Event Marketing is the twin of product placements, they are almost the same
except in mediums. Event marketing is used in different events that people tend to gather
from like, examples of this ads are the NFL ads in America and the PBA ads in the

Email Marketing is the last but not the least. This kind of advertisement takes
place on existing customers by sending them satisfaction mails on their e-mail accounts,
this is usually to ensure that customers are satisfied and continuous patronage to be
expected from the customers.

According to Covel (2018) Content marketing has been one of the best strategies
for a low budget business especially in the 21st Century since it creates, publishes and
distributes for a selected demographic online. Furthermore, he also stated that email and
influencer strategies are also effective strategies implied by most businesses. Email
marketing and advertising provides convenience and benefits to marketers for a result
that has a big impact by delivering it on a wide scale. The challenge of Email marketing
is choosing the correct targeted audience. Influencer Marketing and Advertising is
working with big social influencers to advertise a company’s product taking a process to
convey the wanted message.

To summarize everything, to properly establish marketing and advertising

strategies a business should aim to establish the wellbeing of one’s branding of products,
which concentrates on the general product along with proper advertisement. Through this
it will be easier to gain loyal customers.

However, AdWeek (n.d.) stated that it is 10 times more effective to advertise

through the use of online influencers or others testimonials on the product thus also
related to the “word of mouth” theory, it is better in overall marketing rather than plainly

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 11
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

establishing one’s brand. It can be proven effective through social media platforms, due
to it attracts a wider range of audience than any platform.

Advertising Strategies in Fast Food Chain

Jackson (2017) states that there are three important advertising strategies in the
food industry. The first is having good packaging since it will be able to attract customers
to the business. The reason behind this is good packaging can deliver a clear impact that
may decide whether the food is rather tasty and sanitary. Second, is creating blogs and
social media platforms to establish the business’ brand. This technique can have a big
impact on the businesses specially that most people can be seen browsing on different
social media platforms. Lastly, is to advertise physically by hosting events and inviting
people to come to the business, as hosting events show that you are welcoming and
showing commemoration on a person’s life therefore, can boost customer loyalty.

According to Barna (2017), Social Media is the best way to attract and gain
customers, as proven by the food company named Denny’s they used memes to advertise
their business giving them good branding and a strong customer support. This is further
explained by Infiniti Research (2018) as they stated that Social media is the best platform
for the customers to upload pictures of well-presented and appealing food. People online
are very powerful that’s why companies use them to review their products and if that
product received a good feedback online it will spread immediately through the power of
social media and they will gain new customers and increase their profit. Moreover,
Comm (2019) states that the goal of the fast food chains is to attract the eyes and give
satisfaction to the consumers through their gadgets, it is commonly used by customers
and they spend almost most of their time using it. That will be an advantage to the fast
food chains to spread advertising though internet.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 12
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Journo (2016) stated that the food marketing and advertising effort are targeting
the children and adolescent because of their spending power and how they influence
others that’s why the food marketing use technique that reach the youths especially they
expose to television and social media platforms.

Roeder (2014) explains that most characteristics that fast-food chains uses is
bright and flashy color schemes on their themes, also their posters with discount prices
and promos are scattered on public places that people go often like airport and malls.
These will make the people engage with their products. The structure of the store is
uniform to every franchise regardless of the location, from the indoor to the outside of the
store, every fast food chain has a signature look and aura that gives the customer a vibes
they want to radiate, that includes the logo that can be identify through afar, the logo is
the final finish to get the store noticeable for the customers to easily familiarize the fast
food chain. Fast food chains attract the customer’s eyes first and by achieving that,
having numerous of signature logos and style that stands out will pull in the customer to

In general, Social Media is a good way to advertise a product as seen on the 2017
statistics of interpersonal communication that was researched by, it
entails that more than 80% of the possible clients use social media thus having a lot of
chances to attract new customers and establish loyalty. However, since the competition
for social media is very tight nowadays businesses should aim to focus on establishing
their business in the physical or tangible matters like appearance and packaging since it
also attracts the customers by giving them a nostalgic aura when entering the store. Other
factors such as the demographic are also useful to consider when advertising since certain
demographics provides more sales and attracts more customers that other thus focusing a
research on that will be beneficial to the business.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 13
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Advertisement Effectivity and Consumer Feedback

Terpstra (2010) explained that brands give the products a prominent place in the
market and on the shelves of retailers. Brands also help the customers distinguish the
difference of goods in some shops particularly in clothing and cosmetics. The formation
of popular brands could mean a place in the market leadership which means that the
revenue through the volume of sales and/or price leadership. However, the price
leadership of several brands are being challenged by the growth of own-brand goods.
Through the development of brand loyalty, the masses can ensure the repetition of
purchases of a product, calls on the services and the visits to a particular shop.

Brand image can be an asset to a company whenever they launch a new product
to the market. The new products obtain favorable qualities of other product belonging to
the same brand. Branding is valuable to all products, new or otherwise. It adds value to
the product. It is the reason why most businesses protect their brand name by registering
them as trademarks. The trade makes enables the owners to use the law to prevent
competitors from using the same or similar brand marks for the same type of product or

Terpstra (2010) also stated that having an understanding about the needs, wants
and the behavior of consumers hold a vital design in marketing strategies. Buyer behavior
involves the consideration of why people buy and how they arrive at the decision to buy.
Several Writers have attempted to create theories about consumer behavior to predict the
validity of various marketing strategies. Through the years, it had been visible that the
economy can affect the consumer perception of their own purchasing power. In addition,
psychological and sociological influences also help identify the perception, attitude,
patterns of learning, motivation, personality, social class, peer groups and culture. Having
knowledge in basic factors holds an important contribution in marketing strategies and
maybe used in the development of marketing mix.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 14
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

To sum it all, brands provide a prominent effect on the market as well as the
firms. Brands are important to help the customers distinguish between good and bad
companies, as well at it dictates the marginal growth of a company dependent on its
popularity and good publicity. Branding may result in the production of competitors as
well as customer loyalty if a healthy brand is formed as well as a functional asset to the
business’ goals. Branding can be more fragile than how was it formed that bad publicity
can cause a great loss to any company, there are legal bases on protection of these brands
as well as the illegal misuse of the brand’s name such as copyright laws and business

Marketing strategies require ethical and social considerations such that these
strategies may empower the possible customers to purchase items from the business.
These require proper research so that it may not inflict contradicting philosophies with
certain groups of people. Lastly, basic knowledge in consumerism will result to great
marketing strategies as well as developing the marketing mix

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 15
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila



Research Design:

The researcher has chosen to use simple comparative design using quantitative
method in gathering data about effectivity of marketing strategies from the fast food
chains to the consumer. The researchers chose this research design because the study
compares the effectiveness of the marketing strategies based on persuasion and viability
of the advertisements that they release to attract customers to purchase their product. The
researchers used quantitative design to analyze the data with the use of statistical methods
to compare the different marketing styles used based on mediums and their overall
effectivity in customer attraction and retention.

Sampling and Participants:

The respondents are the people of generation Z which are currently studying in
senior high school or a college freshman (ages 16-19) which consumes the fast food
chains. Generation Z students are chosen as our respondents to ensure that the research
will be timely and also, they are the consumers who usually eat in the fast food chains as
there go-to eating places. The researchers chose to conduct a quantitative research to
explain the effectivity of advertisements as a fast food marketing strategy and whether
this marketing strategies can persuade the student’s choices. In this research the
researchers chose to use cluster sampling to gather information from our demographic.
To know the number of participants in the research the researchers used the Slovin’s

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 16
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

formula with a confidence level of 90% and chose to conduct the study at Pateros
Catholic School Senior High School being that all the students are part of the population.

Figure 3.1 - The Formula used to get the number of participants in the study


The researchers used two methods, which includes the surveys that lets the
researchers know the preferences and opinions of the respondents regarding the
advertisement that are being used by the different fast food chains and their effectivity in
terms of delivering the message and attracting the masses. This is distributed to the senior
high school students of Pateros Catholic School. The researchers also conducted an
interview with store managers and administrative officers with their consent, that enables
the researches to know the different advertising techniques that they use to attract and
promote their products. It also determines how effective the advertisements are to the

Data Gathering Procedure:

The researchers had collected their data through two instruments, one is the
survey and the other is the interview method. The researchers have divided the tasks with
thirteen survey forms each member, for a total of 91 survey questionnaires overall. Four
survey forms were given to each section in the PCS Senior High School. It took the
researchers at least 2 days to give and collect the survey questionnaires from the students.
They also interviewed store managers from fast food stores whom are free and willing to
share their knowledge about the advertisements and/or the strategies that they use and

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 17
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

their perception on its total effectiveness in persuading the masses. First, the researchers
made sure that the instruments that they are distributing is liable and credible that they’ve
asked their teacher to check if it good enough to distribute to the masses. After that, they
asked permission to the Senior High School principal if they can conduct their survey in
the school. Lastly, they conducted their data gathering procedures, processed and
analyzed the data they have collected.

Data Analysis:

The researchers interpreted the gathered data by finding mean score of each
question and the weighted mean in interpreting the overall effectivity of fast food
marketing strategies in different mediums. Then, they made an effectivity scale with a
range of 0.80 to reflect the mean scores to determine whether the marketing strategy is
effective or not, and also to find the most effective among them. The researchers treated
the gathered data with a table for the answers of the checklist part of their instrument
along with the interview answers that they have gathered, aside from the table the
researchers used a bar graph in determining the overall effectivity of an advertisement
based on the different mediums on broadcast and communication. The researchers chose
those treatments for them to compare the overall means and to easily see the most
effective marketing strategy overall, to see the most prominent factor of customer
retention and the most common advertising strategy the researchers used a table to be
able to compare it and its mean with the given variables. The data the researchers have
gathered will be used for future development of businesses and also for the future
researchers that will utilize this research in their study

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 18
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila



A. Television Ads

Table 4.3
Effectiveness of Television Ads
Statements Items 5 4 3 2 1
1 Gives me the idea of the (N) (38) (36) (15) (1) (0) (90)
quality of the product. % 42.2 40.0 16.7 1.1 0.0 100.0
2 Convinces me to purchase
(26) (47) (16) (1) (0) (90)
the product that is seen in
28.9 52.2 17.8 1.1 0.0 100.0
the advertisements.
3 Informs me about a new
(48) (38) (4) (0) (0) (90)
product or a new promo
53.3 42.4 4.4 0.0 0.0 100.0

Upon analyzing the results from Table 4.3, it was revealed that television ads can
give the idea of the quality of a product from a fast food store. The 42.22% of
respondents answered highly effective which represents that many of the
respondents are highly informed on the products of a fast food chain when watching
television advertisements. 40% of the respondents answered effective which means
that the television advertisements are effective in knowing the quality of the product
of a fast food chain. Having a total of 82.22% of positive feedbacks from the
respondents. The 16.67% of the respondents answered fair; the televisions
advertisement is just enough to them to know about the product quality and the
remaining 1.11% was negative feedbacks which shows that television
advertisements are not informative enough to know the quality of the product.

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 19
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Overall, having a 4.23 weighted mean, computed on all responses, which equates to
a rank of highly effective in terms of product presentation.

Statement 2 shows the effectiveness of television advertisements in terms of

persuading the masses. 86% of the respondents gave a positive feedback;
specifically, 28.29% and 58% of the respondents ranked it highly effective and
effective, respectively. It can be assumed that they can be persuaded to buy products
in fast food store through television ads. 17.78% of the respondents rated it as fair in
persuading them and 1.11% gave negative feedback and rated it as poor in
persuading the masses. Given the data, it is safe to assume that television ads are
effective in persuasion of the masses; as supported by the weighted mean of 4.09
which equates to a rank of effective in persuasion of the masses.

Lastly, Statement 3 shows the effectiveness of television ads in terms of new

product promotion and informing about on-going offers and promos. 53.35% of the
respondents agreed that the television advertisement is highly effective in informing
the promos and newly release products while the 42.22% of the respondents
answered effective in conveying information about new products and ongoing
promos. Totaling to a 95.57% of positive feedbacks which can be translated that
television ads can clearly inform it audience about new products and its on-going
promos. On the later part, 4.44% stated that television ads are fair in giving of
information to audiences. Overall, television ads are highly effective in conveying
information to the masses as proven by a mean score of 4.49 which translates as

Table 4.4
Effectiveness of Flyers & other handouts
Statements Items 5 4 3 2 1

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 20
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

1 Gives me the idea of the (N) (11) (41) (30) (7) (1) (90)
quality of the product. % 12.2 45.6 33.3 7.8 1.1 100.0
2 Convinces me to purchase
(14) (42) (29) (4) (1) (90)
the product that is seen in
15.6 46.7 32.2 4.4 1.1 100.0
the advertisements.
3 Informs me about a new
(21) (53) (12) (4) (0) (90)
product or a new promo
23.3 58.9 13.3 4.4 0.0 100.0

As shown on Table 4.4 it was revealed that handouts are fairly effective in giving
the idea of the quality of a product.

On the second statement, it shows the effectiveness of handouts in terms of

persuading the masses.

Lastly, statement 3 shows the effectiveness of handouts in terms of informing the

masses about a new product and on-going offers and promos.

Table 4.5
Effectiveness of Radio and Podcast Ads
Statements Items 5 4 3 2 1
1 Gives me the idea of the (N) (11) (23) (38) (16) (2) (90)
quality of the product. % 12.2 25.6 42.2 18.9 2.2 100.0
2 Convinces me to purchase
(12) (18) (41) (17) (2) (90)
the product that is heard in
13.3 20.0 45.6 18.9 2.2 100.0
the advertisements.
3 Informs me about a new
(7) (35) (35) (11) (2) (90)
product or a new promo
7.8 38.9 38.9 12.2 2.2 100.0

Table 4.5, first statement states the effectiveness of radio and podcast ads in
portraying to the masses the correct quality of a fast food’s product. Over 90
respondents, 11 respondents (12.22%) stated that radio ads are highly effective in
portraying the quality of a fast food’s products. In addition to that, 23 respondents
(25.56%) stated that it was effective, for a total of 34 respondents (37.78%) having

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 21
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

positive responses. While, 38 respondents (42.22%) stated that radio and podcast ads
were fair in giving of the idea of a fast food’s product quality. On the other hand, 18
respondents (20.00%) gave negative feedback being that 2 (2.22%) respondents said
that radio and podcast ads are not effective and 16 respondents (17.78%) said that
radio and podcast ads are poor in portraying product quality. Overall, the weighted
average is 3.28 which translates to radio and podcasts ads having an overall rating of
a fair in terms of product quality presentation.

The second statement states the effectiveness of radio and podcast ads in
persuading the masses. Over 90 respondents, 30 respondents (33.33%) gave a
positive feedback; specifically, 12 respondents (13.33%) stated that radio and
podcast ads are highly effective in persuading the masses and 18 respondents
(20.00%) stated that radio and podcast ads are effective in persuasion of the masses.
41 respondents (45.56%) said that the persuasion effectivity of radio and podcast ads
are fair. Lastly, 19 respondents (21.11%) gave a negative feedback; specifically, 17
respondents (18.89%) stated that it was poor in persuading the masses and 2
respondents (2.22%) said that radio and podcast ads are not effective in terms of
customer persuasion. Overall, the weighted average is 3.23 which means that radio
and podcast ads have a fair rating in terms of the persuasion in the fast food industry

The last statement states the effectiveness of information relay on new products
and/or promos of fast food companies to the masses. The researchers surveyed 90
respondents and with that 42 respondents (46.66%) gave positive feedback;
specifically, 7 respondents (7.78%) stated that radio and podcast ads are highly
effective in informing the masses in new products and promos and 35 respondents
(38.89%) said that it is mere effective in relaying information to the masses. 35
respondents (38.89%) stated that radio and podcast ads are fair in relaying
information about new products and ongoing promos. On the other hand, 13
responses (14.44%) were negative feedbacks; specifically, 11 respondents (12.22%)
stated that it was poor in relaying information and 2 respondents (2.22%) stated that

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 22
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

it was not effective by any means in relaying information on new products and on-
going promotions. Overall, the weighted average 3.38 which means that radio and
podcast ads have a fair rating in relaying information on new products and on-going

Table 4.6
Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising
Statements Items 5 4 3 2 1
1 Gives me the idea of the (N) (36) (48) (6) (0) (0) (90)
quality of the product. % 40.0 53.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 100.0
2 Convinces me to purchase
(35) (46) (8) (1) (0) (90)
the product that is seen in
38.9 51.1 8.9 1.1 0.0 100.0
the advertisements.
3 Informs me about a new
(53) (32) (5) (0) (0) (90)
product or a new promo
58.9 35.6 5.6 0.0 0.0 100.0

As shown on Table 4.6 it was revealed that social media ads are highly effective
in giving the idea of the quality of a product. he respondents whom answered highly
effective 40% while the respondents who answered effective is 53.33%. For a total
of 93.33% positive feedbacks that can be assumed as product ideas can likely be
pictured out by the masses. On the other hand, 6.67% of the respondents answered
fair, and no negative feedbacks were received. With a weighted mean of 4.33 it can
be said that social media ads are highly effective in promoting the quality of a

On the second statement, it shows the effectiveness of social media ads in terms
of persuading the masses. Respondents whom answered highly effective is 38.89%.
while of 51.11% of the respondents answered effective. As a result of 90.00% of
positive feedbacks, which can be assumed as those whom are persuaded by social
media ads in purchasing products from a fast food store. 8.89% of the respondents
answered fair, and 1.11% of the respondents answered poor. Which we can assume

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 23
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

that the 10.00% that gave a non-positive feedback tend to see certain factors lacking
in social media ads. However, the weighted mean of social media ads in persuasion
effectivity is 4.28 which can be translated to highly effective in terms of persuading
the masses

Lastly, statement 3 shows the effectiveness of social media ads in terms of

informing the masses about a new product and on-going offers and promos.
Respondents whom answered highly effective is 58.89% while 35.56% of the
respondents answered effective, in which a total of 94.44% of positive feedbacks
were received that can be assumed that the information they receive is enough and
timely. On the contrary 5.56% of the respondents rated it fair and no negative
feedbacks were received. Overall, the weighted mean is 4.53 which translates to
social media ads being a highly effective medium in promoting new products and
informing the masses about new and on-going promos.



Summary of Findings:

For this part of the research, please provide a meaningful and comprehensive
SYNTHESIS of all the significant findings of your research. Ensure that you indicate
necessary citations of sources of information that have been meaningful in your results.


Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 24
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila

Your conclusion must be anchored to your research findings. Take note that it
must be able to answer ALL your research questions presented in your CHAPTER 1. Do
not forget to provide clear explanations/ justifications to your conclusions.

Note that your conclusions will be the basis of future research work, as such, you
must ensure that your conclusions are VALID and AUTHENTICATED.


Based on the findings and conclusions formulate recommendations addressed to

your identified beneficiaries, as well as other recommendations based on the results.
Recommendations that you will present must take into considerations any possible
limitations to the study, as well as points for improvement or further researching.

Further Guidelines/Reminders:


2. 1.5 line spacing

3. Double-space after EACH paragraph

4. Justified format (EXCEPT for CHAPTER titles)

5. Note the FOOTNOTE

6. Margins (1.5 left; 1.0 top/down/right)

Appealing to the Masses: Identifying Effective Marketing Strategies Employed by Fast Food Chains
Poblete, J.A., et al. (2019) 25

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