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19/03/2018 Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities.

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Aerodynamics - Rotational theory and velocity triangle at r = 1/5 points

40m (20%)
Quiz, 5 questions

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Please read the document ‘Introduction to quiz’, which contains all
the information you need to solve the quiz questions.

When typing your results, please use ‘.’ as decimal separator.

Try to avoid rounding up numbers, 5 decimals.

we'll consider a blade section at r = 40m from the rotor centre at a

rotational speed of 10 rpm . Here the cord length is c = 3m and the
blade twist is β = 4∘ . The wind speed is V0 = 8m/s and the air density
is ρ = 1.225kg/m3 .

In question 2.- 10., it is assumed that the rotor runs with optimum

Question 1.

Which of the below sets of a and a’ correspond to optimum operation at

r = 40m ? (the value of a' is sensitive to calculation, we suggest to avoid

rounding up numbers)

 points

2. 1/2
19/03/2018 Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free | Coursera

Compute the ow angle ϕ at r = 40m . State the result in degrees. (To

convert from radians to degrees, use formula: degrees = rad ⋅ ,

Aerodynamics - Rotational theory and velocity triangle at r =


recommended to write answer in 0.01 approximation) 1/5 points

40m (20%)
Quiz, 5 questions

 points

The angle of attack α is ow angle ϕ minus the blade twist angle β.
Compute α and use the lift curve in the slides in the video ‘Flow and
forces around a wind turbine’ (air foil data) to determine CL and next the
lift in N /m . Pick the approximate value of L below.

 points

Compute the drag in kN /m too. What is the tangential force component
Pt pr unit length in N /m ? (recommended to write answer in 0.1


 points

What torque (τ ) does it provide for a single blade pr unit length in

   2/2

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