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Calculate IDMT over Current Relay

Setting (50/51)
 Calculate setting of IDMT over Current Relay for following Feeder and CT
 Feeder Detail: Feeder Load Current 384 Amp, Feeder Fault current Min11KA and
Max 22KA.
 CT Detail: CT installed on feeder is 600/1 Amp. Relay Error 7.5%, CT Error 10.0%,
CT over shoot 0.05 Sec, CT interrupting Time is 0.17 Sec and Safety is 0.33 Sec.
 IDMT Relay Detail:
 IDMT Relay Low Current setting: Over Load Current setting is 125%, Plug
setting of Relay is 0.8 Amp and Time Delay (TMS) is 0.125 Sec, Relay Curve is
selected as Normal Inverse Type.
 IDMT Relay High Current setting :Plug setting of Relay is 2.5 Amp and Time
Delay (TMS) is 0.100 Sec, Relay Curve is selected as Normal Inverse Type

Calculation of Over Current Relay Setting:

(1) Low over Current Setting: (I>)

 Over Load Current (In) = Feeder Load Current X Relay setting = 384 X 125%
=480 Amp
 Required Over Load Relay Plug Setting= Over Load Current (In) / CT Primary
 Required Over Load Relay Plug Setting = 480 / 600 = 0.8
 Pick up Setting of Over Current Relay (PMS) (I>)= CT Secondary Current X
Relay Plug Setting
 Pick up Setting of Over Current Relay (PMS) (I>)= 1 X 0.8 = 0.8 Amp
 Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) = Min. Feeder Fault Current / (PMS X (CT Pri.
Current / CT Sec. Current))
 Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) = 11000 / (0.8 X (600 / 1)) = 22.92
 Operation Time of Relay as per it’s Curve
 Operating Time of Relay for Very Inverse Curve (t) =13.5 / ((PSM)-1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Extreme Inverse Curve (t) =80/ ((PSM)2 -1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Long Time Inverse Curve (t) =120 / ((PSM) -1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Normal Inverse Curve (t) =0.14 / ((PSM) 0.02 -1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Normal Inverse Curve (t)=0.14 / ( (22.92)0.02-1) =
2.17 Amp
 Here Time Delay of Relay (TMS) is 0.125 Sec so
 Actual operating Time of Relay (t>) = Operating Time of Relay X TMS =2.17
X 0.125 =0.271 Sec
 Grading Time of Relay = [((2XRelay Error)+CT Error)XTMS]+ Over shoot+
CB Interrupting Time+ Safety
 Total Grading Time of Relay=[((2X7.5)+10)X0.125]+0.05+0.17+0.33 = 0.58 Sec
 Operating Time of Previous upstream Relay = Actual operating Time of
Relay+ Total Grading Time Operating Time of Previous up Stream Relay =
0.271 + 0.58 = 0.85 Sec

(2) High over Current Setting: (I>>)

 Pick up Setting of Over Current Relay (PMS) (I>>)= CT Secondary Current X
Relay Plug Setting
 Pick up Setting of Over Current Relay (PMS) (I>)= 1 X 2.5 = 2.5 Amp
 Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) = Min. Feeder Fault Current / (PMS X (CT Pri.
Current / CT Sec. Current))
 Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) = 11000 / (2.5 X (600 / 1)) = 7.33
 Operation Time of Relay as per it’s Curve
 Operating Time of Relay for Very Inverse Curve (t) =13.5 / ((PSM)-1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Extreme Inverse Curve (t) =80/ ((PSM)2 -1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Long Time Inverse Curve (t) =120 / ((PSM) -1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Normal Inverse Curve (t) =0.14 / ((PSM) 0.02 -1).
 Operating Time of Relay for Normal Inverse Curve (t)=0.14 / ( (7.33)0.02-1)
= 3.44 Amp
 Here Time Delay of Relay (TMS) is 0.100 Sec so
 Actual operating Time of Relay (t>) = Operating Time of Relay X TMS =3.44
X 0.100 =0.34 Sec
 Grading Time of Relay = [((2XRelay Error)+CT Error)XTMS]+ Over shoot+
CB Interrupting Time+ Safety
 Total Grading Time of Relay=[((2X7.5)+10)X0.100]+0.05+0.17+0.33 = 0.58 Sec
 Operating Time of Previous upstream Relay = Actual operating Time of
Relay+ Total Grading Time.
 Operating Time of Previous up Stream Relay = 0.34 + 0.58 = 0.85 Sec
Conclusion of Calculation:
 Pickup Setting of over current Relay (PMS) (I>) should be satisfied following Two
 (1) Pickup Setting of over current Relay (PMS)(I>) >= Over Load Current (In) /
CT Primary Current
 (2) TMS <= Minimum Fault Current / CT Primary Current
 For Condition (1) 0.8 > =(480/600) = 0.8 >= 0.8, Which found OK
 For Condition (2) 0.125 <= 11000/600 = 0.125 <= 18.33, Which found OK
 Here Condition (1) and (2) are satisfied so
 Pickup Setting of Over Current Relay = OK
 Low Over Current Relay Setting: (I>) = 0.8A X In Amp
 Actual operating Time of Relay (t>) = 0.271 Sec
 High Over Current Relay Setting: (I>>) = 2.5A X In Amp
 Actual operating Time of Relay (t>>) = 0.34 Sec

Relay Setting of IDMT and Instantaneous over current and earth fault Relay

51- Over current IDMT relay

51N-IDMT earth fault relay

50-Over current definite time relay

50N-Definite time earth fault relay

49-Thermal overload relay

46-Negetive sequence relay

48-Motor starting supervision

66-Restart inhibit for motor

27-Under voltage relay

87-Differential relay
IDMT stands for Inverse Definite Minimum Time relay


51 & 51N

51 and 51N are both inverse time relay and used to detect phase fault and earth fault
respectively. There setting methods are same but the only difference is that pick up of
51 is higher than that of 51N.
The following parameters are required to calculate the settings of 51 and 51N.

1. PICK UP: this is the value of current through relay for which the relay picks up.

2. PSM (Plug Setting Multiplier): this is the ratio of fault current through relay
coil and pick up current. (it is relays inherent property)

3. TSM (Time Setting Multiplier): it is the ratio of required relay operating time
and actual relay operating time.

Basically if the TSM=1 then the relay operating time is very high, that’s why a
fraction given as TSM to decrease the relay operating time as per requirement or to
co-ordinate with the up and downstream feeders.

Sample calculation:

Pick Up Calculation:

The single diagram shows a very simple and typical line, through which 90A current
is flowing, a CT of rating 120/5A is connected via which the 51 and 51N relays are

Let say, the relay 51 will pick up for 120% of full load current.

So current seen by the relay will be,

=120% * FLC * CT Sec. /CT primary

=1.2 * 90 * 5/120

=4.5 A

So pick up setting or pick-up current of the relay is 4.5 Amp.

Now remember one thing, that some relay manufacturers make their relay pick up
range in the following manner, say 0.5-10 * CT sec. That means the CT secondary
will be multiplied within the relay program. So here multiplication with CT secondary
will not be applicable.

For this type of relay the pick-up will be

=1.2 * 90/120=0.9

Relay will display the following setting- 0.9 * CT sec (In) (In general In is
referred as the relay rated current, which is in general same as the CT secondary
current. That is CT secondary and Relay rated current shall be same. However there
is exception for earth fault relay, which is beyond scope of this article)

So, it is strictly required to read the relay catalogue and know the setting range.

Method of calculating pick up of 51N is same as mentioned above, but the pick-up is
considered as 5-10% of full load current, if the feeder is being fed from a transformer
which has NGR then pick-up may be considered as 5-10% of NGR rating.
Suppose a transformer has an NGR of 400A for 10 sec i.e. limiting earth fault current
upto 400 A. with NCT having ratio of 200/1A.

Then pick-up will be set as

=10% * 400 * CT sec/CT prim.

Here also see the relay catalogue to know if the CT sec is required to be multiplied or
it will be multiplied internally.

Following the above mentioned process pick up of inverse time over current and earth
fault relay is calculated.

However for earth fault protection is better to select minimum available pick up to
ensure maximum sensitivity.

PSM calculation:

PSM(Ir)=Fault current in relay coil/pick up current through the relay coil.

= (Fault Current * CT secondary/CT primary)/ Pick up current through the

relay coil.

Suppose fault current is 1000A.

So, PSM will be

= ((1000*5)/120)/4.5



There are several types of IDMT relay characteristics available now, according to the
characteristics the relay operating time are the determined. The formulas are as

Fig 2: IEC relay

Ir the PSM value which has been calculated earlier.


Suppose we have to operate the relay at 0.75 sec (say).

So, TMS will be (for standard inverse curve)= 0.75*((9.260^0.02)-1)/0.14

So settings are –

1. Pick up= 4.5 or 0.9 X In(it will be according to the relay)

2. TMS=0.24

Some typical settings-

Phase fault
1. B/c and i/c of mcc: 80% of the busbar rating or 120% of the connected load (take
the available data).
2. Upstream relay of sl no. 1 ( i.e. O/g of pcc): Select pick up higher than selected for
sl no. 1
3. B/c and i/c of pcc: 120% of transformer full load current.
4. At the h.v side of the transformer (51 which is back up of the downstream or lv side
51 relay): 130% of transformer hv side full load current.
Ground fault
1. B/c and i/ of mcc: 15-30% of busbar rating.
2. Upstream relay (o/g of pcc):30% of bus bar rating
3. B/c and i/c of pcc: 20% of transformer full load current.
For 51n always use minimum available setting, that will ensure maximum percentage
of protection.


50 & 50N
These can be used as definite time relay or instantaneous relay.

For relay 50 connected at H.V side of the transformer: For such connection the
pickup shall be more than the inrush current of the transformer. Otherwise the relay
will trip during transformer starting.

Inrush current is generally 10-15 times of transformer FLC.

Fig 3: Instantaneous relay

Say transformer H.T FLC is 90 A.

Then inrush will be 10*90=900 A. we set pick up of the relay as 910 A.
So setting is=910*5/120=37.9 A or (910/120) X*In=7.58 * In as per the available
Relay functions.

Here also consider the relay catalogue as mentioned earlier.

If the 50 relay is connected with motor feeder for motor protection then pickup will be
higher than the starting current of the motor.

Time delay may be or may not be given depending upon the requirement of
instantaneous or time delayed operation.

50N setting method is also same, but use minimum pick up setting, generally 5-10%
of NGR rating can be used. If NGR is not there then the same % of FLC can be used,
but try to use minimum pick up setting for the relay to ensure maximum percentage of

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