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OpenCalcs Support 6/10/2020

Tightening Torque of a Bolted Joint - metric

Determine the required bolt-tightening torque to obtain a given preload - metric

"Preloading of Bolts", by Bernie J. Cobb; Product Engineering, August 19, 1963.

PROJECT: Demo Project

DATE: 2020-06-09
USER: gdwvcd

Input Values:
Db = 190 mm - nominal bolt diameter
Pb = 3 mm/thread - pitch of the bolt threads
FM = 23224900 N - required bolt preload
μT = 0.12 unitless - coefficient of friction between threads
μN = 0.14 unitless - coefficient of friction between nut and washer
DM = 186.752 mm - minor thread diameter
DP = 188.386 mm - pitch diameter of bolt threads

Compute mean bearing diameter of the nut
D N = 1.25 ⋅ D b = 1.25 ⋅ 190
= 237.5 mm

Compute angle of the thread coefficient of friction

ϕ = atand(μT ) = atand(0.12)
= 6.843 deg

Compute helix angle of the threads

β = asind( ) = asind( )
π ⋅ DP π ⋅ 188.386 (3)
= 0.2904 deg

Compute dimensionless thread angle factor

tand(β + ϕ) tand(0.2904 + 6.843)
CA = ( ) =( )
cosd(30) cosd(30) (4)
= 0.1445 unitless

5769324769837056 | Public Listing | Mechanical 1 of 2

OpenCalcs Support | Demo Project | Tightening Torque of a Bolted Joint - metric 6/10/2020

Compute required tightening torque

D N ⋅ μN + C A ⋅ D P 237.5 ⋅ 0.14 + 0.1445 ⋅ 188.386
T b = FM ⋅ = 23224900 ⋅
2 ⋅ 103 2 ⋅ 103 (5)
= 7.022 × 10 N-m

Compute combined stress in the bolt


0.89 + 1.66 ⋅ 1 + (5.2 ⋅ CA ⋅ D DP
SC = T b ⋅ 2
⋅ 103
D M ⋅ (μ N ⋅ D N + C A ⋅ D P )
0.89 + 1.66 ⋅ √1 + (5.2 ⋅ 0.1445 ⋅ 188.386
= 7.022 × 105 ⋅ 2
⋅ 103
186.752 ⋅ (0.14 ⋅ 237.5 + 0.1445 ⋅ 188.386)
= 989.9 MPa

Combined stress should be kept within 68% of the bolt ultimate strength; compute the minimum required
ultimate strength
SC 989.9
SU = =
0.68 0.68 (7)
= 1456.0 MPa

Combined stress should be kept within 90% of the bolt yield strength; compute the minimum required yield
SC 989.9
SY = =
0.90 0.90 (8)
= 1100.0 MPa

DN = 237.5 mm - mean bearing diameter of the nut
ϕ = 6.843 deg - angle of the thread coefficient of friction
β = 0.2904 deg - helix angle of the threads
CA = 0.1445 unitless - dimensionless thread angle factor
Tb = 7.022 × 105 N-m - required tightening torque
SC = 989.9 MPa - combined stress in the bolt
SU = 1456.0 MPa - minimum required bolt ultimate strength
SY = 1100.0 MPa - minimum required bolt yield strength

5769324769837056 | Public Listing | Mechanical 2 of 2

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