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Strap / Cantilever Footings

Problem 701: For the column dimension and axial loading given in Problem 501, design
cantilever/strap footings if the footing cannot extend beyond the exterior
column. The columns are spaced S m center to center. Use fc' = 28 MPa. fy
= 414 MPa, qa = 150 kPa.

Step 1. Proportion footing dimensions

a) Column loads
P1 = 485 + 335 = 820 kN
P2 = 565 + 465 = 1030 kN
R = 1030 + 820 = 1850 kN

b) Weight of footing to be 10% of column loads

W = 0.1(1850) = 185 kN,
Use 180 kN

c) Required footing area

R+W 1850 + 180
A= = = 13.53 m2
q 150

d) Locate the resultant column load from center of exterior column:

[Rx = ∑M] 1850x = 1030(4.18)
x = 2.327 m

e) From centroid of footings

Xc = 2.327 + 0.219 = 2.546 m

f) Trial dimension of interior footing

A2 = P2 / qa = 1030 / 150 = 6.867 m2

B2 = L2 = √ 6.867 = 2.620 m
Use 2.60 m x 2.60 m footing
Actual A2 = 6.76 m2

g) Trial dimension of exterior footing

A1 = 13.533 – 6.76 = 6.773 m2

Axc = ∑ax :
13.533(2.546) = 6.76(4.399) + 6.773(L1 / 2)
L1 = 1.393 m
B1 = A1 / L1 = 6.773 / 1.393 = 4.862 m
Use 1.40 m x 4.87 m footing
Actual A1 = 1.40(4.87) = 6.818 m2

Step 2. Compute factored loads

a) Column loads
P1 = 1.2(485) + 1.6(335) = 1118 kN
P2 = 1.2(565) + 1.6(465) = 1422 kN
R = 1118 + 1422 = 2540 kN

b) Footing reactions
∑MR2 = 0: R1(3.7) – 1118(4.18) = 0
R1 = 1263.04 kN
∑F = 0 : 1263.04 + R2 = 1118 + 1422
R2 = 1276.96 kN

c) Net ultimate soil pressures

q1 = R1 / A1 ¿ 1263.96 / 6.818 = 185.25 kPa
q2 = R2 / A2 ¿ 1276.96 / 6.760 = 188.90 kPa

d) Linear pressure

q1 = R1 / L1 ¿ 1263.96 / 1.40 = 902.17 kN / m

q2 = R2 / L2 ¿ 1276.96 / 2.60 = 491.14 kN / m

Step 3. Draw shear and moment diagrams

a) Shear ordinates: ∆V = (area)load

V1 = 0 kN
V2L = 0 + 902.17(0.219) = 197.58
V2R = 197.58 - 1118 = -920.42
V3 = -920.42 + 902.17(1.181) = 145.04
V4 = 145.04 + 0 = 145.04
V5L = 145.04 + 491.14(1.3) = 783.52
V5R = 783.52 - 1422 = -638.48
V6 = -638.48 + 491.14(1.3) = 0

b) Locate points of zero shear

X1 = 920.42 / 902.17 = 1.02 m
X2 = 145.04 / 902.17 = 0.161 m

c) Moment ordinates: ∆M = (area)shear

M1 = 0 kN-m
M2 = 0 + 0.5(0.219)(197.58) = 21.64
M3 = 21.64 + 0.5(1.02)(-920.42) = -447.77
M4 = -447.77 + 0.5(0.161)(145.04) = -436.09
M5 = -436.09 + (1.699)(145.04) = -189.67
M6 = -189.67 + 0.5(1.3)(145.04 + 783.52) = 413.89
M7 = 413.89 + 0.5(1.3)(-638.48) = -1.12

Step 4. Solve "d" for beam shear at exterior footing

a) Factored shear
Vu = 185.25(1.40)(2.216 – d)
Vu = 259.35(2.216 – d)

b) Shear capacity at critical section

6√ c
∅ Vc = ∅ f ' bd
∅ V c = 0.85( 1/6 ¿ ¿
∅ V c = 1049.48d kN

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity and compute "d"

Vu ≤ ∅ V c (criteria for adequacy)
259.35(2.216 – d) = 1049.48d
d = 0.439 m

Step 5. Solve “d” for punching shear at exterior column

a) Factored shear
Vu = 1118 - 185.25(0.438 + d)(0.438 + 0.5d)
Vu = 1082.46 - 121.71d - 92.63d

b) Shear capacity at critical section

b0 = 1.314 + 2d
∅ V c = 1970.03d + 2998.52d2
c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity
Vu ≤ ∅ V c
1082.46 - 121.71d - 92.63d2 = 1970.03d + 2998.52d2
d2 + 0.677d - 0.35 = 0
d = 0.343

Step 6. Solve "d" for beam shear at interior footing

a) Factored shear
Vu = 188.90(2.60)(1.056 – d)
Vu = 491.14(1.056 – d)

b) Shear capacity at critical section

∅ Vc = ∅ √ f ' bd
6 c
∅ V c = 0.85(1/6 )( √28 ) (2.60)(1000)d
∅ V c = 1949.04d kN

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity and compute "d"

Vu ≤ ∅ V c (criteria for adequacy)
491.14(1.056 – d) = 1949.04d
d = 0.213 m

Step 7. Solve "d" for punching shear at interior column

a) Factored shear
Vu = 1422 - 188.9(0.488 + d)2
Vu = 1377.01 - 184.37d - 188.9d2

b) Shear capacity at critical section

b0 = 1.952 + 4d
∅ V c = 2926.55d + 5997.04d2

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity

Vu ≤ ∅ V c
1377.01 - 184.37d - 188.9d2= 2926.55d + 5997.04d2
d2 + 0.503d - 0.223 = 0
d = 0.284

Use largest d = 450 mm

Step 8. Design flexural steel at exterior footing

a) Factored moment

Mu = 185.25(1.40)(2.2162) / 2 = 636.79 kN – m

b) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 636.79 x 106
Ru = 2
= 2
= 2.496 MPa
∅ bd 0.90(1400)(450 )

c) Strength ratio
fy 414
m= = = 17.39 5
0.85f c ' 0.85(28)

d) Required steel ratio

m [ √
1- 1-
2R u m
Minimum steel ratio
= 0.00638 ]
0.25 √ f c ' 1.4
ρmin = ≥
fy fy

0.25 √28 1.4

ρmin = ≥
414 414

ρmin = 0.00320 ≥ 0.00338

Therefore use ρ = 0.00638

f) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00638(1400)(450) = 4019 mm2
π 2
Using 25 mm Ø bars, Ab = (25) = 491 mm2
n= = 4019 / 491 = 8.2

Use 9 – 25 mm diameter bars

g) Check spacing of bars
b-2c-n d b 1400 - 2(75) - 9(25)
s= = = 128 mm OK
n- 1 9 -1

h) Temperature bars in opposite direction

As = ρbd = 0.002(4870)(550) = 5357 mm2

n= = 5357 / 491 = 10.9
Use 11 – 25 mm dia. bars

h) Check development length

Ld,furn = 2216 – 75 = 2141 mm > Ld,reqd, OK!

Step 9. Compute flexural steel at interior footing

a) Factored moment

Mu = 188.90(2.60)(1.0562) / 2 = 273.84 kN – m

b) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 273.84 x 106
Ru = 2
= 2
= 0.578 MPa
∅ bd 0.90(2600)(450 )

c) Required steel ratio

m [ √
1- 1-
2R u m
= 0.00141
d) Minimum steel ratio
0.25 √ f c ' 1.4
ρmin = ≥
fy fy

0.25 √28 1.4

ρmin = ≥
414 414

ρmin = 0.00320 ≥ 0.00338

4 4
ρ = (0.00141) = 0.00188
3 3

Therefore use ρ = 0.00188

e) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00188(2600)(450) = 2200 mm2
π 2
Using 12 mm Ø bars, Ab = (12) = 113 mm2
n= = 2200 / 113 = 19.5

Use 20 – 12 mm diameter bars

f) Check spacing of bars

b-2c-n d b 2600 - 2(75) - 20(12)
s= = = 116 mm OK
n- 1 20 - 1

h) Check development length

Ld,furn = 1056 – 75 = 981 mm > Ld,reqd, OK!

Step 10. Design of Strap Beam

a) Design forces
Vu = 145 .04 kN (from V – diagram)
Mu = 436.09 kN – m (from M – diagram)

b) Solve “d” for beam shear

6√ c
∅ Vc = ∅ f ' bd , assume b = 400 mm
145.04 x 106 = 0.85(1/6)(√28)(400)(1000)d
d = 484 mm

c) Solve “d” for rigidity requirements

Istrap ≥ 2.0 Ifooting
(1/12)(400)(d3) = 2(1/12)(4870)(4503)
d = 1304 mm
Therefore use d = 1350 mm

d) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 436.09 x 106
Ru = 2
= = 0.665 MPa
∅ bd 0.90(400)(1350 ) 2

e) Required steel ratio

m [ √
1- 1-
2R u m
fy ]
= 0.00163
ρmin =0.00320 ≥ 0.00338
4 4
ρ = (0.00163) = 0.00217
3 3

Therefore use ρ = 0.00217

f) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00217(400)(1350) = 1172 mm2
Using 16 mm Ø bars, Ab = (16)2 = 201 mm2
n= = 1172 / 201 = 5.8

Use 6 – 16 mm diameter bars (2 layers)

g) Check spacing
b-2c-n d b 400 - 2(40) - 4(16)
s= = = 85 mm OK!
n- 1 4-1
h) Check development length

Ld,furn = 1400 – 40 = 1360 mm > Ld,reqd, OK!

i) Provide minimum stirrups

Max s = d / 2 = 1350 / 2 = 675 mm
Max s = 300
Use 10 mm dia. U – stirrups @ 0.30 m o.c.

Step 11. Check development lengths

a) For 25 mm diameter tension bars

𝛼 = 1.0 𝛽 = 1.0 𝛾 = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)

c+ K tr 75+0
= = 3.00 > 2.5
db 25

Ld 9 f y αβγλ
d b 10 √ f c ' c+K tr
( )
= 28.17

Ld 3 f y αβλ
Simplified formula: = = 46.94 (controls)
d b 5 √ fc '

Ld = 46.94(25) = 1174 mm (controls)

min Ld = 300 mm

b) For 12 mm diameter tension bars

𝛼 = 1.0 𝛽 = 1.0 𝛾 = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)

c+ K tr 75+0
= = 6.25 > 2.5
db 12
Ld 9 f y αβγλ
d b 10 √ f c ' c+K tr = 28.17
( )
Ld 12 f y αβλ
Simplified formula: = = 37.55 (controls)
d b 25 √ f c '

Ld = 37.55(12) = 451 mm (controls)

min Ld = 300 mm

c) For 16 mm diameter tension bars

𝛼 = 1.0 𝛽 = 1.0 𝛾 = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)

c+ K tr 40+0
= = 2.5 > 2.5
db 16
Ld 9 f y αβγλ
d b 10 √ f c ' c+K tr = 28.17
( )
Ld 12 f y αβλ
Simplified formula: = = 37.55 (controls)
d b 25 √ f c '

Ld = 37.55(16) = 601 mm (controls)

min Ld = 300 mm

Step 13. Check weight of footing

a) Thickness of footing
t = 450+100 = 550 mm
b) Volume of footing
Vf = (2.6)(2.6)(0.55) + (4.87)(1.40)(0.55) = 7.47 mm3
c) Weight of footing
Wf = 23.5(7.47) = 176.29 kN < 180 kN OK!
Problem 702: Using the framing and data given in Problem 105 (unless otherwise
indicated), design a cantilever/strap footing for columns C1 and C2 for axial
dead plus live combination. Use fc' = 28 MPa. fy = 414 MPa, qa = 100 kPa.

Step 1. Proportion footing dimensions

a) Column loads
P1 = 582 + 291 = 873 kN
P2 = 785 + 426 = 1212 kN
R = 873 + 1212 = 2085 kN

b) Weight of footing to be 10% of column loads

W = 0.1(2085) = 209 kN,
Use 260 kN

c) Required footing area

R+W 2085 + 209
A= = = 23.452 m2
q 100

d) Locate the resultant column load from center of exterior column:

[Rx = ∑M] 2085x = 1212(7.7)
x = 4.475 m

e) From centroid of footings

Xc = 4.475 + 0.250 = 4.725 m

f) Trial dimension of interior footing

A2 = P2 / qa = 1212 / 100 = 12.12 m2

B2 = L2 = √ 12.12 = 3.481 m
Use 3.40 m x 3.40 m footing
Actual A2 = 11.56 m2

g) Trial dimension of exterior footing

A1 = 23.452 – 11.56 = 11.892 m2

Axc = ∑ax :
23.452(4.725) = 11.56(7.95) + 11.892(L1/2)
L1 = 3.180 m
B1 = A1 / L1 = 11.892 / 3.180 = 3.740 m
Use 3.19 m x 3.74 m footing
Actual A1 = 3.19(3.74) = 11.931 m2

Step 2. Compute factored loads

a) Column loads
P1 = 1.2(582) + 1.6(291) = 1165 kN
P2 = 1.2(785) + 1.6(426) = 1625 kN
R = 1165 + 1625 = 2790 kN

b) Footing reactions
∑MR2 = 0: R1(6.36) – 1165(7.7) = 0
R1 = 1410.46 kN
∑F = 0 : 1410.46 + R2 = 1165 + 1625
R2 = 1379.54 kN

c) Net ultimate soil pressures

q1 = R1 / A1 ¿ 1410.46 / 11.931 = 118.22 kPa
q2 = R2 / A2 ¿ 1379.54 / 11.560 = 119.34 kPa

d) Linear pressure

q1 = R1 / L1 ¿ 1410.46 / 3.19 = 442.15 kN / m

q2 = R2 / L2 ¿ 1379.54 / 3.40 = 405.75 kN / m
Step 3. Draw shear and moment diagrams

a) Shear ordinates: ∆V = (area)load

V1 = 0 kN
V2L = 0 + 442.15(0.25) = 110.54
V2R = 110.54 - 1165 = -1054.46
V3 = -1054.46 + 442.15(2.94) = 245.46
V4 = 245.46 + 0 = 245.46
V5L = 245.46 + 405.75(1.7) = 935.24
V5R = 935.24 - 1625 = -689.76
V6 = -689.76 + 405.75(1.7) = 0.01

b) Locate points of zero shear

X1 = 1054.46/442.15 = 2.385 m
X2 = 245.46/442.15 = 0.555 m

c) Moment ordinates: ∆M = (area)shear

M1 = 0 kN-m
M2 = 0 + 0.5(0.25)(110.54) = 13.82
M3 = 13.82 + 0.5(2.385)(-1054.46) = -1243.62
M4 = -1243.62 + 0.5(0.555)(245.46) = -1175.5
M5 = -1175.5 + (3.06)(245.46) = -424.39
M6 = -424.39 + 0.5(1.7)(245.46 + 935.24) = 579.21
M7 = 579.21 + 0.5(1.7)(-689.76) = -7.09

Step 4. Solve "d" for beam shear at exterior footing

a) Factored shear
Vu = 118.22(3.19)(1.62 – d)
Vu = 377.12(1.62 – d)

b) Shear capacity at critical section

∅ Vc = ∅ √ f ' bd
6 c
∅ V c = 0.85( 1/6)( √ 28 ) ( 3.19)(1000) d
∅ V c = 2391.32d kN

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity and compute "d"

Vu ≤ ∅ V c (criteria for adequacy)
377.12(1.62 – d) = 2391.32d
d = 0.221 m

Step 5. Solve “d” for punching shear at exterior column

a) Factored shear
Vu = 1165 - 118.22(0.5 + d)(0.5 + 0.5d)
Vu = 1135.45 - 88.67d - 59.11d2

b) Shear capacity at critical section

b0 = 1.5 + 2d
∅ V c = 2248.89d + 2998.52d2

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity

Vu ≤ ∅ V c
1135.45 - 88.67d - 59.11d2 = 2248.89d + 2998.52d2
d2 + 0.765d - 0.371 = 0
d = 0.337

Step 6. Solve "d" for beam shear at interior footing

a) Factored shear
Vu = 119.34(3.40)(1.450 – d)
Vu = 405.76(1.45 - d)

b) Shear capacity at critical section

∅ Vc = ∅ √ f ' bd
6 c
∅ V c = 0.85( 1/6)( √ 28 )(3.40)(1000) d
∅ V c = 2548.74d kN

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity and compute "d"

Vu ≤ ∅ V c (criteria for adequacy)
405.76(1.45 - d) = 2548.74d
d = 0.199 m
Step 7. Solve "d" for punching shear at interior column

a) Factored shear
Vu = 1625 - 119.34(0.5 + d)2
Vu = 1595.17 - 119.34d - 119.34d2

b) Shear capacity at critical section

b0 = 2 + 4d
∅ V c = 2998.52d + 5997.04d2

c) Equate factored shear to shear capacity

Vu ≤ ∅ V c
1595.17 - 119.34d - 119.34d2 = 2998.52d + 5997.04d2

d2 + 0.51d - 0.261 = 0
d = 0.316

Use largest d = 350 mm

Step 8. Design flexural steel at exterior footing

a) Factored moment

Mu = 118.22(3.19)(1.6202) / 2 = 494.86 kN – m

b) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 494.86 x 10
Ru = 2
= = 1.407 MPa
∅ bd 0.90(3190)(3 50 )2

c) Strength ratio
fy 414
m= = = 17.39 5
0.85f c ' 0.85(28)

d) Required steel ratio

m [ √
1- 1-
2R u m
Minimum steel ratio
= 0.00351

0.25 √ f c ' 1.4

ρmin = ≥
fy fy

0.25 √28 1.4

ρmin = ≥
414 414
ρmin = 0.00320 ≥ 0.00338

Therefore use ρ = 0.00351

f) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00351(3190)(350) = 3919 mm2
π 2
Using 16 mm Ø bars, Ab = (16) = 201 mm2
n= = 3919 / 201 = 19.5

Use 20 – 16 mm diameter bars

g) Check spacing of bars

b-2c-n d b 3190 - 2(75) - 20(16 )
s= = = 143 mm OK
n- 1 20 - 1

h) Temperature bars in opposite direction

As = ρbd = 0.002(3740)(450) = 3366 mm2

n= = 3366 / 201 = 16.7
Use 17 – 16 mm dia. bars

h) Check development length

Ld,furn = 1620 – 75 = 1545 mm > Ld,reqd, OK!

Step 9. Compute flexural steel at interior footing

a) Factored moment

Mu = 119.34(3.40)(1.4502) / 2 = 426.55 kN – m

b) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 426.55 x 106
Ru = 2
= = 1.138 MPa
∅ bd 0.90(3400)(3 50 )2

c) Required steel ratio

m [ √
1- 1-
2R u m
fy ]
= 0.00282

d) Minimum steel ratio

0.25 √ f c ' 1.4
ρmin = ≥
fy fy

0.25 √28 1.4

ρmin = ≥
414 414

ρmin = 0.00320 ≥ 0.00338

4 4
ρ = (0.00282 ) = 0.00376
3 3

Therefore use ρ = 0.00388

e) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00388(3400)(350) = 4022 mm2
π 2
Using 16 mm Ø bars, Ab = (16) = 201 mm2
n= = 4022 / 201 = 20.0

Use 20 – 16 mm diameter bars

f) Check spacing of bars

b-2c-n d b 3400 - 2(75) - 20(16 )
s= = = 154 mm OK
n- 1 20 - 1

h) Check development length

Ld,furn = 1450 – 75 = 1375 mm > Ld,reqd, OK!

Step 10. Design of Strap Beam

a) Design forces
Vu = 245.46 kN (from V – diagram)
Mu = 1175.50 kN – m (from M – diagram)

b) Solve “d” for beam shear

6√ c
∅ Vc = ∅ f ' bd , assume b = 500 mm
245.46 x 106 = 0.85(1/6)(√28)(500)(1000)d
d = 655 mm

c) Solve “d” for rigidity requirements

Istrap ≥ 2.0 Ifooting
(1/12)(500)(d3) = 2(1/12)(3740)(3503)
d = 862 mm
Therefore use d = 900 mm

d) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 1175.50 x 10
Ru = 2
= 2
= 3.225 MPa
∅ bd 0.90(500)(900 )

e) Required steel ratio

m [ √
1- 1-
2R u m
fy ]
= 0.00840

ρmin =0.00320 ≥ 0.00338

Therefore use ρ = 0.00840

f) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00840(500)(900) = 3780 mm2
Using 25 mm Ø bars, Ab = (28)2 = 491 mm2
n= = 3780 / 491 = 7.7

Use 8 – 25 mm diameter bars (2 layers)

g) Check spacing
b-2c-n d b 5 00 - 2(40) - 4(25 )
s= = = 107 mm OK!
n- 1 4-1
h) Check development length

Ld,furn = 3190 – 40 = 3150 mm > Ld,reqd, OK!

i) Provide minimum stirrups

Max s = d / 2 = 900 / 2 = 450 mm
Max s = 300
Use 10 mm dia. U – stirrups @ 0.30 m o.c.

Step 11. Check development lengths

a) For 25 mm diameter tension bars

𝛼 = 1.0 𝛽 = 1.0 𝛾 = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)
c+ K tr 75+0
= = 3.00 > 2.5
db 25

Ld 9 f y αβγλ
d b 10 √ f c ' c+K tr
( )
= 28.17

Ld 3 f y αβλ
Simplified formula: = = 46.94 (controls)
d b 5 √ fc '

Ld = 46.94(25) = 1174 mm (controls)

min Ld = 300 mm

b) For 16 mm diameter tension bars

𝛼 = 1.0 𝛽 = 1.0 𝛾 = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)

c+ K tr 40+0
= = 2.5 > 2.5
db 16
Ld 9 f y αβγλ
d b 10 √ f c ' c+K tr = 28.17
( )
Ld 12 f y αβλ
Simplified formula: = = 37.55 (controls)
d b 25 √ f c '

Ld = 37.55(16) = 601 mm (controls)

min Ld = 300 mm

Step 13. Check weight of footing

c) Thickness of footing
t = 350+100 = 450 mm
d) Volume of footing
Vf = (3.4)(3.4)(0.45) + (3.74)(3.19)(0.45) = 10.57 mm3
c) Weight of footing
Wf = 23.5(10.57) = 249.45 kN < 260 kN OK!

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