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Hi Marg! Sorry I’m late!

Here are my times for my 400m and 800 m run! 

400m: 2:02:52
800m: 4:07:70

Not too bad for having foot reconstruction surgery less than a year ago! This was fun! 

Thank you for organizing this! 

Liz Kelly Zehr 

Mile "Race"

Me - 7:15

Lizzy - 7:50
Hi Mrs. Rush! 

I hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to let you know that Kenna and I went for a mile walk this
morning (we were on the phone)! I have attached our photo. Thanks for doing this, it was fun! 

All the best, 

Anna Metzler 

Hi Mrs. Rush!

I hope all is well with you and your family! Anna and I went for a 1 mile walk while talking on the phone
this morning! I enjoyed participating in the challenge! Thanks!
-MaKenna Thisse
What a great idea and so sorry I was not able to do it, I actually did not realize the date deadline.

I am currently in the process of running my each mf my students houses (all 117) and spend most extra
time route planning or running! Great to hear from you and hope all is well!!!

Heather Lacey

5000 meter steeplechase (see the down trees?) 62 minutes

10000 meter steeplechase (actually more like 13000, and lots more trees) 2 hours and 50 minutes

The trilliums were on my longer route. Marj could tell you about my obsession with trilliums.

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