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k8.h Afl1144C g@97 IGffIE n)L%p*Y bBoL9T %PhLk?T 6TflA.h

f&'tIdl +wWT P h C Lb.7. m445-f. Omnl

hTE 4% CHIIfllfIE 4-4" Proclamation No. 30012002

?hhrlR ahA+ *WC Environmental Pollution Control


CTr n

m+T+?+ f u - h .l.qrlcC
~ P4&5+ new% 8
Oooh41nf m&p f"rnm1g ACP~PDT? firnorhe f l ? ; ~ ~

Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

hGA h7P

Pollution Control Proclamation No.300/2002".

nau hlPE In this Proclamation:

g/ 6 g t ~ q h ?h%
~ " hAm7-f.
i mp.9" .PA+4'44'A9"
&uWPI.+4+h @U.R LDSP ++PT' flim 2) "Chemical" means an element or a compound
O+wL i w b P %"ITh+kl'e P+?? r C h h M whether by itself, or in a mixture or a preparation,
S -- whether manufactured or obtained from nature;
p '~,qrla p ~ m mo0.4~a+'' ev npmb 3) "Competent Agency" means any Federal or
?+m+hfl+ n?z%flmLShm D..$$ 4e flA.1?+Am Regional Government organ entrusted by law with a
34~5.7. ?A@ ?&%&Am$P ?hAA P@'I."?P+ responsibility related to the subject specified in the
hhA 5m : provision where the term is used;
H. "~rnnl? prim ccn a+" qn+ ~ L M A 4) "Competent Court" means, in the case of the
m'~.d)~+ hv'f P@E@LPp . ~ % cc2 n+ i Federal Government, a first instance court and in the
h?&,U-P flflAb4-T hA4T @??P+hV7 flhhih. case of a national regional state, a court designated
on the basis of the law of that state;
mq P~LCIPPGCR m+ sm :
5) "Effluent" means waste water, gas or other fluid,
5- '"47i" 4~1.+W+ m $ ~ 4$nl& r treated or untreated, discharged directly or indirectly
meP +T+P QhVS @?7nmp. hh9n P ~ A + + into the environment;
4x3 mY m m h 4 4lClC ~ 4 7meP i zn S@ I: 6) "Environment" means the totality of all materials
3. "hhrln."qA+ f l @ ~ +flhrln. i hPc r flhPc *&P whether in their natural state or modified or changed
&C flhfc ~fld-3 S flmv r f l v p ~ ? rflnPe n7i3' S by humans, their external spaces and the interactions
flnlh~ S n.svn&T?4p.?h~ flns mfl+ 4emn7 r which affect their quality or quantity and the welfare
fl+krehT w k 9 - T ~meP flnm h ~ h 5 5 + of human or other living beings, including but not
+x?inm meP +Ammm P ~ L ~ S~ TC. ?flo~-ih.~ restricted to, land, atmosphere, weather and climate,
Sih.fl+ 03' 5 ~ ? % u -@mSTm? P m,CP water, living things, sound, odour, taste, social
Tm? mbP p.qP fnm meP ?&&? mpT? fl+
factors, and aesthetics;
+%P?fm/Sh.+A+?4le+PFm RPC 'I* f 7) "Environmental Inspector or Inspectors" means the
body designated under Article 7(1) of this
2. "~hhrln++nlnlL mbP + a n l n l ~ ~m+ P~ Proclamation;
nnu h?E ?,?+R 2 /g/ @WL+ f q n ~ o ~hhm m 8) "Hazardous material' means any substance in solid,
5.m: liquid or gaseous state, or any plant, animal or micro
g. "hp.7P 5 7 ~ "a9A.l. flnm mS mbP flhhrln 4s organism that is injurious to human health or the
1-4e mnlc r k47i meP 9% fDeP environment;
+hAi h?n4 mS9" ATh@ I' 1: 9) "Hazardous Waste" means any unwanted material
Q . "hp.?? 41C4" +L~~zs+ f h ~ mVC that is believed to be deleterious to human safety or
flhhrln meP flnm p.v?s+ meP mS 4s 7.4% health or the environment;
pp.c4m+4n- PmLPm?q?FmP S7c 5m :l 10) "Person" means any natural or juridical person;
1. "nm" q A + ?+&re nm m f i p flmq enm)+ 11) "Pollutant" means any substance whether liquid,
solid, or gas which directly or indirectly:
@a?.f+i'imm hhh ID ' I
(a) alters the quality of any part of the receiving
1g. "flhP," o9A+ k47i r mnlC m&P 271 PV'I r environment so as to effect its beneficial use
f l + ~ 3VS ' ~+T+P QAVS@?7nr adversely; or
v) p~kfll.7 ehhrln ~ C AT&+ flmihmT (b) produces toxic substances, diseases, objec-
m+4P Pmhrn+ h+@? PTP9nA iiD$P tlonable odour, radioactivity, noise, vibration,
A) flnm m w nh&T m??? 4s 1-51. heat, or any other phenomenon that is hazar-
PTYRCh WbP hSRCh PmLTh mCW? r dous or potentially hzardous to human health
fl7iP? r h~4-+? 3 aLC? 5 RPB?r ?W/.+? r or .to other living things;
@++l) mbP h 4 hh++'f PmLP@S%s 12) "Pollution" means any condition which is hazar-
ml7PW-P 57C 5m : dous or potentially hazardous to human health,
"4hA-P" q A - P flnU hTE mbP hqrl4 rlAm safety, or welfare or to living things created by
h 4 Aq P-l$.S?7? S?~CD.?P 9%,+ 2 Sb+4
altering any physical, radioactive. thermal, chemical,
biological or other property of any part of the
mbP 7Kfl TO Pq"l')m?P hhrln hGA *4T r environment in contravention of any condition,
aL&T 5 -+Pc ?Td 576%1 rUSAbm3'T limitation or restriction made under this
mbP h 4 rlUC.f.7 flmllmr P+kmL 5 flnm mF Proclamation or under any other relevant law;
msP fl32+ m f i xqv ~ nib&? APT? 4s 13) "Region" means any of those parts of Ethiopia
hx7F PVS meP hE7P A.w? PmLTh *sP smr specified as such under Article 47(1) of the Cons-
IE* "hAA7' 04A+ flh+P.kf 6,,%&4%rZPh&&S% titution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
LT4A.h A?@?"lr"+ h?+R g%/&/P+@Ah++ Ethiopia and, for the purpose of this Proclamation,
- P ~ T Lhc&T A qn+ &v?1 nnu haE h a e e ~ includes the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa Adminis-
~ h a hncln wxn*P PRLST ~ , ~ + s R ~ T ? P trations;
&QbP&A11 . 14) "Regional Environmental Agency" means any
regional government organ entrusted, by the govern-
19. "Phhh Phhrlt m/.Y6?m.5. " q A + AhhrltC ment of that region, with responsibility for the
n+kTe U4+ Tfl, WSP *TTC flhhih.
m?"lP+ P+bmm q?PmP Phhh protection or regulation of the environment and
@?%P+ hhh 5m I natural resources;
!E. c L m ~ + V I Ay+ flmh PhoP S*? 4bPn.n 15) "Release" means placing any pollutant in the
flhs? mx q ? P m ~ ~ h h r l n~ S A mamc environment in any way be it intentionally or
'Im11 otherwise.
Pflhnl. *TTC Control of Pollution
f.llhn+ +TTC 3. Control ofPollution ,
6. 179" Am +7t? Phhrlrl. RLK f l m l . 4 ~ ~ 1) No person shall pollute or cause any other person to
hhNl.9 hflhA WW' flA.4 not. flbh k?&flhA pollute the environment by violating the relevant
A.PXC-7 h$k+PA+F' fl environmental standard.
A9 fl@+r\AS 097Pw-?F' flhb W% hhrlt 2) The Authority or the relevant Regional environ-
fl"eik+ 4 f i rlAPhnl5.wbg. fmLmAh+ot. mental agency may take an administrative or legal
PhhA Phhrlrl. O ~ P L Pm+ hh+sxc%mpp measure against a person who, in violation of law,
m3(e ~ C P ST~AII release any pollutant to the environment.
p. 4hA.7.7 W f i P h 4 h"lll.fPF 7.41.7 A.fhh+A 3) Any person engaged in any field of activity which is
nq7-h?+WC @hh P+Al& U77PAm f fgqq likely which is to cause pollution or any other
flfl7L6b+7 A7hm7P mP.9- (IPRI-k42(D.@m7 environmental hazard shall, when the Authority or
A@+5h flrlhPAl5. W.9- fl7@Ah+m PhAA the relevant regional environmental agency so de-
~ h w ~ WJLP
n. m+ +bvn OWL+ n+7n +he cides, install a sound technology that avoids or
A-xc ~ F A 41147P @AO nr+P 4s A ~ T A reduces, to the required minimum, the generation of
nqPhT.T.I\. H%PTmm+P hAn+r* waste and, when feasible, apply methods for the
9. +lhA+7 pRLn ml7?o*P fioi rlhPA"35.meP recycling of waste.
fq@Ah+or P ~ A APhhrln u D ~ 6 m+ P R"Lm 4) Any person who causes any pollution shall be
nso* ~ 5 p eznc 7p.41 ~1rln.c~.7hnhe required to clean up or pay the cost of cleaning up the
mlBS+c m&P Amlbg fmqm7 mm @if&? polluted environment in such a manner and within
hAn4-:: such a period as shall be determined by the Authority
@ nmF meP flhhrln 4G hRs h74Phh+A or by the relevant regional environmental agency.
hqPCIs PP& h791'19AA.@") ?-TA 5) When any activity poses a risk to human health or to
Aflh4hA rlAFAn)b meP f 7 @ A h + ~PhAA the environment, the Authority or the relevant
rhcrln. WPLP m+ PC~FI-7 xnr~mns+ m w regional environmental agency shall take any neces-
mp. h4 (19 hhh uqvmc ml?Pc~.?go sary measure upto the closure or relocation of any
hhk47. hCPg @o*fiP e7.4~:: enterprise in order to prevent harm.
4. Management o f Hazardous Waste, Chemical and
Radioactive Substance
1) T h e generation, keeping, storage, transportation,
treatment or disposal of any hazardous waste without
a permit from the Authority or the relevant regional
environmental agency is prohibited.
2) Any person engaged in the collection, recycling,
transportation, treatment or disposal of any hazar-
dous waste shall take appropriate precaution to
prevent any damage to the environment or to human
health or well-being.
3) The importation, mining, processing, keeping, dis-
tribution, storage, transportation or use of radioac-
tive substances shall be subject to a permit from the
competent agency.
4) The importation, preparation, keeping, distribution,
storage, transportation or use of a chemical
categorized as hazardous or of restricted use, shall be
subject to a permit from the Authority or the relevant
regional environmental agency or from any other
competent agency.
5) Any person engaged in the preparation, production,
manufacturing or transportation or in trading in any
hazardous or restricted chemical may ensure that the
chemical is registered, packed and labeled as per the
applicable standards.
5. Management o f Municipal Waste
1) All urban administrations shall ensure the collection,
transportation, and, as app~opriate,the recycling,
treatment or safe disposal of municipal waste
through the institution of an integrated municipal
waste management system.
2) In collaboration with the relevant regional environ-
mental agency, the Authority shall monitor and
evaluate the adequacy of municipal waste
management systems and ensure the effectiveness
of their implementation.
3) Any person responsible for the maintenance of any
premise to which the public has access shall, at all
times, ensure that adequate and suitable toilets and
containers and other required facilities are provided
for the disposal of waste.
H- rlA/"An)b hf'T.@Ah+@fhAA fhhrlt @FLY 4) The Authority shall, in collaboration with the
n?.h?riv-P h%qahhfm b&T @/"LP n.+T relevant regional environmental agencies and any
.X nm+rlflCi fh+T'T P4qT Vhm?Z @?A?f other competent agencies, monitor the situation with
PT7 flIT'7PC flhT3fl. U-&+ @"5!c\pq@'3 regard to the a.lailabilit-y of waste disposal facilities
A ~ ~ L ? hh6.4~
?T @@fie
f v r XCP~PT-7 and take the necessary measures to ensure that their
hAfl+:: availability is satisfaccary.
hCA Eh?. Environmental Standards
nAhhrlt R g e .
5. Environmental Standards
g. nrlhhrlt R L ~ P T 1) In consultation with competent agencies, the
6. h7rl4l hh?@ @/"L? n.+T ?C fl@@hhCt Authority shall formulate practicable environmental
rlA/"An)k flYb74'llC flhhrlll.?'ll @CV?'% 4P, standards based on scientific and environmental
P+@wL+C +"lrl&B A@rP? f " ~ T h .fhhrlfl. principles. The sectors that require standards shall
p.LYfPT?PH2YfA::hSKUP R L ~ Pt T f 7 h f"9.h include at least the following:
+h.?.') @/h+?.hArlf@* (a) Standards for the discharge of effluents into
U) cop. @Y hh4+$ m n $43 @+n?mh@eT water bodies and sewage systems.
P.%A+* soPT RLXPT* (b) Air quality standards that specify the ambient
A) Phh(lt hfC ~4.4-7f.%?AB.FAml8.')+4 air quality and give the allowable amounts of
+&C dq7+4+1% fhPC flhlll. 9 0 7 ~ P 7+& emission for both stationary and mobile air
.P%?.? fA+b mmTF fqmhk fhfc T&+ pollution sources.
RL~PT~ (c) Standards for the types and amounts of substan-
m) m n XLC f"'tm@~hbqhn-T?m b flhkc ~ ces that can be applied to the soil or be disposed
4s m w mnr poem?%*ET? 4b'i?.~ of on or in it.
mm? 4'"LmnbPhLC T&-).RLY~PT* (d) Standards for noise providing for the maximum
m) fhll4.kC ~ t p ? CPh7L.f: fYb7hC fah allowable noise level taking into account the
ell-x h + ~ flm11~nfl
? f~.r~~m hs+F-7 settlement patterns and the availability of scien-
PP9013mm? fmtwhb PPPB A+?.RdXP% tific and technological capacity in the country.
P ) n+Ape f.lrW 9bt.p.T h@~6%m+) hgpw (e) Waste management standards specifying the
hh@jFT?.* hmhh'ft h9471C hm2iP fmt? levels allowed and the methods to be used in the
7A4h. P@m7Ffh+IrlflC RLifP?:: generation, handling, storage, treatment, trans-
g. fTphh?.h@7 m?+ A@=?$-?. flshL4. ?i+ port and disposal of the various types of waste.
P ~ P T455 QTTC 4 % h~fl+:r ~ 2) Sources of noxious odour shall be regulated so that
C. 9A~An)khhrln.7 n@mnPmfiP @AE ?? ,?.P
. the nuisance they cause is prevented.
?TT'&?*L9 h'tRhh&c\?.>.f: A+A.f'S F$&?? ' 3) The Authority may prescribe different environmen-
f+A,W fhhrlt RLYfPv?hPml) ST4h:: tal standards for different areas as it may find
necessary to protect or rehabilitate the environment.
9 4Ad-T hA4P @?S/"+-% flf&rl?@Ae
ll@@FL?.flsL&n. hCh7 h+mfib+ fmflQ 4) National regional states may, based on their specific
XLgPT7 hcD.T+m fly& 4s &Pm-& bT4h.r: situation, adopt environmental standards that are
flkR&& hch7 h+mll2+ f4& R L ~ P ?h?%
more stringent than those determined at the Federal
Pmm 4)') hbL+R4T@P$:
level. However, they shall not adopt standards which
are less rigorous than those determined at the Federal
g- f;hnfl TPP? n w ~ f l +h r l ~ hqrlfl ?A@?
PhhrlR XLX h7%PT&PTmflPrlTm-?9+mAb
+L42 @b+P%?+&.FT?+ rlElPAqk A+mh'r 5) The Authority may, for a fixed period of time,
authorize the waiver of the duty to comply with some
ZH X?&+A#- &&+R S T ~ ~ A S
requirements of specified environmental standards
in order to promote public benefit.

hMhrlk ++q"ldPv Environmental Inspectors
%-L / ~ K UflA4 "+bqq~PT"
hf+rl& f'"Lm+/fl4APAn)Z.mb9"n%JDhh+ m- 7. Environmental Inspectors
fhAA fhhrln. ~ P L P &+ br'if9kr 1) Environmental inspectors (hereinafter referred to as
+&n)n)LF'T fllLU h'PZ VWL?. PAW79 +?Q& "inspectors") shall be assigned by the Authority or
Cm-? &mm PcTm-'2 fl?..+l-C PA~PAP by the relevant regional environmental agency.
@LWhArlTm.1: 2) Inspectors shall exercise due diligence and impar-
tiality in the discharge of their powers and duties
T. P++qn)LPT FAWC +'?QC under this Proclamation.
8. fhhrlt ++n)qL%'F fmth+&?. PAWS
8. Powers and Duties of Inspectors
+"lrl&+ pT&T'PAr
U) fhbrlt RLKITF "1%.+Fv' OPL W 1) Inspectors shall have the following powers and
@qPlrtP@? "9L97TZ
(a) ensure compliance with environmental stan-
El) PKU h7.PR70.h h?+* (c)
hC ( X ) k?9%Pv dards and related requirements;
X?R+mflQ tPer 4P4m.k mb9" QCR m+
(b) without prejudice to Sub-Articles (3) and (6) of
+bqn wtt- n9?Pm-~ +in ..hit- nq,+ this Article, enter any land or premises at any
PT@zn mX WPme (13.m p e +TC "I& time which seems appropriate to them without
@qrl+r prior notice or court order;
m) rnl7Pm.f~alm ,flFoa..) me8 f l ~ h h cL+ (C) question any person alone or in the presence of
@m?+: witnesses;
@) hdlhA?. >C ?7T.5+ $12~7a95Pm.78 (d) check, copy or extract any paper, file or any
m ~ Q 4 - jqARc mP8 la4 ~ . r @&+?ir n other document related to pollution;
@?mar mb9° AF+ @+S+r (e) take, free of charge, samples of any material as
W) fa97F@78 4A Cm-CPT h7Rhhk4~SI: required and carry out or cause to be carried out
PAhcP @0).(affSflhfirln mb8 f l ~ b m + tests to determine whether or not it causes harm
4s 1-44- f.epxcA @v7hiioovb7 hoomn7 to the environment or to life;
mmcooc mp.P qhoocoocr (f) take photographs, measure, draw, or examine
L) PU hTE XS h"14dl ?A@ 1 7 8 ib4 A? any commodity, process or facility in order to
ahflc? AogL27~8+r7f fh@&L+ % R
?! ensure compliance with this Proclamation and
mbP @?A7P7flG+?&'i: "7741. f @Ah+i with any other relevant law;
@r(AmbP @&+7ii (g) seize any equipment or any other object which
n) bu7 ATE mp.p hqrlfl ~ALU-7 la4 a,? is believed to have been used in the commission
fl@+4hc TC+ +k%PflPh f + 4 A @"l~p7 of an offence under this Proclamation or any
mb8 h 4 WC7 @$?it other relevant law.
g. P+@Rfl@ +b"lrrlL fKU? h'PF mb8 "97'4: 2) When a person contravenes any of the provisions of
@?P h944 PA@7 A? P?>'& A+4Ak A@ this Proclamation or of any other relevant law, the
f@+r\A4-7P?>,? SHkMCAPAr bU7> @+4Ac inspector on duty shall specify the matter cons-
fl+mns zn. m h r A ~ + L + @mAff p ~ f l W tituting the contravention and may also specify the
hC8g fl@?AffF XCPXIP h74mnP LP3 measures that shall be taken to remedy the con-
bT4hl: travention within a given period of time.
p- P+@RflIP ++"lrrld "97Pm!lv X7+h9k flhhrlfl. 3) When an inspector on duty suspects that any activity
4s 1-43. h ~ ~ PcTh~ an- A &mLTC ?,?+h9 may cause damage to the environment, he shall order
X A ~ qI h + PTRC~I
~ P ~ C P + X C P ~~ 7 % the taking of corrective measures upto the immediate
mhf? + ~ Y PAnlhr:
H cessation of the activity.
3. "97Pm.P f+@Rfl +bnl4L flrlAFh"l%- 4) Every inspector shall have an identity card issued by
fl7@Ah+@ Phhh fhh4k @FLY f+dmi the Authority or by the relevant regional environ-
P@PL? n* 4 v + a ?An+ @$-me?mpn r mental agency, bearing its official seal and show it
h m f + ~?Of+
" hAfl3.1: when requested;
8. S*C hmnP rlA74ILQ f@7T+ mbP mmhh 5) Whenever a sample is to be taken, the proprietor has
f@4h @a+ h4Am bV7b @fl+ ~ ~ ~ . ~ C I P + C U - the right to be present or to send his representative
@RLs hAfl4-1: and he shall be informed accordingly.
X. f P & hk9BP +ATcS@~ f7flffAfl-l- hAW5 6 ) When an,inspector on duty visits an undertaking, he
flh++C 1 7 7 @ 8 f+@"Xfl+b"lnl6 mR 'T7P shall notify the proprietor unless he considers that
ncE3. +TC ?IL m w PP h14 hrlh?a~-t: such notification may be prejudicial to the efficient
1 h ~ m hnfl+$:
9 performance of his duty.
S. hnfi?rlr 9. Right to Appeal
6. CBrrlnlLm flmR@ 17~0).9"hCPg +C ?+AT 1) Any person dissatisfied with any of the measures
~ ~ V Dnwr P hc~gm h+mnRfl+ +7 h?n+ taken by the inspector may appeal to the Head of the
flhr"C +F+ IPhT ArlAFA45. W b P A 7 @ A Authority or the relevant regional environmental
h+@ Phhh PhhrlR @PLP (b+ ffl4P. 94L agency, as the case may be, within ten days from the
$?Q% "9113. bT4h:~ date on which the measure was taken.
g. flnv h ? + ~70.h h?+$ l&/ -WL+ mrlr 2) Any person dissatisfied because no decision has
Ph+nm fl@V%-@Wf+hm0). C P Y ~+ 7 k bee? given as provided under Sub-Article (1) of this
rlh@VS.+C P+nT Am 1 ~ 4 5 0h+Amfll. ). mbP Article, or feels that the decision given is inap-
~ . e n ~ nPZH + I R ~ h ~ ~ +7 n +h7h.e finfir propriate, may institute a court case within thirty
+F+ @hT hA @@hL?.bT4hf days from the date on which the decision was
hA 1flL9-F given or the deadline for decision has elapsed.
8. 4hfil.7 A@h4hA mbT @m%-? A@+5A f l q ? 10. Incentives
h T h flml7qIPP H& mm+P A q E P C A17 1) Incentives for the introduction of methods that
P@P trlC RC@ fmLAT "9flLPp flKU h'PE enable the prevention or minimizatin of pollution
FC nmLmnl~7.n fimnaw into an existing undertaking shall be determined by
flrlAFA"l% h . 4 7 7 ~IIhA.I.7 A@h4hA A.4A mX regulations issued hereunder.
h7C m h f q ~ 7 4 mY6P h?& ~ P P T f?.PC.h 2) Importation of new equipment that is destined to
+LT hGP 59 SVFh:: control pollution shall, upon verification by the
'is. hA@hhh-43. Authority, be exempted from payment of custom
8. 57C- fmLFAh+0). @U'%-7 mlAL4.41. clbmfl+fl+r duty.
17P0).P hm flhhrln 4 b 7.41. hffC&A 11. Right to standing
7.53. A.fhh3.h f'T.?A +WC hfkXm 5m 1) Any person shall have, without the need to show any
floehor f l 9 7 T m ~nm 4s A r l ~ ~ h n mbP l%- vested interest, the right to lodge a complaint at the
~ q @ ~ h + fa hr ~ -FLY h a?. +L$ f9ml;PL.n Authority or the relevant regional environmental
hAmr agency against any peron allegedly causing actual or
potential damage to the environment.
When the Authority or regional environmental
agency fails to give a decision within thirty days or
when the person who has lodged the complaint is
dissatisfied with the decision, he may institute a
court case with in sixty days from the date the
decision was given or the deadline for decision has
Offences and Penalties
]g. m h 4
8. sus ATE mego ~"1114
PAID.?~ . 4A"I P+~AL 2. General
s7c "I? ~ 4 . ~ 1 nm?8n;;:
: m+% A"IP V S flnv 1) A person who, under this Proclamation or under any
hTE Ph+mXflA?. IPS" fC7T T7.P Am other relevant law, commits an offence for which no
~6.f.Pt.t:ILLPIT? penalty is provided for either in the Penal Code or
U) ?+&re Am kW?? hhPh+ KU .Ilc flT9 under this Proclamation, is liable on conviction:
7hC hhhC T.0 i 4C flqbflAT P??H4 @+P (a) in the case of a natural person, to a fine of not
h h ? 9m-F
~ f l ~ b f l &P&+
h~ mbe less than five thousand Birr and not more than
ten thousand Birr or an imprisonment of not
more than one year or both;
A) nA"I fAmS.7. m4-7- P+Am@ ILV7 hhPc
(b) in the case of a juridica! person, to a fine of not
xv .nc nTp?nC h ~ xu f ~'P~S~AT
less than ten thousand Birr and not more than
PI'SH4 m+P S+rr)Ar:
twenty thousand Birr.
g. flKV h?QR 7O.h h?+% /&/ OWL+ flAq
2) Where a juridicd person is convicted pursuant to
PAmS't.m 4 3 f+Am@ hhA ~4.+P'r.t:&L971 Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the officer in charge
f+ke@m? ~ 4 . 4 -~ m + r~fl~fl.?.~
94esT1:7 who should have known the commission of the
fl49.2. ?A+t.mrr)@ PP &
' 94.4. hhPh?. XU 4L offence, and who failed to fulfil1 his duty ap-
flTf7hC hhhC XU f l c fl.PSnAT f77H4 @+P propriately shall be liable to a fine of not less than
mbP h ~ h ? .9@?. flTbflAT hp&?. @SF five thousand Birr and not more than ten thousand
f l ~ h + Pb+nlAr Birr or an imprisonment of not more than two years
p. flm7xP @+.a m-, @W& fhflg fa9.j or both.
hgnl hmvs nn++c I nnu r+xs?+a 3) Unless the provisions of the Penal code provide
+n)+T +as? evci+s: more severe penalties, the penalties laid down under
TP. h++"lnl~$V PC fl+$?n n ~ m t ~ e - this Proclamation shall be applicable.
h. f+@gfl ++n)n)67 P&@? h?S$hCm? $'RC+& L3. Offefices Relating to Inspectors
mS9" PhChA r ++n)n)Lnr RA9 @WL+ Pm! 1) A person commits an offence if he hinders or
+m7 m~go PHHW PALB- r nmlnoont obstructs an inspector on duty in the execution of his
+9nlrclL %ID.hflh PVhL r ++nln)~m mf duty, fails to comply with a lawful order or
q7PorP p$- mfip ~ T C .)R h7SP.711 me9 requirement made by an inspector, impersonates an
@ w 4 + h74smLPC PXC+k m17Fm9 inspector, or refuses an inspector entry into any land
QJL+?.~ TARC i fQbPA.4 h552 &74fi&?.7i or premise or hinders an inspector from getting
h'ZPlfi7hIl~5 mfiP A M X'54$+S PhAhh access to records, 'prevents an inspector from
A++n)"l6 @L% fhAhm P44+ mgP f.t.441 checking, copying or extracting any paper, file or
PAm q7.phnr T++ &ffT&r any other document, withholds, misleads or gives
g nKv h?+%- 7041h?+% /&/ @WL+ ~4.1.P l e a wrong information to an inspector.
P+&TC AID. r4CPS.I: 11 ' .497~ hEh+ 1Zv 4[ 2) A natural person who conamits an offence under
nw.tnc h h ~ cKV .tic n.senAT wtn-t Sub-Article (1) of this Article is liable, on convic-
b'#'"lhf T4.W f&B@@ flA"I fhUhS3 tion, to a fine of not less than three thousand Birr and
@d?. f+hm@ hhA hlPS ?.q~ ~ 4 - + T s i not more than ten thousand Birr, and, in the case of a
hL97r h4C APC KU flTP7h'i h4c Yp Kr juridical person, to a fine of not less than ten
fl''?SflATf7?Hll @#'P C+nlAr PP& 94Lm-9 thousand Bin and and not more than twenty
hh?P 4004- flqS?h XC hwh+ 9-?. f l T e n A ~ thousand Birr, and imprisonment of the officer in
h/"&?. mbP h h ~ h ?i€v . 4c fl"r??nr hhhr charge for a term of not less than one year and not
~ 4 robe nu-.nw
T V 4 c f l v b f l h ~ 7 7 @+P more than two years or a fine of not less than five
P.4"Mrr thousandBirr and not more than ten thousand Birr or
14. Offences Relating to Records
A person commits an offence if he fails to comply with
this Proclamation or any regulations issued hereunder to
keep records of activities or products or of the types,
characteristics or amounts of waste or of any other
information, or if he alters any record shall be liable, on
conviction, to a fine of not less than ten thousand Birr and
not more than twenty thousand Birr.
5. OffencesRelating to Wastes and Other Materials that are
1) A person commits an offence if he fails to manage a
hazardous waste or another substance according to
the relevant laws, mislabels or fails to label or in any
way withholds information about any hazardous
waste or other material or attempts to take part or
takes part or attempts to aid or aids in the illegal
traffic of any hazardous waste or other material.
2) A natural person who commits an offence under Sub
Article (1) of this Article is liable, on conviction, to a
fine of not less than twenty thousand Birr and not
more than fifty thousand Birr and in the case of a
juridical person to a fine of not less than fifty
thousand Birr and not more than one hundred
thousand Bin, and to a term of imprisonment of the
officer in charge of not less than five years and not
more than ten years, or a fine of not less than five
thousand Birr and not more than ten thousand Birr of
16. Offences Relating to Pollution
A natural person commits an offence if he discharges any
pollutant contrary to the provisions of this Proclamation
or regulations issued hereunder and is liable, on convic-
tion, to a fine of not less than one thousand Birr and not
more than five thousandBirr or to an imprisonment of not
less than one year and not more than ten years or both
and, in the case of a juridical person, to a fine of not less
than five thousand Birr and not more than twenty five
thousand Birr and an imprisonment of the officer in
charge for a term of not less than five years and not more
than ten years, or a fine of not less than five thousand Birr
and not more than ten thousand Bin or both.
17. Forfeiture and Restoration
1%. nnoom-~hxs mp. 'rn~n?'@L$- nnlz@@nn The court, before which a person is prosecuted for an
offence under this Proclamation or regulations issued
&v7 f l y + ? ~ m m ? . 7XSD? fl@mh ~ 4 +
hereunder, may, in addition to any penalty it impose upon
?%I:(\+d;l?m(l?. Am. 4 5 hqafi7(\?- a97TmF' the convicted person, order:
+"I+ n + a q ~ ccn . n* 5 (a) the confiscation of any thing used in thecommission
U ) AT++ +%rlC ?'P(\ "97qCW" SIC -PmCo Am7 of the offence in favor of the state or to dispose of it
"1~+ In X'M.rP7 mfiP nhll m 7 1 8 X7%m?Pr in any other way;
a) hhrlkm-7 ?W% mp.4" @-ispm7 5 hmltlh.7 (b) that the cost of cleaning up and the disposing of the
mb80 6 9 m 7 f?hmlX m m 1.h41F X7&h$Ar substance, chemical or equipment seized be borne
t\'tEtl.U-'l"i by the convicted person; and
A) -14 .4- ? ~ ~ f i n ? . rhh4n.
> + h ~ $ n6.k mm. m?. (c) the convicted person to restore to the state in which
snkn?. u-LT XTfri@Ah m p P ?.-,P fiu Poqeg:~ the environment was prior to the infliction of the
hV5 + l & h? h'f&h$A "7tI'tl ~~T.T.~AI: damage, and when such restoration is not possible to
pay appropriate compensation.
Miscellaneous Provisions
18. Transitory Provision
Regulations to be issued hereunder shall determine the
manner in which existing undertakings shall comply with
this Proclamation.
19. Duty to Provide Information
1) Any person engaged in an activity pertaining to any
of the provisions of this proclamation or any other
related law shall provide any information on his
activiby as required by the Authority or the relevant
regional environmental agency. I
2) The Authority shall have access to all en'vironmental
data and information.
20. POwer to Issue Regulations
The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations neces-
sary for the effective implementation of this
$6. +&9?5+ PibSPcD. h9T 2 1. Inapplicable Laws
~ K )\'PE
V R:C + P L ~PvS hq @$F hw6.c nnu Any law orpractice inconsistent with this Proclamation is
inapplicable regarding matters povided herein.
h'PE n+@Ah++ 7-4P.T 4$ +6.9q5+ hP.PLW"3:
22. Effective Date
-. . - -
1 This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 3" day
of December, 2002.

Done at Addis Ababa, this@dday of December, 2002.



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