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Title 1 : Why personal saving and financing are important for future.

- The more money you have saved, the more you control your own destiny

- when you have savings and stash your funds in the right places, your money starts to
work for you
- It gives you peace of mind
- Saving is an important financial behavior that provides an individual with
psychological security and boosts his/her overall sense of well-being
- Those individuals who earn more should be more willing to save their money
- Personal finance shows how we manage of our financial resources
- Saving helps us to overcome significant problems in our lives
- Goals and opportunities for individuals to save are different
- Saving money for the future is one of the great habits of wealthy people
- You must learn to save first and spend afterwards
- With your savings you can immediately start investing
- Saving money for the future gives you protection for unexpected circumstances.

SOURCE (Articles)
Tittle 2: Why we must aware with the consumption of caffeine?

-Caffeine is a psychoactive substances derives from over 60 different plant sources

including coffee beans,tea leaves and cacao seeds.
-Caffeine is a natural stimulant by activating the central nervous system. It can
improve concentration, boost mood and improve focus.
-Improves memory but individual’s reactions vary greatly.
-Helps some medicine work faster such as certain pain relieving medications
-Moderate intake of caffeine can promote a variety of health benefits. However, if the
consumptions of caffeine is not control ,it can carries several risks and lead to adverse
-Drinking 2 to 4 cups of coffee a day may reduce suicide risk in adults
-Caution taken in terms of dose, interaction with other substances and prevalence side
effect and woman who want to pregnant aren’t recommended to consume more than
300mg per day.
-Could alter male reproductive function.
-Cause an ergogenic effect which caffeine was inferior to woman than men in
strength even same dose was administered
-Athletic enhancers which help in increase in muscle power or maximal strength but
negatively affect the muscle.

Source (Articles)

Title 3: Body shaming is no joke

- Body shaming seems to be at an all-time high, what with the advent of social media
and the ability to pass comments on people you hardly know
- Body shaming affects mental and physical health in surprising ways- both for the
person who is body shaming and the one who is being body shamed.
- People have a definite notion of “beauty” which defines standards of skin colour,
body dimensions, hair length, or the kind of clothes someone should or should not
- Having a distorted body image is a risk factor for the development of disordered
eating behaviours and eating disorders.




Title 4: Effect of high salt intake by young university adults

• Over the past century, salt has been the subject of intense scientific research
related to blood pressure elevation and cardiovascular mortalities
• Recently, there has been a hot debate over whether current salt intake is too high
from a health perspective. It is estimated that globally 62% of cerebrovascular disease
and 49% of ischaemic heart disease were attributable to elevated blood pressure.
• One of the main organ systems vulnerable to the adverse effects of excessive
sodium in the diet is the cardiovascular system
• The food habits of young university adults are dependent on and are influenced
by the ready-to-eat meals available in and around the university campus.
• The average salt content of canteen food in Denmark is 3.4 g per serving, while
the average salt content of lunches served at Ghent University is 3.1 g per serving
(Rasmussen et al., 2010).
• Several studies across the world have shown that individuals who depend on
canteen food consume higher salt regardless of them being student or staff (Park et al.,
2009; Rasmussen et al., 2010; Ahn et al., 2013).
• Since age is a non-modifiable risk factor for hypertension, the expenditure on
health care will rise without preventive measures in place.
• A high salt intake (a) exacerbates conditions where there is already sodium and
water retention
• rapid increase in blood pressure which was mainly attributable to an increase in
salt intake and a decrease in potassium intake
• increasing salt intake may have a direct effect on strokes independent and
additive to its effect on blood pressure
• salt intake is a major independent predictor of the extent of left ventricular
hypertrophy and, indeed, in most of the studies, more important than the high blood
pressure itself
• increase in salt intake, there is an increase in glomerular pressure.
• high salt intake increases the reactivity of arterioles and the response of blood
pressure to sympathetic stimulation with greater rises in blood pressure in subjects on
a high salt intake when subjected to various stress situations.
• high salt intake also increases the reactivity of the bronchiolar smooth muscle and
it is interesting in this regard that asthma mortality
• he more salt there is in a product, the more water can be added to it thereby
increasing its weight substantially at very little extra cost


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