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1. Fluid Volume Deficit The reason why fluid volume deficit was
placed first is because by resolving it, the 2 nd
and 3rd diagnoses can already be resolved. By
rehydrating the patient, the lost fluids will be
replaced, thus, restoring the normal fluid
volume in the body as well as the body’s
normal functioning. If this problem will not
be prioritized first, the patient would
experience additional problems like
headaches, lethargy, constipation, organ
dysfunction and, worse, death.
2. Acute Pain This was only placed second to fluid
volume deficit because though it may require
immediate attention, the patient can still
seem to tolerate it. Also, the complications
that fluid volume deficit poses are far more
dangerous than that of the acute pain. On
the other hand, it was placed above the 3 rd
diagnosis because resolving this problem
strengthens the patient and may result to
activity tolerance.
3. Activity Intolerance This was placed 3 rd because it is easily
resolvable through resolving the first two
first. The only reason why it is above the 4 th
diagnosis is because the 4th diagnosis cannot
be permanently resolved through nursing
4. Nausea Supposedly, by resolving this, the patient can
be relieved from vomiting, thus, resolving the
priority problem. But then, since the patient’s
nausea is caused by her pregnancy, especially
since she is still on her first trimester, it
cannot be fully resolved by nursing
interventions. The only way for it to be
totally treated is if she progresses in her
pregnancy, the reason why it was prioritized

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