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3rd Periodic Test

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Name:__________________________ Date:_____________
Grade/Section: II- Patience Science
Parent 2
Signature: ________
Teacher: Ms. Deborrah N. Lazaro

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the

statement is false.
____ 1. Strong wind can pull out trees.
____ 2. Wind can make objects spin.
____ 3. Water can push big objects only.
____ 4. The water current can push a log across a
____ 5. Windmill produces electricity
____ 6. People like to ride the train because it
moves slow.
____ 7. Motorcycles move fast than airplane.
____ 8. Lion is the fastest animal on land.
____ 9. Snail is a slow- moving animals.
____ 10. People can move fast.
II. Multiple choice. Read the following statement. Ring the correct
1. It is a great source of heat
a. moon b. oven c. star d. sun
2. It is the natural heat that earth gives off.
a. Geothermal energy c. Star
b. Geothermal heat d. Sun
3. It happens when you rub two objects together.
a. Bulb c. Friction
b. Moon d. Cold
4. It is a heat comes from Earth’s interior part.
a. Geothermal energy c. Lava
b. Geothermal heat d. Sun
5. it is a large ice masses surrounded by water.
a. Geothermal energy c. Glaciers
b. Geothermal heat d. Iceberg
6. it happens when a person does not have enough water in his
or her body.
a. Dehydration c. Heat Stroke
b. LBM d. Mild Stroke
7. It is a dark shapes that form when light is blocked.
a. Artificial light c. Shadows
b. Natural light d. Fire
8. It is a source of light created by humans.
a. Artificial light c. Shadows
b. Natural light d. Fire
9. It is the most simple and common source of light.
a. Artificial light c. Shadows
b. Natural light d. Fire
10. It is a natural source of light.
a. Candle c. Flashlight
b. Sun d. Bonfire
III. Matching Type: Match column A with the correct answer on
column B. Write only the letter of your answer on the space

A. B.
____ 1. It is a series of back and a. unpleasant
forth movements.
____ 2. It is a kind of sounds that b. electricity
good to hear
____ 3. It is a form of energy c. light
called electrical energy.
____ 4. It is a kind of sounds that d. pleasant
that are not good to hear
____ 5. It is a form of energy that e. vibration
help us to see many beau-
tiful things.
IV. Modified True or False: Write true if the statement is true and if
false change the underline word to make the statement correct.
Write your answer on the line before each number.
______1. Cover outlets with safety caps when not in
______2. Small gadgets require only a big amount of
electrical energy.
______3. Light coming from different sources travels in
many directions.
______4. Plants need heat from the sun to make food.
______5. Too much heat can helps the pant grow.
V. Identification: Study the pictures below. Identify whether the light
source is natural or artificial. Write NL for natural light and AL for
artificial light.

_______ 1. _______6.
_______2. _______ 7.

_______ 3. _______ 8.

_______ 4. _______ 9.

_______ 5. _______ 10.

VI. Enumeration: List down the steps on how to keep safe with
VII. Explain briefly.
We have different form of energy, one of them is light. How does
light helps us in our everyday life?
5 4 3 2 1
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Good Luck and God Bless You!!!

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