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Classroom Management 1 Rehearsal Groups

Hello! You have been assigned to a group for this course. On the menu on the left-hand
side of the Blackboard screen, click on "Groups". This will take you to your group page.
Inside your group space, you may collaborate with your other teammates. In the work
time between sessions, you can use your Group area to post questions and answers in
a discussion thread, share resources with each other in a file share, and/or you can
journal your own thoughts. Use the space to collaborate with each other. Group spaces
will be counted as part of your participation grade for this course. Please make sure you
are posting each week.

During the asynchronous portion of each session, you and your group will need to
complete an independent task and then come together to record. The person with the
closest birthday to June 22nd will be the lead for the week. The lead will email the group
to arrange the recording, record the rehearsal while in Zoom, and upload and share the
recording to Torsh. The recording will be shared with each of your group members and
ME via Torsh. The lead will change each week in order of the next birthday.

Weekly Tasks (Assignment 1-15% possible):

● Script and record classroom management practices

Purpose of Tasks:

● Work on becoming a No-Nonsense Nurturer

Directions for Weekly Asynchronous Tasks

Part 1-Independent Work ​(30 minutes approximately)​:

1. Watch the videos in the session folder. For example, in Session 1 you will watch:
Positive Framing, Precise Praise, and Joy Factor.

2. Think of a teaching scenario similar to something you see in one of the videos; in this
scenario you are either leading a whole-class discussion around a topic or a small
group lesson around a topic.

3. Script out what you might be saying in this scenario and write/type the script for what
you would be saying as the ​teacher​. You will not script what students are doing. The
script will be about 1/2 page and will not be submitted, but you will need it for the Zoom

4. In your script, include the elements we discussed together in the session. For
example, in Session 1 they will be: Positive Framing, Precise Praise, and Joy Factor.
These are not necessarily concrete ideas that can be written down as a script, but all of
them should be evident in your delivery. You can use the Teach Like a Champion
(TLAC) book for reference as well.

Part 2-Group Work ​(30 minutes approximately)​:

● After you have completed your asynchronous independent work, you will need to
join the Zoom link provided by your group lead.
● You will talk together to practice, then determine the presentation order. When
you are all ready, the Lead will hit Record. Each of you will take a turn as the
teacher, while the others act as students. After each teacher presents their script,
please offer feedback in the form of a "Glow" (something that went well) and a
"Grow" (something they could clarify/rework/add/delete to make it better).

Friendly Reminder:

Each week you will meet with your group to record a video after you have done the
independent portion. ​This video must be submitted and shared via Torsh by Friday
of each week at 11:59 PM.​For example, if your class is on Monday or Thursday, your
group lead will still submit your group recording to Torsh and share with each member
and myself by 11:59 PM that Friday. This should not be a problem, as you are being
provided asynchronous class time each week to complete. Please reach out if you have
questions or need clarification.

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