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1. Fungi Organisms that exhibit dimorphism and 17. What is dimorphism in fungus Mycelium (mold) or as
grow on sabourauds medium (low ph) yeast
2. Sabourard agar Type of agar used for most fungi 18. Which fungus are dimorphic Histoplasma
3. Trichophyton organism that causes athletes foot (tinea
4. Trichophyton fungal infection that leads to superficial Coccidioides immitis,
skin disease. Epidermophyton and Sporothrix shenckii,
microsporum cause dermatophytosis. Tx Candidas Albicans
with griseofulvin
19. fungal organisms NOT found in the know that Aspergillus,
5. Cryptococcus fungus that causes cerebral/brain infarct. soil Blastomycosis,
May spread into the meninges and cause Histoplasma,
cryptococcal meningitis Coccidioides, and
6. Aspergillus fungus that causes cerebral/brain infarct. Cryptococcus
Causes aspergilloma "fungus ball" in the neoformans ARE in soil
lungs causing pulmonary infection in ppl 20. Pt has swelling of submandibular, bacterial infection
with AIDS or organ transplant tenderness. Pt is alcoholic.
7. Murcormycosis pts with diabetic ketoacidosis, burns, or Radiographic-mass radiopaque
leukemia are particularly susceptible. (sialolith)-circumscribed, 1 cm x 1
Causes black dead tissue in nasal cavity cm, what is the reason for
and blocks blood supply to brain. It is swelling?
found in blood vessels (endothelium) 21. Best method for bacteria to conjugation
8. Aflatoxin carcinogenic toxin produced by replicate and transfer most
Aspergillus genetic information?

9. intracellular Cell immunity is most important for? 22. Transformation bacteria takes up
parasite extracellular donor
10. histoplasmosis which one can be seen as an
intracellular organism? in infected 23. Transduction donor DNA packed
tissues, yeast cells of histoplasmosis are into virus
found within macrophages (bacteriophage) that
infects the bacteria (1
11. histoplasmosis Disseminated fungi.
12. which pathogen Histoplasmosis
24. Conjugation In bacteria, the direct
transfer of DNA
between two cells that
lesion in lung
are temporarily joined.
resembling TB,
plasmid DNA transfer
similar symptoms?
25. action of the pili in organisms Attachment &
13. What doesn't give Gonorrhea
pathogenicity adherence to host
you granulomas?
-Histoplasmosis, M tuberculosis and
tertiary syphilis are granulomatous 26. Difference between staph and Catalase enzyme
(immune system walls off) strep?
Staph has catalase
14. what does not Histoplasmosis
which gets rid of h202
cause a mucosal
or epidermal rash 27. lancefield grouping Serotype
classification(that is,
15. Avian/bird related Histoplasma capsulatum
describing specific C-
16. Most common D. Cryptococcosis composition present
cause of fungal on the bacterial cell
meningitis? wall)
28. Streptomycin inhibits protein production 41. Which of the following is not Strep Pyrogens
(translation) an oral bacterium and not
found in dental plaque?
29. What aspect of Staph is enterotoxin
responsible for food 42. Which of the following does CAUSE pneumonia: Strep
poisoning not cause pneumonia? mutans, H influenza, S
30. MOA of staph aureus for produces enzyme that breaks
drug resistance down penicillin, beta
sooo choose the other
43. Most common bacteria on S. salivarius
31. what bacterium causes Strap aureus
the dorsum of the tongue
endocarditis in IV drug user
44. Lipid A with a Gram Negative bacteria
32. most common type of Streptococcus Viridian (α-
polysaccharide core is in
endocarditis hemolytic strep)
which organism?
45. Gram negative bacteria have lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
Acute Endocarditis= Staph
46. Gram positive bacteria have teichoic acids

Subacute Endocarditis (which 47. N-Muramic acid is part of Bacterial Cell Wall
is more common)= Strep
Viridans -It occurs naturally as N-
acetylmuramic acid in
33. Which of the following infective endocarditis
disease has janeway lesions
-Function is a structural
34. Which toxin produces Erythrotoxin (erythrogenic component of bacterial cell
scarlet fever exotoxin). Rash for scarlett walls. Chlamydia has none.
fever= erythrogenic toxin of
48. Glycan binds what in D-alanine
groupA Beta Hemolytic S.
bacterial cell wall
49. Rickettsia is a Typhus
35. strep mutans produces dextran, which is
glucose linked in ALPHA 1,6 50. Rickettsia diseases are Endothelial cells of
linkage destructive for/target? capillaries
-Rickettsia are small, gram (-),
36. what enzyme do oral Glucosyltransferase
aerobic coccobacillary
bacteria use to create
dextran and participates in
bacterial aggregation on 51. Which one needs arthropods rickettsia except cox burnetii
teeth? vector (insects) or fleas?

37. What enzyme primarily Glucosyltransferase (dextran 52. Weil Felix test is used for? Test for Rickettsia infections
breaks down sucrose? sucrase) 53. Which is not from an Q Fever, Cox Burnetii
38. streptococcus breaks down Glucose+ Fructose. insect/flea bite?
sucrose into what 54. Etiology of Q fever Coxiella burnetii (can be in
products? Glucans-> salivary gland) also CMV
Dextrans+Mutans+Levans can be in salivary gland as
39. Dextrans for polymers of? Glucose well
55. The toxin of the gas (C. perfringens)
-Dextrans + Mutans are gangrene organism has what Lipase lecithinase
polymers of Glucose kind of the enzymatic
-Levans are polymers of activity?
56. Clostridium tetani are all of Gram-positive, anaerobic,
40. How are glucose and Dextrans and Levans the following: spores, rod-shaped
fructose associated with
57. MOA of tetanus toxin Inhibition of NT release 71. How is Arbovirus Arthropods
(prevent release of transmitted? -acryonym: ARthropod-
GABA and Glycine) BOrne virus
72. which virus doesnt have Rhinovirus & Poliovirus
GABA opens post
latent phase
synaptic K channels
73. Which do establish a latent EBV, HSV 1&2, VZV, CMV
58. Over-treating with antibiotics, C. pseudomembranous
infection? (all herpesvirus) HEH CV
difficile, would show? colitis
74. Herpes virus is the only virus host nuclear membrane
*clostridium difficile that gets its cell wall from?
causes diarrhea and herpes virus+ dsDNA,
intestinal colitis. enveloped, nuclear
CLINDAMYCIN membrane, icosahedral
nucleocapsid, establishes
59. Spore forming bacteria Clostridium and
latent infection
75. cytomegalovirus are herpesviridae
60. What ion is related to spores? Calcium dipicolinic
associated with salivary
(heat resistance of the
glands (TORCHES) EBV and
Varicella zoster are members
61. Myobacterium tuberculosis has Tb test-hypersensitivity of
mycolic acid that block antibiotics
76. EBV can cause ...
from penetrating.
77. what happens with primary Primary herpetic
62. Legionnaires pneumophila is air-conditioning
exposure to HSV1 gingivostomatitis
mainly found in systems. (prefer
aerosolized water) 78. what virus can cause chicken varicella zoster virus (VZV)
63. An infection of the epithelial Trachoma due to
cells of the eye that can Chlamydia trachomatis 79. Epstein barr virus is related burkitts lymphoma
sometimes enter back into the to
nasopharynx? 80. what causes influenza to antigenic capsule (gene
64. blindness results from Chlamydia trachomatis change from year to year reassortment)
(trachoma and adult
inclusion conjunctivitis) Influenza virus is an
orthomyxovirus with outer
65. most common cause of non- Chlamydia
envelope has spikes (H and
gonococcal urethritis
N) for attachment to host
66. Bacillary dysentry (shigellosis) is caused by shigella cells.
-Tx with amantadine-->
67. which produces these toxins: Bacillus anthracis
inhibits viral attachment and
protective antigen PA, edema (causes anthrax)
factor EF, and lethal factor LF??
68. Treponema pallidum bacteria Dark field microscopy. -The main mode of
(causes syphillis) prevention is the vaccine
syphillis causes oral which consists of killed
hard chancre, not influenza A and B virus
painful, use
81. What are the virulence endotoxin LPS (gram
wassermann test
factors of Neisseria negative)
69. Hutchinson's teeth notched or pegged meningitis?
teeth. is a sign of WATERHOUSE
congenital syphillis FRIDERISCHEN SYNDROME
70. what protozoa are spread in cat Toxoplasma gondii 82. Which is not associated with Enterovirus (ex. Picornavirus)
feces N meningitis
83. What disease causing H. influenza, streptococcus, c 97. What don't you penicillin only works on growing cells,
agents have a neoforman treat patients erythromycin inhibits growth of bacteria
polysaccharide with penicillin &
capsule?? remember: Even Some Super Killers erythromycin?
Have Pretty Nice Capsuels
98. Which one is suicide inhibitor of thymidylate synthase
the mechanism
e coli, s. pneumonia, salmonella, K.
of action of -Fluorouracil is a pyrimidine analog, anti
pneumonia, H. influenza, P.
Fluorouracil? neoplastic, interfers w/DNA synthesis by
aeruginosa, N. menengitis, c
blocking thymidylate synthetase
conversion of deoxyuridylic acid to
84. Rubella can be transferred from mother to thymidylic acid.
fetus and is associated with
99. Naproxen NSAID. Reversible COX blocker. that is
congenital abnormalities
(Aleve) more potent than aspirin.
85. Teratogens: Agents that damage the process of
100. what Aspirin
Remember TORCHES
blocks -Aspirin irreversibly inhibits
toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, herpes
prostaglandins cyclooxygenase (COX 1 &2) to decrease
simplex, syphillis
formation of precursor for Thromboxane
86. Measles (Rubeola) paramyxoviruses A2 (a platelet aggregator that is released
and mumps belong by blood platelets) & prostaglandins
to which group of mumps can cause parotisis and
101. Lab test for Prothrombin test (increases)
virus: sometimes in adults, orchitis
(inflammation of testes)
Warfarin = anticoagulant, inhibits vitamin
87. Koplik's spots are measles (ssRNA paramyxovirus, K reductase affecting extrinsic pathways &
associated with ___ transmitted by respiratory droplet) prothrombin conversion so ↑ Prothrombin
Time (normal PPT & bleeding time)
88. Hepatitis B virion Dane particle
89. What has the longest Hepatitis B *HAEMOPHILIA has increased PPT
incubation period
102. Sulfonamides PABA to inhibit folic acid synthesis.
90. Hepatitis C Virus Is an RNA virus and is blood-borne compete with therefore cannot make purines or
(HCV) (ssRNA, flavivirus) which molecule pyrimidines
91. What version of hepatitis B and C in their
hepatitis is chronic? mechanism of
92. MOA of amoxicillin Disrupts cell wall & inhibits cross-
linking between peptidoglycan 103. sulfonamides purine and pyrimidine synthesis
chains for gram (+)/(-) block
93. EBV can cause Burkitts lymphoma, nasopharyngeal
and block what
carcinoma, B-cell lymphoma, hairy
leukoplakia, infectious 104. Detergent kills interfering with the function of cell
mononucleosis bacteria by membrane (destroy fatty cell parts)

94. Why doesn't Ergosterol (fungi have in cell wall 105. MOA of digoxin inhibition of Na/K ATPase that causes an
Amphotericin B work forming transmembrane channels, increase in intracellular Na levels
against bacteria? bacteria don't) 106. What Ciprofloxacin ( a Fluoroquinolone)
95. polygene anti fungal specific to fungus because it attacks medication is a
the sterol (in cell membrane) that are DNA gyrase Fluoroquinolone end in -oxacins
present in fungi but not bacteria inhibitor

96. Aminoglycosides bind 30S ribosome and inhibit mRNA 107. MOA of Inhibits 50s ribosome
translation (protein synthesis, clindamycin
bactericidal) 108. Main side effect pseudomembranous colitis (diarrhea)
of clindamycin
109. Rifampin works as a RNA synthesis inhibitor. Tx of TB. 120. Serous demilunes Sublingual gland
are in which
inhibits DNA-dependent RNA gland? -Serous demilunes are the serous cells
polymerase, which stops mRNA at the distal end of mucous
transcription tubuloalveolar secretory unit of
sublingual salivary glands. They
110. Whatis the most common DTP (diphteria, tetanus, pertusis)
secrete the proteins that contain
bacteria vaccine given in
lysozyme, which degrades the bacteria
the US?
cell walls.
111. Bordertella pertussis Killed vaccine
121. What type of cells serous cells
(whooping cough)
make up the
vaccine is?
demilunes of
112. Live attenuated vaccines is an active immunity. mucous something
of sublingual
polio vaccines: sabin glands?
(oral,attenuates,alive) vs salK
122. What is not Salivary glands & enamel
(injection of killed bacteria)
derived from
113. Antibiotic used for ceftriaxone Neural Crest?
meningitis caused by
123. Epithelium of simple columnar epithelium
Haemophilus influenza
striated ducts of
114. MOA of viagra inhibits cGMP-specific salivary ducts?
phoshodiesterase type 5 (PDE-
124. What parotid serous gland and intercalated ducts
5), which regulates blood flow
salivary glands
into the penis
115. All will depress General anesthesia, NO, cocaine pancreatic ductal
respiration cells?
116. Beginning of SALIVA salivary cells reabsorb Na and 125. which salivary striated duct cell
questions Cl in exchange for K and HCO3 gland cell is more
like proximal
Why is saliva hypotonic? -saliva is hyposmolar bc convuluted tubule
reabsorption of water by in the kidney
striated duct cells is less than
126. What is the parotid FEAR :
reabsorption of Na+
gland? - Facial N.
117. What nerve innervates CN 7 - External Carotid A.
the salivary glands of the - Auriculotemporal N.
palate? - Retromandibular V
118. Which salivary glands are Palatine salivary gland (in the 127. Parotid gland duct ...
only mucus secreting submucosa) (stensons duct )
pierces the
-Only serous glands are: Von buccinator muscle
Ebner's & parotid gland and is located
119. How would the parotid parotid=serous, more near maxillary 1st
differ from sublingual eosinophilic while molar
(staining/histology) or sublingual=pale stained due to 128. All of the primary Calcium
mucous/serous gland: mucus, bubbly appearance ions are in saliva
(foamy dark nuclei) except
129. SUGAR AND INSULIN insulin 143. What enzymes produce Pyruvate Carboxylase
QUESTIONS: oxaloacetate (pyruvate oxaloacetate)
144. What is the main source of glucose to pyruvate
what hormone stores
glucose in adipose
tissue 145. Where is liver
130. decreased insulin will increased gluconeogenesis
result in
146. LUNGS AND BLOOD air inspired durin normal
131. what is tyrosine
QUESTIONS relaxed breathing
phosphorylated in an
insulin receptor
Tidal Volume
132. What needs a protein Glucose via GLUT 4
147. IRV (inspiratory reserve the amount of air you can
transporter to cross
volume) inspire above your normal
the cell membrane?
tidal volume
133. Glucagon signals cAMP (intercellular 2nd
148. ERV (expiratory reserve the max amount of air that
through messenger).Glucagon receptor is a
volume) can be exhaled at the end of
7-transmembrane receptor coupled
tidal expiration
to a G-protein + cAMP
149. RV (residual volume) amount of air remaining in
134. glucagon and Glycogenolysis +
the lungs after a forced
epinephrine both GLUCEONEOGENESIS
have in common
150. TLC (total lung capacity) maximum volume of air that
135. oxidative pyruvate dehydrogenase
lungs can contain (6.0L)
occurs in what 151. IC (inspiratory capacity) max air inspired IRV + TV
enzyme 152. FRC (functional residual amount of air in lungs after a
136. what enzyme is used pyruvate decarboxylase capacity) normal exhalation. ERV+RV
for decarboxylation 153. VC (vital capacity) TV + IRV + ERV
137. rate limiting enzyme phosphofructokinase PFK 154. Penicillin resistance comes Beta-lactamase (s. aureus)
of glycolysis from bacteria that contain
138. Glucose-6- is not found in muscles what enzyme
139. Glucose is hexokinase
sequestered by which
140. what is NOT true They have same Km
regarding hexokinase
and glucokinase? False because glucokinase has
higher Km, more affinity to enzyme

*glucokinase is an isoform of
hexokinase found only in the liver
and only uses substrate glucose
141. UTP-Glucose reacts Glucose-1-Phosphatase (G1P)
with which of the
following in glycogen
142. What steps restore Malate, malate dehydrogenase
oxaloacetate in TCA?

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