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School: Teacher:

School year: 2016/2017

GLOBAL PLAN – English language

Textbook: English is fun 2 Class: 4th

Month No. of Topics Notes


Grammar: Vocabulary
and skills:
Unit 1-Hello Again! Present Simple to be Telling age
Demonstratives this/ Numbers 0-20
- The English Alphabet
These Toys
- Hello Again! Interrogative who The English
8 - She and he Possessives my/his/her/your Alphabet
- My friends and I The plural of nouns Colours
- My favourite things Personal pronouns Adjectives
- These are our favourite colours Yes/no questions
Contracted forms it’s/

Grammar: Vocabulary
Unit 1-Hello Again! and skills:
Unit 2- School Days Interrogative what Classroom
-These are our favourite colours Questions with how many objects
Demonstratives this/that/ Colours
-What have they got these
9 -In the classroom have got/has got
-Maggie’s classroom Interrogative where
-School subjects Possessive adjectives your/
Saxon Genitive
Prepositions on/under/in
Capital letters

Grammar: Vocabulary

21st November (Monday) is a

Unit 2-School Days and skills:
Unit 3-Everyday life Present Simple- School subjects

Public Holiday
-School timetable affirmative Adjectives-opposites
Present Continuous–
-Old school and new school affirmative Days of the week
8 -When do you get up? Wh-questions Telling time
-At the table

Grammar: Vocabulary
and skills:
Unit 3- Everyday Life Present Continuous Tense Meals
-What are they doing can and can’t Adjectives hungry/
8 -Who likes animals? Likes and dislikes Animals
-Merry Christmas Everyday activities
-Let’s play in the snow Holidays- Holiday
Grammar: Vocabulary

Spring term starts on 23rd

Unit 4- At Home and skills:
-The Kecman family home There is/There are
-In the living room Modal can Rooms

-In the kitchen Imperative Furniture
Present Simple Tense- Kitchen objects
-In the garage
3/8 -Sunday evening
negative and interrogative Numbers 0-100
Present Continuous Tense
-Numbers Adverbs of time: today,
tomorrow, now

Grammar: Vocabulary
and skills:
Unit 5- Family Life
-This is my family
9 Saxon Genitive Family members
-My cousins from the USA Possessive their Adjectives-opposites
-Milica’s birthday Present Continuous Happy birthday
-An e-mail to my cousin Writing and e-mail

Grammar: Vocabulary

17th April is Easter

Unit 5- Family Life and skills:

-My dad’s a doctor Present Simple negative/ My body
-My cousin writes back interrogative Sports and
5 Present Continuous everyday activities
interrogative Seasons

Grammar: Vocabulary

-International Workers'
Days (Monday and
Unit 6-The World Around and skills:

1st and 2nd May

Us There is/There are My town
-A beautiful town Prepositions next to/ Important places
in front of/behind and buildings in
- What is your address? Present Continuous Tense a town
9 -At the zoo Telling address
-A field trip Wild animals

Test 1

Grammar: Vocabulary
Unit 6- Different and skills:
Countries, Different People Articles Places in London
-London Many/much Places in Washington
6 Present Simple International cuisine
-At a Chinese restaurant Prepositions My hometown
-My hometown Writing: My hometown

Teacher: Date: _______________________________

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