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Cust: Hello, Good afternoon

Workers: Hello, Raw Spice Bar. May I help you?
Cust: I'm calling to response to the email I receive due to my cancellation on a
reservation I made earlier.
Workers: May I know your name mrs and the the order ID?
Cust: My name is Laura, the order ID is 473.
Workers: okay I see your reservation. May I know the reason why you cancel the
reservation mrs?
Cust: right now I am jobless as I have been fired from my company due to the Covid
19 pendemic. My company cannot afford to pay salaries as they receive zero
income. So I don’t have a stable income to subscribe your product.
Workers: Oh I see mrs. I’m sorry to hear that.
Cust: It is okay, I am fine.
Workers: okay miss, before we end this conversation, may I share about our
promotion for you?
Cust: Yes I love to hear that.
Workers: It is about our quarterly subscription that we already mention in the email. If
you interest to resubscribe, you can use code FALL15 for $15 dollar off you first fall
spice kit.
Cust: I’m sure I’ll subscribe when everything is good later.
Workers: Okay thank you for your time Mrs laura.
Cust: Okay Welcome

Dear Tom,
Thank you for your concern regarding this issue. First of all, I am apologise for my
behaviour that has caused inconvenience to Mr. Albertsons and could affect our
business. I do believe everything that has happen was just misunderstanding
between him and me.
Last week, we both had a meeting at our office at Bangsar. At first everything went
well. Then, I have expressed my ideas to help him grow his business, which in turn
will benefit us also as a partner. Everything I said has been

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