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“Las pequeñas virtudes conducen a las grandes virtudes” Madre Eduviges Portalet, Sierva de Dios

ÁREA Inglés DOCENTE Manuel Grados Medrano Calificación

DURACIÓN 45’ FECHA 09/06/2020
ESTUDIANTE Camila Bellido Diaz Nº 1
Escribe diversos tipos de textos en
Competencia: inglés como lengua extranjera Capacidad Adecúa el texto en inglés a la situación comunicativa

Desempeño Adecúa el texto que escribe en inglés a la situación comunicativa considerando el tipo textual, algunas características
precisado: del género discursivo, el formato, el soporte y el propósito.
Cualitativa del

 Think of an expample of each of these things

2. My favorite movie is Suicide Squad, because it's an action movie with my favorite
3. Well, I don't like thrillers very much, because I don't like suspense, I avoid watching
4. I didn't hear it, I lived it, and it was that when I helped my mother prepare some
cupcakes, instead of passing her baking powder I passed her impalpable sugar and in
the end the cupcakes never inflated and she got angry with me too.

 Read the article and answer the questions

1. He said that in all cultures around the world, the most important story is told generation
after generation, almost always the stories are about natural disasters, storms, earthquakes,
etc. Each culture has its own history.

2. He says that stories are not only entertaining, but that good stories hold us emotionally,
give us something to think about and contain messages that may be useful in the future.

3. He said that the story he created was not to entertain his friends but to give us a lesson.

4. He says that the stories over the years have always been important, since the important
stories have passed from generation to generation to leave us a teaching from which to

5. To keep the reader engaged in a story, you must have something that captures people's
attention, something that leaves you wondering.

6. Stories are important because they leave us a lesson to learn from, it is also a fact that if it
has happened and the stories are like a warning

 Answer this questions

1. Personally, since I was a little girl, I have always been interested in action stories where
there are wars and I am more interested in those of super heroes, villains or from
outer space. For example, I love all Marvel movies, all of which I don't like at all.
2. Yes, my grandfather, when he went to Majes, told me that in Huancarqui when he was
a child there were witches and everyone started blaming them for the disappearances
of the newborns.

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