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Learning Objectives :

1. To show how Technologies come up in an organization

2. Good integration is important in order for an organization to thrive

3. How listening to group members and the interactional design of an office space

and meetings are important.

With the look at some cutting edge thinking about the social
and material factors that shape our experiences with
technology. The technology we use is material. Physical things
that sit on our desks or we keep in our pockets, and separate
from the social aspects of our lives. Language, meaning,
personalities, culture and all the intricacies of human

Group Interaction :
Things we take for granted, until something goes wrong. First
and foremost, is the issue of compatibility. One of the main
sources of complication and frustration when groups utilize
technology. Similarly, groups need to consider the issue of
optimization when they utilize technology. Even when things
are technically compatible, it may not be optimal to access
various files or run different programs on certain kinds of
devices. The key issue here is understanding how people will
actually use the technology your group incorporates.

1/ Measuring Productivity :
This is especially relevant for
larger groups or groups that bring together people from
different departments, units, agencies, or organizations where
not everyone has the same goals or interests and people are
concerned about their reputations in relation to expressing
certain ideas. Anonymity can help overcome social barriers of
status, ego, and power that can hinder productive group

2/ Synchronicity :
All of us fall somewhere on this technology
temperament spectrum. Perhaps you've heard of the terms
digital natives and digital immigrants which are relevant to
this issue. Digital natives are people who grew up with our
modern Internet landscape and don't have much of a reference
for how work and social life are conducted without digital
technologies. Wi-Fi has always been part of their lives.
Everyone they know has multiple devices and an online profile
and e-mail seems old fashioned. Now, conversely, other people
have immigrated to our modern Internet landscape. They
remember a time when technology simply wasn't as prevalent and
many of the devices and applications that digital natives take
for granted still seem relatively new. Chances are, you'll
have both digital natives and digital immigrants in many of
the groups you're involved with, in both professional and
civic contexts.

Supplemental Materials

We can use technologies via Webinar, Video conference or face

to face.

1/ Webinar : A webinars is an engaging online event where a speaker, or small group of

speakers, deliver a presentation to a large audience who participate by submitting questions,
responding to polls and using other available interactive tools.

2/Face to face :

1. On the day of GD, dress in comfortable clothes clothes that are simply you.

2. Be confident but avoid being over confident.

3. Talk sense. ...
4. Listen carefully and speak only at the appropriate time.

5. Be very sure of what you are speaking.

6. Use easy-to-understand English.

7. Speak loudly and clearly.

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